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Posts posted by Hostile17

  1. dirty smokers throwing your trash around like you own the streets, hopefully next time they catch you.

    Putting it in a waste bin is throwing it around?

    If the native population followed his example there wouldn't be anything like the amount of crap scattered around as there is now.

    almost all smokers throw their butts around most of the time, 1 time in a bin doesnt make it right.

    Add to that the unecessary smoke giving everyone around cancer and sore throat. Smoking in public just means that a kid will almost everytime get the smoke blown into his face. Very nice.

  2. what kind of father would let his own son get sent to the army of a country who hates him. Many loopholes. Your son isnt 100% thai so why should he serve people who think outsiders are worthless cockroaches

    The fact that they carry a Thai passport or nationality makes then 100% Thai, so why should they be treat differently from other persons who are 100% Thai, I am detecting the typical farang sense of entitlement/"it doesnt apply to us", want to be treated differently attitude so prevelant with a lot long term farang residents in Thailand.

    If you definitely dont want your son to be conscripted, then the solution is easy give up their citizenship them

    Half thai-half farang kids are never treated as pure thais. In fact most thais will "make fun" of them out of jealousy for the duration of their whole life. So those little racist brown boys can fight their own wars and move their washing machines themselves in the floods. We are living here, paying and putting money into the economy but we do not care about the well being of racists. We simply use the ressources and will gladly move out to any other country if we need to.

    If it were back home and he was conscripted(which could not happen) i would not give a rat's ass. The average person in my country isnt racist so i care about their well being. Good people deserve help, racists dont.

  3. hopefully this will stop all the annoying whining by her local friends


    She wouldnt make it to the top 50 on american idol and pretty much anyone with 2 years of vocal training can get that far

    If it goes viral again, well it still means nothing as this is in a country where the most watched entertainment is soap shows, even for working people.

    She's just an average singer so now lets stop spamming her name everywhere please?

    She's having fun on national tv, good for her but nobody outside her little circle cares, more talk about bad drivers or where to find bathroom tiles please

    • Like 1
  4. And what qualifies you to make this gross statement?

    Have you watched the whole series or just that clip in isolation? Do you accept that prostitution is a choice (excluding organised crime) not a necessity?

    Prostitution is a choice I would loath to make.

    I know many many girls in Issan that would rather do anything but... and many that do.. I do believe that a vast majority are coerced into it for the $'s and I think once you are on that road, nothing else will pay as much, so its a spiral situation.

    I do think that many girls regret that chosen path, the penalties must be horrendous.

    they really dont.

    Those are the same kind of girls you'd find in a slutty club back home. wearing dental floss and jerking guys off on the dance floor.. Thousands of them in every large city. Only difference is in thailand they need money to keep doing it and they usualy look a bit better being thin and small for the most part.

    • Like 2
  5. its amazing how some people who think they know everything actually know very little in regards to how much these women make and how it is used to help their families . the american big mouth should be shown the door and kept out but thats my opinion for what its worth .

    "i make boomboom money na, hab send old iphone 3, when buy new iphone 4, to my kid na. drink whiskey morning, need do more boomboom na"

    keith101, you could of simply said "Hello i am a sexpat/tourist. I enjoy finaly getting laid for money and enjoy those girls. Yes they are lazy human beings with no honor but i still enjoy them" instead of trying to push a false view. Just accept who you are and what they are. Most people hating is because of the LIES.

    And good memories have been juggled up seeing the mamasan from mandarin

    • Like 1
  6. my brother in law has one and id say hes behind any 2 and half year old child who learns english as a third language.

    Often when there's a farang in the family, they lose all motivation. There's no need to work anymore - the stupid, gullible foreigner hands out money for everything.

    Maybe he just doesn't want to speak to you.

    forgot to specify: im not one your eledery retired farangs, id never lend anyone in my thai extended family a single THB. I have 0 faith in any thai's word.

  7. If she's from Issan, and not from a wealthy family, then 99.98% chance she didn't learn English in school. She learned it somewhere else.

    Total nonsense.

    I taught Hotel and Tourism students at a large university in Isarn and many of them came from modest backgrounds.

    There English was very good.

    If she works at Family Mart, she might have a degree in English.

    Even the poorest kids can get grants or learn at university with loans.

    my brother in law has one and id say hes behind any 2 and half year old child who learns english as a third language.

  8. What somehow bewilders me is that so many people have heard of this problem, but not in a single one says it happened to him/her. I can confess that in about 17 years of dealing with the immigration office in Phuket I have never been asked for tea money or whatever the OP is writing about. And yes, my visa has been transferred to a new passport a few years ago, smoothly in a few minutes and for free.

    Ive had them shout after me because i forgot to take my 100baht in the back row. dam_n scammers, made me walk back instead of being good little servants and delivering it to me at the door.

  9. if i had their job and someone came in weighting 200kg with a brown girl screaming U NO GO THAT U MOVE GO THAT WAY GET PAP-ER OK NA? id try to take them for a bit of extra money myself before it goes to his teeelak.

    Have seen enough of them at immigration to know that they are at least 20-30% of the regular immig customer base

  10. Anyone use this...http://iptv.3bb.co.t.../home/index.php ?

    Shame its not in english, and google translate does not translate images.

    Y'a ive always wondered what kind of channels they had and if they were in english. Same for the movies ans are they edited to fit on thai tv(no gun/cigs/missing 50% of the movie)

    I currently only watch tv on my xbox with torrents and would really like to have a tv provider but cable has really shitty image quality and true's satelite sucks.

  11. I know of a few Thais that send or receive money using what they call Western union.

    I asked around about this. Nobody my family knows has ever used WU inside Thailand, I've never used it at all as I think it's a rip-off anyway, can't beat the 20-30b transactions banks offer inside Thailand and having a Thai bank account is the first thing anyone spending any time in this country should do.

    Here's my S.Holmes interpretation: since the mom knows about WU, which is a dinosaur even here, she's had a sponsor from overseas during her active days in the game a couple of decades back. That's where the FM girl's got the English from. And yes, it was the bartender in the toilet.

    Yes thats very true. If the mom knows about WU but not about bank transfers then she was a hooker herself a few dozen years ago. Thais ALL use bank transfers and those without bank account use a relative's account for transfers. Hell i know we send small amounts of $ to remote areas for friends all the time.

  12. thai man for trying to go by the left of a uturner instead of just slowing down a little bit

    and the farang for thinking that someone coming on a fast road will know that he was going to get out of the fast lane when most ppl just uturn and put the emergency brake and have a lunch/dinner/siesta in the fast lane .

    logically if the farang had done his uturn FAST it could not of happened, so he must of turned very slowly toward the slow lane.

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