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Posts posted by Wittywitty

  1. Normally Thai people teach about 10+ hours per week. I know a foriegn teacher who teaches 20 hours per week. I do only 3 because I do other work that involves travelling around inside and outside the country. So when I am gone for a week, it won't cause too much troubles to students. However we all get paid the same.

  2. The popularity of sports depends on where you are.

    I think young kids play cricket in some posh international school in Thailand. Thai people know and play tra-kraw which I think is popular only in southeast asia. It is taught in every school and I also learned and played it, hahaha.

  3. "fan" is a neutral word for romantic partners that can be male or female.

    "sow" means female so "fan sow" is female romantic partner, i.e. girlfriend.

    "sow pra ped song" refers to ladyboys. "pra ped" means "type". "song" means "two". "Sow pra pred song" literally means "girl type 2", lol.

    I don't think a ladyboy partner is called "boyfriend".

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