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Posts posted by braid101

  1. As she applied before 9th July 2012 she comes under the old rules, even though her visa was actually issued after that date. This will be indicated by the term of the visa; it should be for 27 months, not 33.

    So she can apply for ILR without any FLR application first; assuming she meets all the requirements for ILR.

    Yes, she does now need both the LitUK test and at least B1, or the equivalent, in English speaking and listening (or Welsh if you live in Wales or Scottish Gaelic if you live in Scotland).

    The earliest she can apply is 28 days before the second anniversary of her first arrival in the UK with her visa; which I make 19/7/2014. But as this is a Saturday you'll have to wait until Monday 21st.

    Thanks very much 7by7 :)

  2. Hi guys,

    My wife applied for her spouse visa before 9 July 2012, it was accepted with old rules that apply before the 9th, but we didn't receive it until 03/08/12.

    I am wondering, when will she be able to apply for IRL? This year or will she have to apply for FLR once first?

    And am I right in thinking she will need to pass B1 and LitUK test to qualify?

    My wife got her visa on 03/08/12 and we departed Thailand on 16/08/12... When would I be able to apply for IRL (or FLR if that's what I must do)?

  3. Hello,

    My wife recently tried to apply for a job in the UK... She has just arrived on a Spouse visa (shes thai). But they said they need proof that she can work in the UK.

    I told them she can and showed her passport but they said that isnt enough.

    Her type of visa is "VISA SPOUSE/CP" as it is in the passport.

    It also states "Obsrv. - No recourse to public funds"

    Her National Insurance arrived a couple of days ago, but iam pretty sure that isnt proof of right to work... so...

    What is proof of right to work in the UK? And how can I get it for my wife?

    Any help is much appreciated.

  4. Hi everyone,

    My wife got her visa granted today clap2.gif Iv been in Thailand with her for the last few years and we have a 1 year old.

    We got the visa with a work contract for me able to start soon as iam home... and 3rd party support on living and finance from my mother.

    If we were denied the visa I would have been devastated as with the new rules... theres no way we would have got it, the job I have lined up dosnt make much... certainly not £18000 per year and no where near £22000 which it would need to be with our 1 child.

    So I would have been given the choice of leaving my family for several years or staying in Thailand and making little money sad.png

    So happy my son will have all the benifits of the UK. And my wife gets to start a career and see snow for the first time hehe biggrin.png First time shes left Thailand.

    Anyways, just thought id tell you all our story in short. We are off to Scotland in 1 week! wai.gif

    Thanx to Paul and all the staff at Thai Visa Express for there help... they were amazing

    And thanx to everyone involved in this website... its been a tremendous help in learning about visas and citizenship

    O yeah, we applied 8th June, visa express emailed on 8th Aug.... visa granted 10th Aug. No phone calls or interview... just applied and waited till now w00t.gif

  5. Hi bigdave,

    the changes to irl take place on and after October 2013 I believe. So if you apply for irl before this like you are doing, then its old rules.

    Iam sure ESOL is still ok until after oct 13'. then it will be only the LitUK test plus a b1 in english. And its only two years, only people getting a settlement visa with new rules have to wait 5 years.

    Aint sure about the income part but iam pretty sure your old rules all the way mate. bet your glad bout that :)

    So in short, nothings changed for you. Hopefully someone confirms this but iam very confident that iam correct.


  6. So I was wondering...

    My wife applied for a settlement visa on the 8th of June (Before the new rules were passed) and if accepted will be staying in Scotland for 24 months offcourse.

    But with the new rules in place, can she get 1 year IRL then naturalisation then apply for a UK passport.

    OR does she have to stay in the UK for up to five years before naturalisation and gaining a passport? (new rules i believe)

    Also either way... can she still get IRL with the ESOL course? i heard they were doing away with it?

    I guess what iam trying to ask is - because we applied before the new rules were in place does that mean we are set on the old rules all the way to her geting her passport or is it old rules for gaining the visa then onto the new rules for IRL ect?

    Any information will be helpful, thanx smile.png

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