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Posts posted by GettingOlder

  1. I like to share a couple incidents at the Ford DELETED branch, leading to our concluding that next time we will go to Chonburi or Rayong branch instead.

    Soon one year ago we moved from Chiang Mai to Bang Saray, and our Fiesta and Focus cars, both having served us well without too many problems and receiving acceptable service at the local Ford centre. Both cars have now been a couple of times at the Pattaya branch for service/repair. I like to describe some incidents that make us change service location, in hope of finding better service.

    1. The Focus, while close to the expiry of the general 2 year warranty, started having occasional fall out of the wheel sensor used for ABS, City stop and Hill assist functions. It went on//off with around 25% off time when I took it to the service centre and requested repair under warranty. The electrician located which of the 4 sensors was fault sensor, but Ford said that currently it worked well - which as correct, as it was 3 days ago it failed last time. As related to safety I insisted it to be changed and I thought we made an agreement that they would order the part and call me it when arrived to the centre as they could not on the spot tell when it would arrive so could not book a new time slot. I waited 2 weeks in vain for them to call and finally I went there (very difficult to discuss on phone) where they told me that they could not order a new part under warranty since the sensor was working.

    So there I was - they did not have the guts to tell me their stand point face-to-face the first time and I would have had to sue them to get acceptance for the claim. Since then, now warranty expired, the fault pattern has "stabilized" so after cold starting the car the sensor failure consistently begins 6-7 km later and lasts until the car gets cold gain. But will not be replaced byDELETED branch...

    2. After having lent out the Fiesta for a while it could not start. It was towed from the friends location to Ford and they trouble-shooted and told the alternator was dead. So we got that changed. After getting it back the car could only stand still for 5-6 days until battery was so flat that the starter-motor could not start the engine. So we phoned around and got from Ford an "all included" price being 200 bht more expensive than the cheapest battery shop. Deciding that only 200 bht extra for an "official" spare part was acceptable we went there again. Yes, they confirmed that battery had to be changed, however no comment when we asked why the heck the battery status was not discovered 3 weeks earlier when the alternator was replaced. And when picking up the car it turned out this 'all include" price was excluding the 7% VAT, so eventually the battery was 400 bht more expensive (plus they needed the car 1/2 day while a battery normally can be replaced on the spot). Now I sit back with the question: Was the alternator really dead, or was is just the battery the whole time...

    3. After same lend out (not all family takes good care) the radio/CD did not work. Although light in the info screen only the welcome menu was shown when "on" the entertainment system - and a "CD not available" message popped up when pushing the CD reject button (although a CD was stuck inside player). We asked Ford also to look at that, and they told us that they would have to change the whole entertainment system. Price 7.5 kBht plus man hours.

    As I was pretty sure not much was wrong we declined this offer, but had to pay 1/2 hr service time. I asked what exactly had they inspected and they claimed they had opened the covers to get acces to the unit.

    To better understand the problem I myself took off the covers, and yes no doubt they had opened them. One of those plastic click-hinges was bended so was not in correct place, and a corner of the inner part main cover broken off so that particular "click" did not work so cover was not in fully correct location (tilted a bit). CD could turn well inside player and looked to be an electric, not mechanical problem.

    We thus took it to a local auto radio shop where the "electrician" (clearly self-educated) discovered that no power was supplied to the player. He suspected the fuse, and while I was reluctant baring in mind the Ford information, it turned out the fuse was burnt over. By replacing that with another 30 bht fuse the system worked well.

    Now, was the Ford service just poor - or did they actually speculate in scoring a good profit if we had accepted the whole replacement and they just had to replace a fuse?

    Besides from that Ford's original design of the fuse sections sucks, as why did the screen show some entertainment related messages while some other parts were disabled by the fuse...

    Maybe I have not fully got used to "TIT" yet, but I think the above incidents are not OK. So we like to avoid using Ford DELETED in the future - just cannot understand the service centre is full everyday. Hence, we like to hear other's experiences and especially if Rayon or Chonburi branch can be recommended its a bit far to Chiang Mai). All comments welcome - thanks !

  2. Yes, I can also confirm 15 kg gas price around 400 bht delivered as replacement flask.

    I dont intend to hijack the thread, but who has experience selling a used gas flask "back to shop" as we have switched over to an electric stove and dont need gas anymore.

    A few months ago we paid 2300 bht for a flask with gas and same shop offers only 700 bht taking the not even empty flask back. Counting 400 for the gas itself we thus paid 1900 bht for the flask. That 1200 bht difference is in my opinion a bit to steep profit, so we declined selling it (until further)...

    Any ideas how to get rid of the flask is welcome - anybody near Jomtien/Pattaya area needs a backup? Can include that top mounted device (kind of pressure reduction valve) if of interest...

  3. Thank you again for good advices - I now think I fully understand the RCD function.

    So now I

    1) disconnected the Neutral wire going from Main 50A breaker outlet to Neutral Bus bar, and moved that wire to connect between RCD outlet and Bus bar.

    2) disconnected the Live feeding of the 6 MCBs from the Main breaker and instead feed them from the RCD outlet.

    Now no RCD tripping !

    Then I wondered if this existing 40A RCD actually is sufficient to pull most of the appliances in the house, as in that case no need to install another one in parallel with it. So I had the oven, the electric cooker hood, microwave, hot water maker, vacuum cleaner and 1 aircon running at same time which should be in neighborhood of 10 kW. No fall out of either Main breaker or individual MCBs and no RCD tripping although I dont know how the RCD should behave if pulling more than the rated 40A through it.

    So now this is my configuration, and I even save those 1700 bht for another RCD. The proper grounding is still pending but will be looked at at a later stage... A lot of other things to attend to in this newly bought 5 years old house - as unfortunately Thai built.

    Thank you all thumbsup.gif

  4. Hi GB2,

    I also congrat you for the nice and for many of us important info. I myself recently moved to Bang Saray, Sattahip, and considering installing solar power, but I want it to supply energy in case of grid power failure which happens quite often here. And would like later to be able to add a battery storage system, when those costs have gone down... Can you confirm if your installation is of this socalled Island type, where inverter automatically shuts down in case of grid failure so your panels thus cannot provide you with local energy during the out-period? And have you had any thoughts about adding energy storage to tap from during the night etc.?

    Thanks in advance

    Before you do anything you had better check with Sattahip electric cooperative since you are in Bang Saray and they are serviced by the "Navy Electric Welfare Concession" not a traditional electric company such as MEA or PEA and they may not have signed on to the program yet

    Thank you for that vital info - another complication when buying property in Bang Saray... Since I did not succeed on internet in digging any info up about the navy-run Sattahip Electric Welfare company providing electricity to this area I will soon go visit their office.

    In the meantime I have tried getting info about the general application procedure and current status for selling electricity back to the grid, but retrieved only historic info... The last application period for Rooftop <10kW projects ended in June 2015, comprising a sell back TIF of 6.85 Bht/Kwh for 25 years (reduced from 6.96 in 2014) and operation due to start operation within 2015. The number of projects were capped at a total power generation of 200 MW, however divided into regions. The regional applications seem not to exceed the available amount except in North-East region where a slight "over-subscription" happened. But no info about the next round and which TIF would apply - I wonder if others could enlighten us here, or perhaps this is perceived as confidential info to reduce the degree of over-subscription which next time probably will be dramatic due to the recent reduction in equipment cost.

    The capped amount 800 MW for the larger commercial projects were "over-subscribed" around 20 fold in the most recent application period this year, and here will in December 2015 be a lucky draw to identify the projects who will be awarded a sales contract. The TIF is less for those projects but apparently still a very attractive business opportunity. I am aware of a 2 year old solar farm installation in Chonburi area, enrolled under the previous "Adder"-program, were the owner expects the initial capital to be paid back in another 2 years (less than 5 years total).

  5. Thanks for responses - and sorry for replying late (been out of town etc).

    Yes, clearly the RCD is protecting only the consumers wired up directly to that circuit being the white and black wire leaving at top of it. While the 6 other MCBs are fed directly from the Main 50A breaker, and thus NOT leakage protected. Clearly an unsustainable situation !!

    My plan to protect the 6 MCBs WAS: Add another RCD and install it between the 50A Main breaker and the 6 MCBs. Thus split the current after passing the Main breaker into the 2 RCDs being in parallel. And current from new RCD feeding the 6 MCBs in parallel (using existing cupper bar) while existing RCD carried on protecting its own circuit.

    THEN I wondered: Why does the house have this strange configuration in the first place? Maybe some hidden problems? So I decided to test a bit... I disconnected the 6 MCBs from the Main breaker, and instead fed them via the existing RCD, see photo. So having in series 1) Man breaker, 2) RCD, 3) the 6 MCBs + the RCDs existing own consumer circuit. I did not change any Neutral wires...

    By doing that the RCD trips for each single MCB coupled in. RCD can still stay activated with its own circuit but whichever MCB I try to add on, the RCD trips instantaneously. I also disconnected the original black/white circuit at RCD outlet, for RCD only to protect the 6 MCBs (equal to the foreseen task of a new RCD) but the RCD still tripped when activating any one of the MCBs.

    The RCD type is the standard "AC" model, which I however saw in ABB catalogue is not recommended for Aircons with inverters and all kinds of sophisticated electronics... They apparently offer a more sophisticated A-APR model which is better suited for inverters but could not find any for sale in the outlets around here (south Pattaya).

    Anybody who can advice on this? Has it to do with "borrowed Neutral" and what to do about it...

    Thanks in advance.



  6. Yes, I agree that photos tells a lot...

    Here is the wall box seen from all sides. Although the wiring is probably not that clear on photos (should I have removed the protection conduit at box underside?) I am now in no doubt that the 16/20A MCBs are not serially connected with the 40A RCD.

    Because today the RCD tripped (for the first time BTW) when I was detaching some junction boxes from the boundary wall which is being painted. And while tripped (and no power to gate and other things) the TV and several lamps were still working.

    So would appreciate suggestions what to do, thanks :-)






  7. Hi el-nerds, I would like to receive advice about RCDs...

    My (well, I am a farang, so not completely true...) house has a 40A max, 30mA RCD of ABB F202 type installed after the Main breaker (50A), but 6 smaller MCBs of 16 or 20A are installed in parallel with that RCD.

    As far as I can deduct from various info this installation has the following problems:

    1) The loads connected to the RCD breaker is only current overload protected by the Main incomer breaker. However not that much difference between 40 and 50A, so perhaps acceptable... But can I risk the RCD will not operate as being overloaded as breaker is 50A while itself rated 40A?

    2) All loads/appliances connected to the small MCBs are not current leakage protected.

    So I consider installing another RCD unit in front of the Main breaker, thus being the entry point to the house. First I thought replacing the existing 50A Main incomer breaker with a ABB DS unit, having both overload and leakage protection, but those seems limited to 40A only. So guess the solution will be another F202 unit rated for minimum 50A (probably 63A which seems to be a standard) and 30 mA. That would mean the 2 RCDs are connected in series - at least for some of the load. Does anybody see a problem with that?

    Other suggestions how to modify the installation are also appreciated, thanks.

  8. Hi GB2,

    I also congrat you for the nice and for many of us important info. I myself recently moved to Bang Saray, Sattahip, and considering installing solar power, but I want it to supply energy in case of grid power failure which happens quite often here. And would like later to be able to add a battery storage system, when those costs have gone down... Can you confirm if your installation is of this socalled Island type, where inverter automatically shuts down in case of grid failure so your panels thus cannot provide you with local energy during the out-period? And have you had any thoughts about adding energy storage to tap from during the night etc.?

    Thanks in advance

  9. I am helping out my girlfriend to start a small company as she seems to have some difficulties in getting concise information about the options and procedures.

    Business area is right now restricted to web based consultancy / web design activities. No physical sale/import/export foreseen. The customer base will be mixed domestic/international, and for that latter reason we like to have some kind of formal registration.

    The setup will be just an existing PC with internet connection from our rented house in Chiang Mai, where I am the registered tenant. Until further no employees although I will help/organise a bit in the background. I do not plan to obtain a work permit for that (I am currently staying on age retirement "visa").

    We believe that a Sole Proprietary company would suffice as foresee no liability problems and seems easier procedure and lower running costs (book keeping etc.).

    1. Although we prefer registration - does the company legally need to be registered at all ? Any registration options - DBD mentions only "commercial registration".

    2. She does not plan to start any retail selling (web shop). Is E-commerce registration/certificate mandatory or advisable?

    3. We understand that landlord has to approve the company registration at the address, and we would need the physical house book and letter of consent. We briefly mentioned our idea to landlord and she was somewhat reluctant. Is there any negative impact from landlord point of view (tax of rental etc)? How to convince landlord - any "proven methods", maybe pay extra rent (money compensation) is the way forward?

    4. How difficult is the practical registration - which other documents are needed, and would use of a mediator, like Sunbelt or similar locally based company, be advisable.

    5. What does a registration comprise - ie. do we receive a registration number, a paper document to be laminated and hung up at the desk, protection of company name? Is the registration time limited/expiring?

    6. Invoicing VAT - as turnover will be less than 1.8 mio bht/yr we do not foresee obtaining a VAT number right away, but is that required/advisable for international customers ?

    7. Can you point to other official English info source than the "dbd.co.th/dbdweb_en/main" I have found?

    8. Would I be able to, while staying on retirement extension based on 800 kbht in bank account, obtain a work permit - assuming changing the company structure incl. funding 2 mio bht company capital, 4 Thai employees etc.

    A lot of questions, which I decided to put forward here in the forum as assuming many have general interest. Thank you in advance.

    • Like 1
  10. I believe there is wide consensus about the damage the rapid increase of oil palm plantations have done to "competing usage" like natural rainforest etc. However, one has to consider the BA kground and also the alternatives before condemning the activities in this region.

    It it the Western world who has created a huge increase in triglyceride demand. A large add-on demand came from implementating mandatory blending biodiesel into fuel which in "first generation" was made out of edible oils (now starting using non-food oils).

    If it was soybean and not palm oil covering this demand increase, u can just imagine how the 2 major soybean producers USA and Argentina would look like - endless fields of soy as the required area would be 10 times larger than for palm. But which crops should give way?

    Do not blame this region taking up the business opportunity, "cashing in" some natural land - which the Western world has already done to the outmost extend so that no further significant expansion is possible. You cannot prevent the newcomers from gaining wealth the same way as we did, but hopefully they could learn from our mistakes...

    The Round table of Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), initiated by leading global food companies, had a slow start by this and similar initiatives are gaining momentum, so in 2015 my guess is that the majority of exported oil will be produced by companies complying to these strict criteria. The local consumption is however lacking behind - I can't imagine a business man of Chinese descent agree to pay a sustainability premium unless its mandatory by law :-)

    The carbon seggrestation of an oil palm plantation is on par with natural rainforest, but as the palm fruit bunches, which is a significant part of the produced biomass, are removed from the area, the carbon foot print of that particular area is less than of rainforest which has zero footprint averaged over time. The oil palm plantation has the greatest net intake of carbon compared to all other uses.

    During the area expansion period, the one-time conversion from forest to plantation surely can significantly contribute emission although I can't accept the BKK Herps selection of figures of how much the contribution has been. To get an overview of which/where are the big contributors, just look at the net consumption of non-nuclear energy, since no technology for carbon recovery from exhaust has yet been implemented. Again, the Western world is leading with US in clear top although China is catching up fast (as country but not as per capita).

    The favorite way to convert forest to plantation was to burn off the whole lot, polluting the whole region with smoke. Where were/is the governments regulations and enforcements, securing best possible transition measured by society and not by the individual company? There are other ways than uncritical burning...

  11. Harsh words but very true. That is why i ask. Where did he meet her? And if he ever bothered to learn Thai. Simple questions. Interesting to see if he is willing to speak the truth. The way i look at it is, if a woman is willing to have kids with a foreigner and then pulls something like this. Dump the dodgy thief and let her deal with the problems including the kids. She should have thought about the outcome first. No Thai man nor future foreigner who is smart enough will touch her with a ten foot pole. Karma sucks.

    i think you are very nieve if your wife can "nick / borrow /steal/hoard/hide" about 130,000 baht frrom you my friend you have more money than sense, what have you been doing the last 8 years ? the mind boggles.

    JJ seems not to understand that a kids future is involved - with that attitude I hope u don't have any yourself...

    I would call the wife's action "putting aside", and its not uncommon in this world. Of course the trust have been abused and reaction is required from OP but it has to consider what is at stake here. Get a calm and intimate talk about the situation, where wife has to explain for which purpose would be the very first thing. Sounds easy but perhaps not (speaking of experience).

    If no insurance is in place it is already explainable although still not in order doing it behind OPs back.

    Then measure out the response which could very well be securing funds and putting wife under allowance scheme. I am using same...

    Continuing the marriage will be somewhat uphill the first long time but certainly not impossible, neither illogic when considering their situation.

  12. Many people focus on the transfer fee but forget to look at the exchange rate. Most banks offer the same quite lousy rate compared to mentioned UKForex or similar companies specialized in money transfer. As other posters mentioned there are very significant gains when transferring large amounts, so the extra work is certainly well paid and its just a one time job to set it up.

    The company behind UKForex/OZForex also has 3-4 other marketing brand so be aware that you get offered real independent quotes. A quite recent competitor is Transfermate, where Branson went in as investor and the company did some heavy marketing in that context.

    You will still need a Thai bank account (in own name) to transfer to, so you can get the required documentation for Land office.

  13. My Thai-Danish daughter, turning 9 years this week, entered Thailand almost a year ago on her Danish passport, as we did not manage to get the Thai passport from the embassy in Kuala Lumpur where we stayed at that time. She only got permitted to stay 14 days, and I did not pay much attention to it as I thought that Thai nationalities could not be fined, and furthermore have heard that kids below 15 are not obliged to pay. I later picked the Thai passport up in KL so now she has one.

    Her Danish passport was about to expire and we now got that replaced from the embassy in BKK and the overstay question came up. Byfollowing some other recent threads I fear that this overstay might turn into a problem. We hear different opinions about at which age a child gets fined.

    Any solids news would be appreciated, thanks.

  14. <..snip>

    The climate IS currently rapidly changing and mankind has to deal with it. Why bother if the change is man made? Why bother if it was hotter 100.000 years ago. The world was different at that time and mankind was not even there... Its getting (global average) hotter right now than a few decades ago and we have to deal with the many consequences, and possibly reduce the impact when considered negative. And there are many where I like to put to attention that just a couple degrees Celsius permanent change favours other flora and fauna competition, and predictions of that is probably even more difficult than predicting the rise in sea level.


    My greatest concern is rising sea level, however just one of many consequences - reduced inhabitable (fertile) land and derived relocation, fighting, war...

    We haven't had a rise in global temperature in over 13 years.

    In the 70's, the computer models gave us warnings of a new ice age. The current computer models predictions also don't match what is happening even with higher CO2.

    Water vapor is a much bigger global warming gas than CO2.

    Higher CO2 increases crop yields.

    Can anyone name a place that hasn't had ground sinking that has real sea level rise?

    Bkk isn't experiencing sea level rise, it's sinking.

    Instead of yourself interpreting and picking which consequences fit your predetermined opinion, you could (critically) try relying on what specialised scientists, spending most of their awake hours investigating the topic, conclude.

    One thing is prediction of the future, another thing is historical observations. Getting accurate data is an art in itself but let the thousands of nerds do their job and then try extract the consensus....

    Warming is one thing, rising sea level is another... They are somewhat related, as increased melting of the huge amounts of ice stored at the poles and Greenland can dramatically change the sea levels, while heating the sea will also cause expansion of the already present sea (only valid for sea water being more than 4C). And salinity and other factors are involved...

    But although I hold a Ph.D. in chemical engineering, I do not believe that I can contribute ANYTHING to the very complicated analysis and interpretations related to climate - I leave that to the nerds - or should I say those nerds as I myself could be considered being a nerd when focusing on another topic.

    Below is a recent graph, just one of many, showing the MEASURED, averaged trend for global sea level, based on ultra precise satellite measurements, so only going back 20 years. So this research group in Colorado Uni finds that for the last 20 years the global sea level has increased 3.2 mm per year. And there is no sign of any levelling out, although I have heard others concluding that the RISE is levelling of (still rising but lower speed). Anyway, the sea level already rose 6.5 cm since 1994, and in 50 years when my kids coming kids (I can hope they want to reproduce themselves and I get to enjoy grand children) are going to settle down in their own house - together with probably 50% more people on the Earth than today which is another major challenge - the sea level has most probably increased further 15-20 cm.

    IPCC and others predict far higher rise, due to predicted accelerated level increase but lets for the time being question if there will be an acceleration... Here is a slightly outdated graph comparing various research groups predictions, all predicting level increase around 1-1.5 m over the coming century.

    Now, for most regions the land shrinkage only starts getting severe at 1 meter increase, but quite a lot highly fertile land will fast be affected (all the large river deltas). But also BKK, NYC and other metropolis will face giant challenges... If I am lucky it will be my grand-grand kids that will face those challenges :-)



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  15. I sadly observe that the same peope who gladly utilise great mankind technological innovations (cars, computers, television, u name it), which are actually based on fundamental science - later matured into products and services - seem not to accept the conclusions of the very majority of scientists specialised in climate. There will always be a few outliers, can't expect 100% consensus...

    The climate IS currently rapidly changing and mankind has to deal with it. Why bother if the change is man made? Why bother if it was hotter 100.000 years ago. The world was different at that time and mankind was not even there... Its getting (global average) hotter right now than a few decades ago and we have to deal with the many consequences, and possibly reduce the impact when considered negative. And there are many where I like to put to attention that just a couple degrees Celsius permanent change favours other flora and fauna competition, and predictions of that is probably even more difficult than predicting the rise in sea level.

    Yes, the world has other problems that climate change, and not easy to prioritize. But don't do like most people starting today's work each morning - they attend the urgent but small impact tasks which are easily resolvable, but at end of the day the significant tasks are still undone.

    As well explained by others, we can expect an incubation effect, so that the effects of current conditions are to be seen a couple of decades ahead. I feel sorry for my kids - I am not proud of the legacy...

    My greatest concern is rising sea level, however just one of many consequences - reduced inhabitable (fertile) land and derived relocation, fighting, war...

    • Like 1
  16. My considerations ended up with a slightly used Ford Focus instead of M3. A new Focus model is apparently soon under way so the old test drive cars are on sale (so on red plates). I got a 2.0 gasoline full spec 2012 model, 18kkm, for 650 kBht. Would have liked a diesel engine, but not many around and could not wait any longer...

    I think good savings compared to a new M3 (or Focus). U always run a risk buying used, but I would say its well contained when mileage is that low.

  17. Yesterday I bought from AsiaDirect 1st class insurance, incl compulsory coverage, for my newly bought Ford Focus 2.0L Sport+ (full spec) from 2012. Insured value 760.000 Bht.

    After doing the online quote I submitted and 10 minutes after I had one from the sales team on the phone. We went through the different options and he told me the price change whenever I asked. I ended up with 11.5 kBht cost for the normal 1 year period, which seems very competitive. The insurance is actually by Falcon, but AsiaDirect will handle all claims etc.

    The phone talk took a while since he insisted in explaining all details, but that was good as I am new to Thai market and overall I am very satisfied with the procedure. 10 minutes later a mail ticked in with policies to be downloaded/printed, while originals will be snail-mailed in 5 days. Thumbs up for the sales phase, but of course I don't know anything yet about claim handling, which is separating the good from the bad...

    BTW, I heard that LMG procedure is to visually inspect the car but nothing like that here.

  18. Thanks for replies. Just a short feedback for whoever would be interested. Yesterday I consulted Dr. Anna at BPH and yes, she diagnosed my red spots as a trivial heat induced problem and prescribed some acne tonic containing dispersed white powder and a 0.1% TA lotion (whatever it is) to apply to the skin as well as some antihistamine tablets. I should keep the skin cool, dry and clean. Took total 2 hrs and1500 bht. The weather is a bit cooler now but I still have the aircon on more often and the spots are undoubtedly on the return. I guess I learned my lesson...

  19. Hi guys,

    I could need advice about this condition I've had now for more than 1 week.

    Itching red spots started outbreaking at my cheast and slowly advancing, conquering more of my skin. I treated the affected areas first with some simple tiger balsam but soon got hold of some yellowish liquid essential oil herb extract which relieves better and in first instance also seemed to have stopped the spreading, but that was only temporarily.

    I think these were triggered by heat, playing with my laptop while lying down (should I rename it to a cheasttop?), although my wife links it to a bee stung under my foot a couple days earlier. A few months ago I had a small similar outbreak after a heat exposure but the affected area never exceeded size of half hand palm and disappeared after a few days.

    Although it seems like the starting area is less itchy now, after probably 10 days, I fear the spots will spread to my back etc and make sleeping virtually impossible.

    I am visiting Pattaya these days (living in CM) and, after searching TV, I think I will today (if available on this Labour Day) consult the recommended Dr. Anna at BPH. It has been many years since my last visit to any doctor...

    I would be grateful for any advice, thanks.


  20. Yesterday I visited one of the 3 Mazda dealers here in CM and test drove the new M3 hatchback "high plus" spec as well as the only 2013 model they had left, with 1.6L engine only.

    The new is great, no doubt about it, but also unfair to compare to the 1.6 L model. Dealer investigated which other 2013 models (5 Dr and 2.0L) is available at Mazda and claims none in whole Thailand. So they cannot offer that alternative and I have to go to "normal" dealers, where I have found approx. 20 cars with less than 50 kkm on the meter and almost all have some guarantee time left (whatever that is worth).

    I asked for documented fuel mileage for old and new model, but they only provided numbers on a calculator, claiming on highway 19 km/L for New M3 and 15 km/L for 2011-2013 model. I cant find any data on the internet - have anybody digged out those numbers ??

    Only 1 week delivery time on high plus model (in red colour but fine for me), but longer (around 3 months) on lower spec types. They wanted to push for high plus. No extra for colour, and was offered 1 year insurance and window film but no discount on full cash payment.

    But the high plus price tag combined with no rear parking sensors (replaced by this fancy RMV system that however does not assist you when parking) moves me into the "plus" model as is 100 kBht less. I like the bigger wheels that does not come with the 2 lowest spec models.

    When do you think that the arrival of New M3 will really affect the old model prices? I see some asking for ridicilous much, ie. wanting 800+ kBht for 2012 model with just little extra to compensate...

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