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Posts posted by Dekchaimong

  1. As for ants, there are so many different species here and in general they are pretty harmless. The ones that seem to come into my place are those tinly little black ants, no more than 1mm or so, and they do nothing, they don't want to even come near you.

    Next up are the larger black ants, probably just over 1 cm, again, they don't seem to bite or want to be near you.

    Next on the scale is the Moet Deng or Moet Som, the red / Orange ants, these buggers will attack and can have a bit of a nasty sting if you get it in the eyes.

    But by far the most aggressive are the Moet Lin Fai - Fire ants, small and black, they tend to live in the soil and generally don't come inside your home.

    But be careful if you are planting anything, I was putting in some teak trees and scooping the loose earth out of the ground when I stuck my hands into a nest of these buggers! It was like 40, 000 volts

  2. i heard a thai can legally own a gun for self defense and if necessary shoot a burglar and that is legal

    of course ,if a farang shoots a thai burglar ,everything might be completely differnt wink.png

    check this with a laywer before you shoot anyone though !

    You are correct, A thai can legally own a gun for protection and can use deadly force if someone enters your home.

    I don't think (don't quote me though) that they even need to be armed.

    I know where we are the people are not exactly Hiso high class type of lawyers, but around here they seem to feel it is OK to shoot someone for entering your land at nigh (probably due to the rising thefts of pumps and equipment)

    I was told by a Thai cop that if you did shoot someone, throw the gun away and wash the powder residue off youir hands with petrol and that would probably be the end of it! (somehow - I think he missed out a sentence where you paid lots of money to him too)

  3. I know it's not sensible to just tell someone with a phobia to not be scared. That just isn't reasonable. But, one thing that I've shown others that helps is to actually embrace the creatures and take time to study them up close and personal in their own environment. Get a magnifying glass and study them and their living habits. Ants are one of the most amazing creatures on earth. There is almost an infinite variety of species, and each have separate habits. Read up on them and try to recognize as many species as you can. Even the poisonous creatures like scorpions and centipedes are fascinating, and venom carrying creatures like certain snakes can be studied af tairly close range if you don't frighten them. Just don't try to pick them up.


    These ants were tiny and only about 2 mm long. I had to put my camera within 4cm just to get this picture.


    My ex was terrified of spiders because she was from Australia that has a few very nasty ones like the funnel web, but I showed her how fascinating they were to a point where we had a few pet spiders in our home. We had a whole family of Black widow spiders living in the crawl space under our home.


    The same with a pet tarantula


    The huge Golden Orb is a beautiful spider and mostly harmless if left alone.


    In Thailand it's only the centipede that I wouldn't want around if I had children. Their body is really toxic and their bite is really nasty. Don't pick up a dead one with your bare hands. Don't touch any part of their body with your bare skin.


    Beg to differ with you on that Jakep - The Centipede - Their bodies are not toxic whatsoever, only their bite / sting.

    They have a mouth which can bite, but is not venemous - It can draw blood however, but under their mouth they have a pair of pincer like prongs which will inject a painfull venom.

    Depends I guess on their mood, I have had a couple of bites (from the mouth) and never had poison injected from the pincers, others I know have a had a full on multiple sting from the word go!

    Their is nothing toxic from their skins whatsoever - I caught a 10 inch one of these buggers and turned it over, snipped off the two venom pincers with a pair of pliers and had the thing crawling all over me for about a half hour just to scare the wife!

    She was screaming that it would kill me - I was like a lion tamer in her eyes, and she couldn't resist telling everyone that this thing didn't sting me!

    If you want to keep the creepy crawlies out of the house, you can buy a Chinese "Chalk Stick" that contains an insecticide, just scratch it all around the house, it will keep most things out. If I can remember the name I will tag a link, but if you go to even your smallest local shops, they generally keep a stock of it.

    I know it's not sensible to just tell someone with a phobia to not be scared. That just isn't reasonable. But, one thing that I've shown others that helps is to actually embrace the creatures and take time to study them up close and personal in their own environment. Get a magnifying glass and study them and their living habits. Ants are one of the most amazing creatures on earth. There is almost an infinite variety of species, and each have separate habits. Read up on them and try to recognize as many species as you can. Even the poisonous creatures like scorpions and centipedes are fascinating, and venom carrying creatures like certain snakes can be studied af tairly close range if you don't frighten them. Just don't try to pick them up.


    These ants were tiny and only about 2 mm long. I had to put my camera within 4cm just to get this picture.


    My ex was terrified of spiders because she was from Australia that has a few very nasty ones like the funnel web, but I showed her how fascinating they were to a point where we had a few pet spiders in our home. We had a whole family of Black widow spiders living in the crawl space under our home.


    The same with a pet tarantula


    The huge Golden Orb is a beautiful spider and mostly harmless if left alone.


    In Thailand it's only the centipede that I wouldn't want around if I had children. Their body is really toxic and their bite is really nasty. Don't pick up a dead one with your bare hands. Don't touch any part of their body with your bare skin.


    Beg to differ with you on that Jakep - The Centipede - Their bodies are not toxic whatsoever, only their bite / sting.

    They have a mouth which can bite, but is not venemous - It can draw blood however, but under their mouth they have a pair of pincer like prongs which will inject a painfull venom.

    Depends I guess on their mood, I have had a couple of bites (from the mouth) and never had poison injected from the pincers, others I know have a had a full on multiple sting from the word go!

    Their is nothing toxic from their skins whatsoever - I caught a 10 inch one of these buggers and turned it over, snipped off the two venom pincers with a pair of pliers and had the thing crawling all over me for about a half hour just to scare the wife!

    She was screaming that it would kill me - I was like a lion tamer in her eyes, and she couldn't resist telling everyone that this thing didn't sting me!

    If you want to keep the creepy crawlies out of the house, you can buy a Chinese "Chalk Stick" that contains an insecticide, just scratch it all around the house, it will keep most things out. If I can remember the name I will tag a link, but if you go to even your smallest local shops, they generally keep a stock of it.

    Here are a few of the centipedes that came out when it rained - bare in mind the tiles are 12" x 12" and these have all been cut in half - there is no poison from their bodies (skin / skelton/shell) at all.


  4. That's a lot of money. Why not pay some cheap labor to remove the pirated branding and resell as generic for charity?

    I agree, simply burning it and destroying it is ridiculous, surely the clothing could have been recycled and given out to the poorer people in the North to prevent them dying from the cold next winter!

    But as usual, Thais are only ever in this world at the precise moment in time, their is no thought for the future, no idea of consequence on an action - next year they will be whining on for donations of blankets to save the poor people in the freezing North.

    3rd world nation of fools!

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  5. Great!!! Burn it all in public and contribute to environmental pollution to set an example, which then will cause no change whatsoever!!! Last time I checked burning stuff in public was illegal. They've got major air pollution problems up north stemming from people clearing vegetation and here they burn plastic!!! Pathetic!!!

    EXACTLY - Lunatics of the first order!

  6. Just look at the first photo - There are supposed to be 79000+ items being incinerated at the value of 182 million Baht!

    So as an average, that is 2300 Baht per item - there looks to be 50000 pieces of raggy rubbish and tat under the bulldozer, then the idiot with the giant hammer "Thor" no doubt, appears to have about 1000 Bahts worth of tat watches and other assorted crap. These people are just liars and conmen, you couldn't find quality like this in Billy Smarts Circus!

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