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About StefanBBK

  • Birthday 07/14/1967

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  1. Thanks Jack, will check it out.
  2. My Thai driving license expires in a few weeks. I went ahaed ad did the test for renewal online. Now I wanted to book the appointment on the App, and the next open slots are only available in February... here in Bangkok Question: - Is it still possible to go as a walk-in, and just wait a bit longer? - What do I need to bring, besides expiering license, medical certificate, QRCode from the test, passport& copies... I am sure this has been discussed in lenghts previously, but could not find the forum, or topic. Thanks
  3. That was good business! Likely, Disney made more money that way. If they would charge everyone 200 Baht and give Thai Nationals a 120 Baht Discount, on presenting a National ID card, I would understand it better. A local discount is OK in my mind. In current practice prices are applied based on how one looks. We went to a national park and had our foreign maid with us. She was given the Thai price no questions, as she looks Thai. National Parks, Museum etc. are easily justified for dual pricing, as presumable they are partly maintained from Thai Taxpayers money. What really gets me are commercial enterprises that charge foreigners massive markups. I am known for enjoying a cup of coffee outside whilst my family visits the Aquarium, which by the way was foreign owned.
  4. I think it was just dumb to hold on to these shares. Probably ill-advised by his legal team.
  5. I think he needs a better legal team. The issue should have been well-foreseen and dealt with before the election. Easy enough as the shares were practically worthless.
  6. Then a reform of the judiciary should be the first step. Pita may ends up not becoming an MP, as he held media company shares which prohibits him from being elected. That would be the law, not a compromised judiciary. However, to be elected PM does not require to be an MP. So he still could and should be in power.
  7. Get into power first and then talk. Leave the legal process to the judiciary branch.
  8. Judging by the picture, the fish was a willing participant, and rather inquisitive. Illegal it may be, but certainly not malicious.
  9. I can see that withdrawing money can be challenging if you have lost your card(s). My US Bank (Citi) would not send replacement cards to Thailand. However, if the sister is able to send 10K, then surely she can book a ticket for her and send some good old-fashioned Western Union money for incidentals to get to the airport. This reeks of BS. Why did I even read it...
  10. I managed to get the Elite Visa without TM30. This works if you time things right and arrange for the Visa to be issued on arrival in BKK- Suvarnabhumi, i.e. before you would need to have a TM30. Also, the visa comes in 5-year increments. The immigration stamp is valid for one year. As I am traveling multiple times per year in and out, I don't foresee a need to do any extensions requiring a TM30. If you don't travel internationally, then a once-a-year border run might be more entertaining than jumping through hoops...
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