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Posts posted by TommoPhysicist

  1. So many men with an opinion on dating a Thai man, they must be gay if they are so knowledgeable I would think otherwise they can have no idea except third hand knowledge.

    My pal is a Thai man who lives off Thai women, he would be considered a gigolo by western standards.

    I've spoken with him a lot, and seen him operate (we go out together sometimes). He is very good at extracting money from Thai ladies.

    I'm guessing here, but would bet I know him better than the women he sleeps with. Cos if they really knew him, they wouldn't be sleeping with him.

    I don't think women understand men all that much. But men do.

    I don't think men understand women much, don't have a clue if they understand each other either.

    But I do understand my Thai pal, all gifts of money, gold and booze gratefully accepted.

    yes you sound very close.

    I think she's been reduced to insinuating that you're having a homosexual relationship with him, TP. sad.png

    Much better than actually discussing points made, I think you'll find. biggrin.png

    I have nothing against homosexuals, nor would hinting that I had homosexual relationships upset me.

    I have no problems with a person's sexual orientation.

    Gay is good, straight is good ....... and anything in-between ...... up to you.

  2. Is also the wrong answer! Anyone seriously interested in an answer to the health issues associated with PM2.5 is advised to google the subject and seek independant testimony rather than listen to the current exchange which I agree is somewhat pointless and boring.

    You link to wiki shows your level of expertise, anyone with the slightest credibility would be linking to peer reviewed scientific studies.

    I agree your scare tactics to push forward a personal agenda are both pointless and boring.

  3. I have no idea what the lag time is between breathing PM2.5 concentrations and devloping cancer. But I do know that the lag time between inhaling PM2.5 and developing coronary artery disease is a period of under five years. I also know that same lag period when applied to brochitis is measured in days.

    CHD mainly happens to obese people with high blood pressure and an unhealthy lifestyle.

    It's not a problem for normal healthy people (as I already stated).

    Same for bronchitis.

    If you are a fat, diabetic, beer swilling smoker who never exercises ...... CM is not the place to be in smoky season.

    • Like 1
  4. Lunch at the restaurant over the ATMs is nice and at a very reasonable price.

    You might also like to try Bo Sang.

  5. Sorry for my ignorant post but how bad is pm10 of 200+ can anyone put it into a nice perspective

    I can see why this would affect the young, elderly and those with respiratory issues but for the young healthy adult, I don't see this as being any critical than a few days of second hand smoke or is it worse?

    Should I be locking myself indoors with all entry points sealed?

    It's not a problem for normally healthy people.

    Okay since I'm in that group, I would literally need to run a marathon everyday for a whole year to be considered a cancer risk correct?

    A few days of leisurely outdoor walking is not considered a cancer risk correct? Some of the post hear scare me so I was just making sure.

    If you are 5, it may increase your risk of cancer when you are 50.

    If you are 55, it may increase your risk of cancer at age 110.

    I'm not all that concerned at the prospect of having increased cancer risk at 110 ....... I don't expect to be around then.

  6. Sorry for my ignorant post but how bad is pm10 of 200+ can anyone put it into a nice perspective

    I can see why this would affect the young, elderly and those with respiratory issues but for the young healthy adult, I don't see this as being any critical than a few days of second hand smoke or is it worse?

    Should I be locking myself indoors with all entry points sealed?

    It's not a problem for normally healthy people.

  7. The question is not 'Do you hate Thailand?', it is 'Does Thailand hate you'?

    Deeeeeeep, man.

    That is actually a very good question thumbsup.gif Because most Thais from the lowest on the social ladder to the socalled hi-so's have a build in contemt for anything not THAI. Wonder how many farang husbands here really know, what their Thai partner is thinking of them?? w00t.gif

    I wonder how many MEN really know what their female partner thinks of them.

    I lived with a woman in the UK for 25 years, then discovered I didn't have a clue!

    • Like 1
  8. So many men with an opinion on dating a Thai man, they must be gay if they are so knowledgeable I would think otherwise they can have no idea except third hand knowledge.

    My pal is a Thai man who lives off Thai women, he would be considered a gigolo by western standards.

    I've spoken with him a lot, and seen him operate (we go out together sometimes). He is very good at extracting money from Thai ladies.

    I'm guessing here, but would bet I know him better than the women he sleeps with. Cos if they really knew him, they wouldn't be sleeping with him.

    I don't think women understand men all that much. But men do.

    I don't think men understand women much, don't have a clue if they understand each other either.

    But I do understand my Thai pal, all gifts of money, gold and booze gratefully accepted.

  9. Pay half the bill on your first date ...

    I don't recommend this, decent Thai guys won't let his ladies to pay bills, absolutely not on the first date. By paying the bills on the first encounter will embarrass him, he needs to show his girl that he's a gentleman and can take care of all these. If he happens to be less well off, he won't ask you out until he has enough money to pay all the bills.

    Subsequent dates he may allow his lady to pay some of the expenses. However, I don't think paying 50-50 is ideal in Thai society. If you're a guy or in a higher social position, you should pay more than the others.

    From what I've seen, most wealthy older Thai ladies dating younger attractive Thai guys pass the guys the money under the table.

  10. I would never have wanted to eat alone in my room,

    I don't think anyone, anywhere wants to eat 'alone in their room' every night.

    Perhaps most people who hate Thailand live in a 'room'. Certainly not a dig at you TBL, but I think Thailand takes some money to enjoy. Living in any country away from home, alone in a room, probably isn't going to breed happiness, unless one is getting sex for the first time ever.

    I think that having a nice place to live is very important to one's life. If living alone in a Condo then at least a nicely decked out 60sqm one bedroom with nice kitchen and living room, with gym and pool is important. Remember, you're not only renting the condo, you're also renting the quality of your neighbours.

    Hmmmmm, sorry, but I disagree with you. Many farangs that live in LOS can not afford more than a room, even if it is a Thai style "apartment ( one large room with a balcony to cook on ).

    One of the reasons that I wanted to live here, when I was working in London ( where I could only afford a room, along with thousands of workers ) was to be able to afford to live a life outside of my accomodation. So my accomodation was of little concern. Now that I'm married, that has changed, of course.

    Actually, Thailand takes very little money to live in, as long as one does not think accomodation is more important than what one does.

    BTW, unless one does it very badly, sex is just as enjoyable the 1,000th time as the first smile.png

    Back in the UK eating alone in my house was often my only option. Going out was expensive, two or three times a week was my limit.

    Here in Thailand I can eat out almost every meal, and it doesn't cost much more than eating at home.

    Back in the UK, not much option for outdoor living, weather too wet and too cold.

    Here in Thailand, you can sit outside every day, nice, nice, nice.

    Back in the UK, sex was not an option (with a partner I wanted to have sex with).

    Here in Thailand ...............

    Sorry bit of an off topic rant on why I love Thailand, when I should have been giving reasons of why I hate Thailand .............. but couldn't think of any.

    • Like 1
  11. My racial stereotyping has suffered a few blows since moving to Thailand.

    Met loads of Russians, most of them are Asian, not white Euros as portrayed by western media.

    Met loads of Chinese, most tall and slim with very white skin, not squat and yellow as portrayed by western media.

    Beginning to think what the Tv and Movies showed me in my home country is not reality.

  12. The secret of dating a Thai guy is to be a Thai woman.

    I can't see that western people (male or female) have much to offer to Thai partners, apart from an enhanced lifestyle.

    Better for most to choose someone from their own culture and speaking their own language as a partner.

  13. Ummm shorter term loans have higher payments duh. The house is collateral yes but if a bank gets stuck with it and has to eat any depreciation or damage repairs or a second mortgage then yes there is a reason for insurance. In my home country you wont get a loan without insurance, in fact they will force it on your payment. And I damn sure dont want my wife or kids to be burdened with a house payment she cant make because i was too cheap to pay 80k for the protection and security it provides them if i die. But then most farangs i have known in thailand dont give a shit about anything but themselves.

    It protects me as she is the wage earner and the loan is offered on her salary. If I die, she gets nothing.

  14. Krung Sri homeloan uses MRL: http://www.krungsri.com/en/consumer-detail.aspx?did=130&tid=2⊂=true

    SCB: http://www.scb.co.th/en/personal-banking/loans/home-loan/housing-loans

    Fixed or floating Interest rate based on MLR.

    I also have a Krung Thai loan that is on MLR.

    MRR is about 1% higher than MLR.

    Is your loan at the MLR or discounted.

    We are offered 4.5% first year, MRR -1% for 2 years, MRR -1.25% for the rest.

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