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Posts posted by sarias

  1. The year of Miracle Thailand.

    Twice as many gun murders per year than the US and a population a quarter of the size.

    is this true? i guess you're saying per head of population?just interested,have you got figures and source?

    I think his facts are all up the <deleted>, but then who worries about accuracy anyway.....

    Yup. Prob'ly not.


  2. Have you called the original hospital in Nakhon Phanom ?

    They should know where they transfered him to (or at least the name and phone number of the ambulance company).

    We tried that but as he didn't have any ID on him they had no record of his being there. Lam has tried to call the emergency room to see if someone there might remember him there but they don't answer their phone either. It's not easy to figure this out if people don't answer their dam_n phones.

  3. Thank you David and John. Sorry for the delay, guys. We slept and are just waking up. My wife Lam called Saphasit last night but they didn't know if he's there. Apparently he didn't have his ID on him so they don't have him registered. His friend drove back to NP to get his ID but that was 12 hours ago and he's still not answering his phone. Maybe he's sleeping. It's a long drive.

    Anyway, my wife's brother's name is Sangma Raksamerwong. John, if you still wouldn't mind taking a look for us it would be greatly appreciated. I realise it is getting late there but the way things are going we may still be in this same situation tomorrow morning your time. Lam is going out of her head with worry, especially as we know his injuries were obviously serious enough to warrant transferring him 370km. Usually anything they can't handle in NP gets transferred to Sakon Nakhon.

  4. Yeah, I'd seen that wiki list. They tell us how many beds each hospital has but not their phone numbers. It finally dawned on me that we should just call the hospital in Nakhon Phanom and ask where they sent him. It turns out they never had him. And my brother-in-law's friend - who was with him when it happened and may or may not have told my mother-in-law that he went to Nakhon Phanom (SHE says he did...) - isn't answering his phone.

    After 24 hours neither his brother nor mother can tell us what hospital he's in! And they wonder why I wanted to put an ocean between us....smile.png

  5. Thank you all so much. Since there is really nothing we can do from here and my wife has finally fallen asleep I'll just leave this list by the bed for her. If her sources don't come through for her and call soon she at least has some numbers to call now.

    Within 6 months of our moving here (year and a half ago) both her father and aunt passed away. Now this.... It can be tough to be 7,000 miles from home on the best of days, really difficult at times like this. And a horrible, impotent feeling when there is a crisis in the family and she can't be there to help.

    Thanks again for helping out.

  6. Thanks. That was the only number we had already. He's not there. I can get a list on line here but that's the only one with a number listed. We're really frightened for him because he was originally moved from the local hospital to the 'big hospital' in Nakhon Phanom and then they sent him off again from there. Apparently no simple bump on the head.

  7. My wife's brother was just attacked by a group of <deleted> and beaten into a coma - taken from the hospital in Nakhon Phanom to one in Ubon Ratchathani and we don't know which one. We live in San Francisco and unfortunately the victim is the only member of her family with the wherewithal to deal with anything like this. No one can tell us what hospital he's in. I tried to access some hospital phone numbers on line from here but it's not possible. Can anyone here help us out with a list? THANK YOU!

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