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Posts posted by Whidbeyboy

  1. I hated 8.0 when it came out so much I gave my brand new Toshiba to my wife. Now that 8.1 came out I have no issues with it except I don't like the search system. Just ordered a Dell 2 in1, 13in 7000 laptop. It has 1 TB and 8gb. Plus i7 and a free win10 update if I want it. All this for under $1000, and so not looking to update to MSpro3 anymore.

  2. If foreigners just took a few moments and did some research there would be far fewer problems between foreigner and Thai. There are numerous examples all over the web of foreigners just having no common sense. Alcohol does wonders and the lack of common sense hits bottom . Koh Tao and the province of Surat it is easy for anyone with eyes wide open and half a brain to see the mafia is in total control. Just avoid where the majority of foreigners go and all the problems magically and mysterious go away. But the Full Moon Party folks are so out to lunch nothing matters. They seem to care less if all the money goes towards the local mafia. If that is not brain dead i don,t know what is. Foreigners need to take some responsibility for their own stupid actions.

    Yeah right...they come here, to enjoy what they are lured in with, have the audacity to drink alcohol and expect NOT to be beaten up or killed!

    Stupid farang! Bad farang!

    It's not the killers...it's the victims!


    Agreed that makes no sense whatsoever. I really doubt most tourists would have any idea that mafia are in charge, it's not something they put in the tourist packets.

    People go there to have a good time and not be afraid of getting killed cause they don't understand the way the mafia works, that's about the most stupid thing I have ever heard.

  3. Personally the fewer the number of Russian here, the happier I will be. I find the vast majority of them to be Godless, rude, mean and I know many other nationalities are avoiding coming here simply because of the vast numbers of Russians. The Thais would do well not to put all their eggs in one basket so to speak and try to attract a variety of nationalities.The Russians put all their eggs in the petro basket and so when the price of petrol falls so does the Rouble.

    Godless? I can name many God loving people who are not to nice either. The issue with Russia is the fact that the government keeps taking other countries.

  4. This poor guy, has "Sexy Man" all over him. violin.gif.pagespeed.ce.8MK3fN8NTC.gif

    just another normal day in the dry season for the gullible tourists!

    Being approached in Thailand is not new is it? Seem to happen a lot years ago when I was there and never ever happened to me. Course, I wasn't there and don't know what these girls looked like or how they acted. I have a sense for these things.

    Still, what's happening when the dude is drugged, not the woman! Twilight zone.

  5. first time could be an "accident",

    the second time i have serious doubts,

    the third time, there's absolute clarity!

    How does 'accidental' rape work exactly?


    Does the same rule apply for 'accidental' 1st time murder?

    Accidental first time murder is call involuntary manslaughter. But accidental rape? Hmm, got me on that one. Maybe the same as what happens when two drunks have sex and the female gets caught by her boyfriend or feels guilty so claims rape.

    We had a case here in he US where a potentially great football player did his time for rape and then had the girl confess she lied. She also sued and won a large amount of money by the school they both attended.

    She did no time though and kept the money. The thought (read:absurd idea) was that other girls who have made false claims may not come forward if they think punishment is harsh.

    I mean what a liberal crock of BS! How about thinking the harsh terms may prevent other woman from making false claims. I say liberal cause it is usually they who think this way.

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  6. Maybe difficult to understand, but I think drug dependence is an illness to be treated, and not a crime to be punished?

    I think it's mostly a choice.

    Don't know much about drug dependence I see. Telling a heroin addict to just say no is like telling a manic depressant to just cheer up.

    The most part of drug addicts became addicts willingly and by choice. 'Peer Pressure', 'Look how cool I am , I do drugs', 'I'll try it just once...' these are all choices made. Once they realize they are addicts and do not seek help, well that's another choice. However, I see you apparently know all about choices.

    Well, being one in the past, and knowing many I think I have some experience with the subject. And we are talking about addicts, not pre-addicts. Course someone has a choice, but too make it seem addicts just have to want to quit and then do so is unrealistic.

  7. Thailand is now getting to Westernized and all that made Thailand great is being sadly washed away. The Thailand we all knew and loved is disappearing quickly and will never return, but hopefully the Thai culture will remain, which is what makes this country so beautiful.

    You know I agree with you. The more westernized Thailand has become more problems I see happening. But it's more than that like you said the corruption is just out of hand.

    That's why my wife doesn't want to move back there. Yes they have corruption everywhere. But I know at least where I live we have a system that will allow me to be ripped off without being able to fight it.

    The corruption my country is more your white-collar crime, not the local government conspiring to take everything that you own given the chance.

    And that's fine by me because I can visit Thailand anytime, have my fun, visit my extended family, see the sights and then get on a plane back to the land of cool air and modern living.

  8. I must have missed something.

    What was the motive? Why was her father killed? Who are these people? They say they were the same people, what people? Nobody has mentioned this that I read and it seems kinda strange to me.

    Is this down South? Is it a Muslim thing (someone mentioned religion)?

  9. People are commenting like these acts only happen in Thailand.

    Sure I'm a male, but I feel safer in BKK than I do in most other western cities I've visited.

    I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head--there is the Thailand experienced by us guys and the other one experienced by females.

    Agree, try walking around quiet streets at 2:30 am in the morning in many western cities. Happens everywhere and Thailand still much safer than most countries, although sad that crimes like this are on the increase. No doubt connected to increase in drug use.

    Why is the response always " but it's worse in other countries" as if that makes it OK.

  10. People are commenting like these acts only happen in Thailand.

    Sure I'm a male, but I feel safer in BKK than I do in most other western cities I've visited.

    Never heard of this many cases happening what seem more often.

    I'm sure she felt safe too, right up to the point she was hit in the head.

    Culturally, Thai's are not known for their violence against tourist I use to think.

    Maybe the long exposer to Western influences is rubbing off. Sad.

  11. Good for her.

    Calm under pressure.

    Hope she damaged his crown jewels.

    If a person doesn't have the protection of a family group here in thailand it just seems like they risk such exploitation.

    My wife says Thai women live in constant risk of sexual assault.

    When I left for the states before I married my fiancée I was waiting to go get on the plane and told her she didn't have to wait. She stated that until it was light out she wasn't leaving because she was cautious about the taxi drivers. She said "see how I dress (plain) and I am wearing no jewelry."

    Sad when you can't even trust a taxi driver who may try and assault and rob you. That wouldn't fly in my country as the taxi drivers would all be thrown in jail or business would drop since nobody would take one.

  12. A bar that supplied prostitutes in Thailand disgusting shortly this will all be a thing of the past we hope.

    Huh? Unless the economy gets better and poor people are no more I don't see big change ahead.

    I wonder how many single men would retire there if cheap women were no more?

    Thailand would still be a great place, maybe better, but we all know that cheap young women is a big draw for many men.

    To be honest, if I was 20 years younger it would be a big reason for me. Now, I could care less. Just give me a beautiful view and some cold beer and I'm just fine.

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