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Posts posted by Lysdexic

  1. Apologies if this has been asked, a search did not come up with anything.

    I recently had PEA upgrade my service here in San Kamphaeng from 5/15 to 15/45 hoping to solve my low voltage problem when AC and water heaters ran simultaneously, but no joy. My UPS shows anywhere from 205V to 218V nominal, turning on a couple of AC units drops it below 200, add in a water heater and it drops much lower.
    I measured the voltage at the meter (about 100 meters from the house) and saw no significant difference, when 3 aircon units were switched on it dropped 2V at the meter and 15V at the UPS in the house.
    I am thinking about an AVR - would this solve my issue? I'm not averse to changing out the wire from the pole to a larger gauge.

  2. My wife is a Myanmar citizen, holds a Myanmar passport, from Shan State. She and her mother want to drive to Muang Nai in Shan State. Our car is registered in Thailand (we live in Chiang Mai).
    Is this possible, and what documents does she need to do this? I am not going so no worries about where Farang are permitted to roam. Can she buy adequate insurance in Myanamar?
    Any advice?

  3. I used to get DVDs for my Xbox at a shop in Computer World on the north side of the moat - went back last week and they are gone. Then noticed that the DVD sellers in KSK are nowhere to be seen. Temporary crackdown on bootlegs or something permanent?

  4. 14 hours ago, Tonto21 said:

    Well, Buddhism in Thailand does seem to be losing it's way. A lot of bad press and going on's. But that doesn't mean ordinary Thais like it.


    I'm a little surprised that the wife, who is Thai did not explain to her husband that it is seen as disrespectful to do this sort of thing with images of Buddha. I found this out sometime ago when my wife and I were working on our garden. I liked this statue of a Buddha in the lotus position I had seen, I thought it would have looked tasteful, respectful even peaceful ..... Sat in one corner of the garden, with vegetation around it and moss and vines climbing it. My wife would have none of it and explained with difficulty why most Thai could not do that, it's as much a culture thing as a Buddhist one.

    I still don't see what the problem is, but I'm mindful.... It's not my following or culture and so I try and respect it. Other things Thais get a little excited about is making your house roof like a Wet temple style.


    Maybe it a little like the feeling farang get when they see a Nazi swastika on the back of a pick-up, or Thai students dressing like Nazi storm troopers. We call them ignorant and stupid for not knowing it offends, maybe they feel the same about some peoples insensitivity towards Buddha. Just an idea.



    Thank you.

  5. The family of the cop settled for 3 million Baht? These people are USD BILLIONAIRES. 3 million baht won't last long with a tribe of kids to feed and educate. But that's peripheral to the point.

    It's a pittance.

    I read a article at least a decade ago that the grandfather was making 11 million baht a day just in Thailand before it was launched as a energy drink worldwide. The company is probably on a few hundred million baht a day now.

    Shows what these red bull people are really like, even rip off the dead cops family with a miserable payment of just 3 million B, ( if that is correct ) Sure not enough to last for long,, the dead cop will be dead for much longer !!!

    Red Bull that in world wide was devised in Austraia and when he was selling in the US and The EU he needed to go into Asia but the logo of an almost similar logo of a red buffalo bull was already in use here..The Swiss owner made the local owner of Thailand's red bull a multimillionaire to be able to sell Red Bull in Asia..The local red bull is not sold world wide.

    Congratulations. You got every single fact about Red Bull wrong. There must be a prize for this somewhere

  6. It doesn't take long to understand why Thai girls wear jeans and t-shirts while swimming in the sea...

    It's called decency and sun protection. As a society we decided long ago to cover our body and move on from sex, hunt, gather to better things

    Walking around naked is not what society is about(especially in Thailand). Might be enjoyable for some when the woman is hot but most of the time its downright upsetting because its the ugliest whales that cover the least.

    The police are not using the word decency because the western civilization that mostly visits thailand have never heard of that word. Safety makes it easier for them to understand why they cant walk around naked and makes them a bit more scared to act out for attention by being naked in public.

    Absolutely spot on. Is it beyond the comprehension of the average tourist to research local customs and show some respect?

  7. By taking this drug you're exchanging one drug for another, using this method is not correcting the problem, it's simply masking it. I am no expert in addiction so I can only sympathize with your problem and wish you the best of luck. i only want to warn others of the dangers that drugs present and the ineffectiveness to fix the long term problem.

    Smoking I'm sure is like any other chemical dependency stay away long enough, program your mind, seek a support system, and live determined to be healthy then your chances of relapse have got to be low. Good job on your no smoking efforts.

    You sure aren't an expert. I smoked for 40 years, after 3 weeks of taking Chantix I lost all desire for cigarettes. Stopped taking Chantix 2 weeks later and haven't smoked since. I did NOT 'exchange one drug for another' - it masked the awful withdrawal symptoms and made it possible for me to quit.

    It is a wonderful aid to breaking one of the worst addictions known. If you haven't experienced it, why would you presume to dictate what others should feel or do?

    I recommend it without reservation, and as a recovered alcoholic and addict who beat Nicotine I know <deleted> I'm talking about.

  8. Maybe they should send the blue diamond back.

    Why?.......They own it.

    Building empires and looting has been going on since the dawn of mankind.

    Every race at one time or another have been involved in some form of occupancy, whether it be tribal or national colonization.

    Thailand itself stole most of its lands and temples and riches from the Khmer.

    Why don't Thailand give that stuff back?

    Germany have tried to dominate Europe on two past occasions and now actually have their empire.... the EU.

    I suggest people stop throwing stones at the Brits. That is just borne out of one thing in my opinion..... Jealousy.

    Or contempt?

    Yeah - boiled meat and bad teeth, I want some of that rolleyes.gifcheesy.gif

  9. Agree - and they beat the LAPD hands down, as they are actually polite and respectful when they talk to me here as opposed to the uniformed thugs on the streets of Los Angeles.

    I've never really had any problems with theft no more than anywhere else in the world and have generally found the Thais quiet helpful and nice. But I've never been shaken down by the Police or been asked for tea money either, in fact my experience of the RTP has generally been positive and less heavy handed than say the MET in London who seem to over react to anyone and everything.

    Do people really have all these issues or are they making it up?

  10. My experience in Thailand has been much the same - the vast majority of Thais I have encountered have been lovely, kind, honest. Reading this forum I often wonder what triggers the negative experiences detailed here. Couldn't have anything to do with the attitudes of entitled Farang, I'm sure wink.png

    Have you ever rented a house and asked for the deposit back. One way or the other an excuse will often be made why the deposit can not be repaid. In this regards have you ever tried to get a refund for anything in Thailand and got one . I think there are positives here or I would not live here but these two which are really part of the same concept really annoy me. Also have you ever lent money and been paid back?

    I moved house 3 weeks ago - met the landlady at the condo, let her inspect the condition and was given my entire deposit back.

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