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Posts posted by LeftCoaster

  1. AST multi vitamin: Cause i eat an extremely basic diet and would certainly be deficient in one aspect, even if i noticed it or not.

    Optimum chocolate toffee protein: Cause consuming 200g of protein via solid food is a pain in ass and stomach.

    AI sport BCAAs: Supposed to promote recoverey and all that but i use it mainly to encourage drinking more water without added calories. 120 servings for 30$ and taste great with 2 scoops per 1.5liter bottle. 0 calories

    Allmax Razor 8: More energy then anything ive ever used. I prefer white flood but this is what i have currently.

    What is it that you prefer about White Flood over Razor 8? Thanks. Yeah..... guess I didn't read far enough before asking my question.....
  2. The money coming in cash! A friend will bring me the money in cash (USD). Do I need to do anything before? The money is a present for me, I can not prove how I made them.

    I would say you are a load of B/S

    In the sense that it is a gift perhaps but otherwise <deleted> right do you have or evidence for that

    matter to make such a stupid comment?

  3. Good on you! Sounds like you've got a good one. Wish you the best.

    I didn't pick up on whether you were getting married here or doing

    another Fiance visa....?

    As to the topic of Sinsod - have you discussed this with your beloved?

    What is her take on the matter seeing that those that had cared for her

    have passed?

  4. When you say scanner are you speaking of a device so you can do the work or a company that can do it for you?

    There are places in India that do a lot of that work and from what I hear are quite dependable. There is a company

    in NYC USA that offers the service but outsources it to their India division.

    The Nikon Coolscan 9000 is a good scanner (available used) but only does up to MF size negs/trans.

    There are labs (particularly in the West) that will scan anything you can throw at them but you do pay a premium.

  5. I've been here for about a year living on savings and various other things.

    Add in a local GF or GF's if that's your thing and the budget is broken

    quickly. Teaching is an option and I live nearly native (sold my iPad cause

    I needed aircon) lol so it's doable but get your ducks in a row educationally

    or you'll be headed home to work again for awhile so you can come back

    (which I may find myself doing soon).

    I have a mate that's an engineer in oil and gas and he lives a pretty

    nice life here and gets plenty of holidays. I wish I'd have been smarter

    when I was younger (like your age). But there's no saying you can't do

    this for awhile and then that for awhile. It's your life and you can make

    up or change some of the rules along the way.

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