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Posts posted by okinasan

  1. Red threats call off gay march

    A few red-shirts also tried to break through police security in front of the stage to attack an organiser because they were upset that she had been taking their pictures.

    "Chiang Mai people cannot accept this and will stop the parade by all means, even violence."

    Thank you both for the photos... but please... stay safe.

    From the four pictures Ally posted it was the girl in the pink shirt in the bottom right corner of the bottom right picture they tried to attack and grab her camera. The police intervened quickly and restrained the red guys - only active thing I saw them do all day :o Should add I was watching from a safe distance........

    Heard a few days ago the red shirts were planning to protest but I'd dismissed it as rumour only. There could be no logical reason for doing so. As it was I'd say the reds scored a massive own goal!

    Firstly, the cancellation of the parade will give the event much more publicity than would otherwise have been the case. Secondly, far from upholding Lanna culture, the red shirts portrayed Chiang Mai as a city full of selfish intollerant thugs with no respect for the rule of law or the rights of anybody else. Just what CM tourist business needs right now.......

    I agree with Thailiban's comments, its a disappointment the parade didn't go ahead, any violence by the reds would have generated a whole load more publicity and made them look even more ridiculous than they did yesterday.

    From what I saw most of the mob were paid thugs from the surrounding countryside, real lo-so types who wouldn't know thai culture from lao kao. Far from educated I suspect most would have been hard pressed to write their own name! Pity the police didn't bring the mobile urine testing unit with them, I'm sure that would have been a quick way to reduce their numbers :D Though it might have had a similar effect on the parade too........

    I think the real story has nothing to do with gay parade, but was an excuse for the Red's to be on the streets and get at something they saw as being organised by the yellows - though I can't understand how they make that connection. Guess we'll have to wait for the CM mail to tell us that :D

    I live in the 'surrounding countryside'--just outside a small farming village. The people here are NOT thugs, nor are they uneducated--for example, the son of the older couple who run the local store has a degree from CMU in psychology, and is now in the USA studying for a Master's. The locals do have an awareness of their own culture, and treasure it. As a result, they are not happy about taking the worst (whatever that is, McDonalds, lack of respect for parents, etc) from Western culture and losing the best of their own culture--which many farangs may not even try to understand.

    Even if what you, perhaps unwisely, wrote, was true--why do you suppose it would be necessary to be able to 'write your own name' in order to have feelings about whatever is happening in your own society and your rears about that?

    Whatever the reason was for the red-shirts' unfortunate involvement, (my own view is that they want the publicity--probably the same reason that they joined in a farmers' protest at City Hall last week), I was there yesterday, and did not see any drunks or obviously stoned people on either side.

    Keep a clear head, why don't you, and don't have the Thai people think that all farangs believe as you do. Some of us actually do want to be able to stay here!


  2. :o -The food is excellent and the desserts are outstanding. Anna who has operated

    Mabuhay for many years is chef and very gracious hostess. Would recommend you

    try it.

    Mabuhay is great.... agree with the above post... food very good, fresh, and home cooked-- very reasonable prices--and Annie's home cooked cakes are moist, delicious and have been famous for over 20 years!

    Highly recommend --- especially on an evening when Annie sings and her husband plays keyboard.


  3. Find this link above... (Thai visa will not let me copy it) and understand why CMM did not publish.. Conflict of interest mate!

    Pity you didn't also quote the link to my reply to good old San Sai Sam-- explaining exactly why the CM Mail stayed cool on this one! No conflict of interest, just common sense and an objective view of this whole unnecessary and badly-handled mess.

    In 4 years of reading this forum, my main impression is that a great number of posters get a lot more fun throwing unfounded accusations around than considering the reality of any one issue.



  4. The farang who is trying to cancel the parade is the president of a group called CHIANG MAI FREUNDES and the editor of the CHIANG MAI MAIL is on the board...that's why!

    Firstly, the name of the fundraising group you are referring to is Thailandfreunde NV , NOT Chiang Mai FREUNDES. The group, over the last few months, have donated a large amount of money to various children's charities in this city.

    The Editor of the Chiang Mai Mail is indeed, voluntarily helping that organisation with its local publicity in the paper, as a committee member elected for that reason. She has publicised in this manner many other organisations, and has, very recently and on former occasions, publicised Mplus by editing and placing received texts.

    The reason why there have been no references to the gay parade in last two issues of the Chiang Mai Mail is that a great deal of unnecessary unpleasantness has been generated by this issue, with very little logic or understanding being shown, particularly on this forum. The paper's editor feels that readers, even if presented with both sides of the story, of which its editor is well aware, might just get a little bored with 'he says this' 'he says that', plus all kinds of ill-considered accusations, from whichever side they originated.

    Obviously, I do not know, nor do I wish to know, who you are, but your unequivocal statement that the reason that no reference has been made in the CM Mail to the present shenanigans is because the paper's editor is involved with TF causes a great deal of offence.

    How do I know all this? Because I am the editor of the Chiang Mai Mail, and the person whom you accused.


    however much the Thailandfreunde NV have donated to charity - and they should be applauded for that - they should not have cause so much trouble in the Gay community - and especially as they are Gay themselves. I agree with the earlier comment - spend your Pink Pound wisely - not supporting people who have managed to caused Gay Pride to be prohibited - then they will hopefully learn.

    I heard these two trouble makers are doing it because they want to take over Gay Pride. They want to control it and make money from it. Gay Pride events make alot of money by bringing in tourists. But it is the same people who who did it last year, doing it this year. Thais.. So this fight is about money and power.

    Shame on people who come in to town and try to make problems like this. Buying their way in. Then trying something devious like this. They should be ashamed.

    Again, comments from people who listen to 'chinese whispers', and add their 5 pence worth as it's a lot more fun than viewing an issue , and the personalities involved, objectively. You state, 'I heard that....' and you base your comments and accusations on hearsay. Presumably, if someone in a bar told you that they were selling 1000 baht notes down at Airport Plaza for 5 baht, you'd be first in the queue!

    I seem to remember that the Sakyamuni Buddha was quoted as saying, earlier on this thread, that the worst thing was hatred. Perhaps everyone involved in this sorry saga, whatever their stand, should take time out to consider this.

    I also, (and I am not religious), seem to remember that Jesus is believed to have said, 'Let him who is without sin cast the first stone' It would make my, (and, I suspect, many other people's), day if you guys stopped hurling rocks, but I'm not sitting on a hot stove waiting...


  5. The farang who is trying to cancel the parade is the president of a group called CHIANG MAI FREUNDES and the editor of the CHIANG MAI MAIL is on the board...that's why!

    Firstly, the name of the fundraising group you are referring to is Thailandfreunde NV , NOT Chiang Mai FREUNDES. The group, over the last few months, have donated a large amount of money to various children's charities in this city.

    The Editor of the Chiang Mai Mail is indeed, voluntarily helping that organisation with its local publicity in the paper, as a committee member elected for that reason. She has publicised in this manner many other organisations, and has, very recently and on former occasions, publicised Mplus by editing and placing received texts.

    The reason why there have been no references to the gay parade in last two issues of the Chiang Mai Mail is that a great deal of unnecessary unpleasantness has been generated by this issue, with very little logic or understanding being shown, particularly on this forum. The paper's editor feels that readers, even if presented with both sides of the story, of which its editor is well aware, might just get a little bored with 'he says this' 'he says that', plus all kinds of ill-considered accusations, from whichever side they originated.

    Obviously, I do not know, nor do I wish to know, who you are, but your unequivocal statement that the reason that no reference has been made in the CM Mail to the present shenanigans is because the paper's editor is involved with TF causes a great deal of offence.

    How do I know all this? Because I am the editor of the Chiang Mai Mail, and the person whom you accused.


  6. Full of geriatrics and visa/insurance/realestate conmen

    I would be interested to know of anyone who has been subject to conmen working out of expat clubs

    Please don't bring the problems you have had with the CM expats club (personel) into the Pattaya forum.

    I find it amazing that, every time on these forums a single person or group of people try to bring a halt to what we all know is going on as regards farang con artists feathering thei own nests at the expense of expats' life savings , some moderator somewhere pulls the plug on the thread.

    I f I weren't trying to beleive that everyone's born good, I mfiht suspect that TV and its people know more about this than they are happy to admit, and that there might...just might... be an angle there......

    This particular moderator is, I'm sure, quite aware that the subject of the Wenman's problems psends a lot of time in Pattaya on'business'.....


  7. I am appalled at the locking and deletion of two threads which are of considerable importance to this community. Firstly, allegations have been made which may damage businesses and reputations, everyone to whom this may a cause for concern should be allowed to have their say. Secondly, this forum always used to be a place where free speech was encouraged.

    Both these issues were important. Neither will go away, now that they are in the public domain. They will, hopefully, be even more in the pubilc domain, as will Thai Visa's locking and deleting of both threads, by next week. This community needs to have its voice heard--we are very used to hearing that Thai censorship is prevelant, but when our own people start to censor important issues as well -- that is taking things a great deal too far.


    p.s. -- not a hope in hel_l this thread will get through the mods, I suspect. Read the paper next week, guys.

  8. Where is this going?...

    In the future you can only enter thailand with a tourist visa from a thai embassy abroad?

    And without possible extension?

    A few years ago it was much easier, I'll bet they lost tourism because of that, and they lose more with these new rules.

    Or was that the intention :o

    It's as crazy as most posters seem to think. I'm here on a B visa, working with a work permit, etc, so , right now, I don't have problems-- but-- several friends of mine have had relatives from their home countries visit them as part of a 'tour' around SE Asia, with Thailand as the last stop before they fly home via Bangkok. All three set of people had money , and were happy to spend it, and all three came by land, one set from Laos and two from Cambodia. All had planned to stay in Thailand and travel around about for 3- 4 weeks, then go home for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Had they all arrived yesterday, they'd have been in trouble, with hotels and the return flights booked in advance and cars hired in advance online, and a 15 day stay instead of a month.

    Also, for UK citizens, also on 'visa exempt' status, planning to come here for more than 15 days after visting nearby countries , there is one Thai Embassy in London and one honorary consulate in Hull. Would most of you be willing to take 2 days at least off work and travel across, down or up the country with the costs involved just to get 3 weeks, say, in Thailand on holiday? Or would you rather go somewhere else warm and rather more welcoming? Escpecially if you weren't 100% sure on what date you would get to Thailand?

    And what about people with penty of money who are doing it the comfortable way and have already planned and paid in advance for car hire, flights out of Thailand at the end of their holidays, and hotel accomodation, all booked through the internet with no chance of a refund?

    There's a saying in the UK -- If you like the servce, you tell the company-- if you don't you tell all your friends...... how many better-off people will this put off, probably for good?


  9. They seem to be mainly looking for witch doctors, quacks, nuts and weirdos.

    You sound way too qualified! :o

    You might be right-- I sent the guy who posted a private message as well, and he's not even been polite enough to reply-- from that I can imagine what working for him would be like! Another farang who perhaps shouldn't be here....as if there weren't enough of those already!

  10. World famous New Spa/Resort in Mae Rim area is looking for teachers/practitioners of various alternative health disciplines. Opening Dec 20, 2008. Western Massage Styles, Hypnotherapy, Tai Chi, Chi Kung, Buddhist Meditation, Yoga, Iridology, Counseling, etc.

    Please contact Johannes with resume and/or other relevant information.

    I'm a UK qualified and experienced medical referral exercise therapist, specialising in the use of supervised gym exercise for post-operative and other medical conditions, long- or short- term, particularly in older patients. Do you have have a need for anything like this? I also have qualifications in counselling, again from the UK.


  11. The Chiang Mai Expats Club publish their own newspaper/magazine as does the Chiang Mai Mail. Maybe some rivalry? :o

    It is getting a little dull around ThaiVisa in Chiang Mai these days. Hard to keep focus these days despite all the nubile robots doing 180 splits in the Olympic pool today, so….

    The Expats Newletter is not a publication of the Chiang Mai Expats Club (as the publisher --- who is also the president of the club --- was finally forced to print regularly a while ago), but it uses the club as a marketing platform. It is technically (if you know how to use MicroSoft Office software like the average office slave) a fairly well-produced (for Chiang Mai) marketing newsletter to benefit those who publish it. Nothing more, really. It has no news sense except very rarely for the narrowest of interests, as in what happened at the last meeting of the Expats Club. Sometimes, Editor "Tom" writes self-help columns, such as "Where do I get my retirement visa extended when I am unshaved and my fly is open?" I guess he knows his readers! Some "columnists" (advertisers,that is) in the Expats Newsletter are utterly ridiculous or simply "cut and paste" artists," like the financial columns or that chiropractor/alternative health fellow who personally gave me at least five of his business cards one year at the July 4th party at the US Consulate! Give folks a break! How stupid do you think people are !! Or are they ?!

    The Mail, of course, hopes to make money, too, but it does take a more "responsible" (but sadly laughable) approach toward news. Regrettably, it is almost impossible to take the Mail as a serious news source. The major thing that newspaper has never invested in is a couple of decent reporters or an editor who does more than cut and paste. This is a mystery that I have never understood! There is a thirst for real news of Chiang Mai among expats like me who arrived here too late in life to learn to read Thai well. That is a problem, because no one here owes me, or anyone like me, with age-retarded language-learning skills, a dam_n thing. Its best feature is to have some people who occasionally write some interesting columns, but the best --- Edna's letters to the editor --- has disappeared, which makes me very sad! For a quick fix, perhaps the next time Steve goes out to take pictures of the social scene, he can do a "booty call!"

    Chiang Mai's City Life. Well, that's a slick advertising slick. And another topic some other time.

    So, over to you, folks!

    Interesting comment--- "the editor of the CM Mail does little more than cut and paste"-- how would you know that? Dp you know the fairly new arrival on the Mail's staff who is now English Language Editor? I do, she's a mate, and cut and paste is one thing she rarely does. Creative and constructive writing, however, as well as putting news items from translators into the english language from basically lots of words arranged badly on a page , plus writing her own column and writing up certain events -- maybe that's why I don't see her much these days! And whn I do see her, she's always moaning about why there aren't more ways of getting news stories and why readers don't give more feedback about what they'd like to see in the paper--so why don't you guys stop moaning and join in!

    The reporter thing, however, you might have a point there.


  12. Most labor offices do not seem to allow work permit issue if on a retirement extension of stay so you can try - but be prepared to obtain what they want in the event you can not.

    I have been told that it's impossible to get a work permit with a retirement visa extension, (not based on marriage), which is what I have, having converted forma non -omm O multi entry just over a year ago . Can't imagine why I did that. Nut I have also been told that you can work with

    work permit and a non- imm O (either one year single entry or multi-entry if you're really lucky).

    If I go onto a "B" visa, and either the job fords or I want to quit, I'm in trouble because I will have to leave immediately -- as mentioned before, have house, 4 dogs, etc.

    So -- does the labour office issue work permits on Non-Imm "O" visas? If so, what is the best way for me to convert from retirmment extension to non- Imm "O", and where is the best place to go to do it?

    Hope I've made myself clear this time round.


  13. I'm on a retirement extension visa right now, and have just been offered a job which will involve the school giving me a work permit. Can I go onto a Non- immigrant "0" 1 year visa, or must I have a "B" visa? How do I go about changing my visa, and where is the best place to od this. I live in Chiang Mai, have my own house, lease on land etc, and four dogs so I don't want to get this wrong and be forced to leave the country for week to get it fixed again.

  14. What I was hoping to get from this topic was an indication of whether people had heard of The Gymkhana, or had any views on the place? It's been there for over 100 years after all - it should be world famous!!

    I am under the impression that Cricket Sixes was more or less "invented" in Chiangmai and the first ever game was at the Gymkhana. Is this true?

    Quite right Bokseedah. This year will be the 21st anniversary of the 6's in Chiang Mai. Many 6's tournaments exist around the world but the first was in Chiang Mai in 1987. Ex Chiang Mai tobacco ex-pat Ian Law along with numerous others was one of the founders.

    The land that the CMGC is on was donated to the ex-pat community by the King of Thailand in the 1890's. It was given under the proviso that it was never to be sold. There have been a few groups who have tried over the past 15 years or so, to sell it off but fortunately failed to do so.

    Speaking of high class Brits in Chiang Mai, that definately rules out any scousers. In fact there is no such thing as a high class Brit living in Liverpool for that matter.


    Q: What do you call a scouser in a suit? A: The defendant

    Q: What do you call a scouser in a Porsche? A: A car thief etc etc etc!

    Seriously, Gymkhana, the oldest club of any kind in Thailand, is one of the few 'green lungs' of this city and a real national treasure.

    Great ambience, good value food and drink, good staff (now!) and worth a trial run in every way, ie eating, drinking, golfing, squashing, tennising, billiarding or just sitting on that lovely verandah at dusk and bxllxsxttxng!

    I wouldn't mind joining the Gymkhana club as the only other expat's club in CM is a disaster these days -- more politics than Capitol Hill and more money grubbing than the NYSE! But -- can't do it on my budget -- joining fees are huge!


  15. I bet almost no one will get to hear of this on street level, let alone take any notice without local action of the kind cmsally and her neighbours have taken.

    If the impact of the new regulation is low, perhaps concerned TV members should photograph as many violations as possible in one week (or on one day) and submit them all to the Chiang Mai Mail so they could run a whole page of Firestarters instead of the horoscopes they seem to use as filler these days. :o

    I hereby volunteer to co-ordinate this effort.

    Check the CM Mail this week -- there will be an article entitled "A "Burning" question, (written by a correspondent, not a translated and edited report from Thai authorities) with two pics ----black and white unfortunately, but nothing's perfect--- if anyone wants to send pics as suggested, I'll do my best -- if they can send through this forum, I'm not giving out my email address on here, guys!


  16. This week's Chiangmai Mail ( Tuesday, 15th January ) shoud be carrying a story or possibly a letter entitled "A Story That Has To Be Told".

    Check it out - if you wan't a slant on this City and its inhabitants. The contents "wowed" me and I'm sure you will also find it an eye-opener.

    This is, by the way, NOT an attempt to increase the circulation of that news-paper ( no smart references in that regard, please).


    C'mon guys !

    Be fair !!!!!!

    Look at my posting.

    Who took it downhill from there ? ( That's a rhetorical question ! )

    In all fairness to the Chiangmai Mail, with whom I have absolutely no assosciation whatsoever - how about a sense of balance and less hysteria ?

    There was no deception by the Chiangmai Mail.

    I can take the castigation and menacing, but a little decency is all it takes to make the world go around.

    Chiang Mai IS a great place.


    You have been found guilty by a jury of your peers, after due deliberation, of the most heinous crime of boring posting while compounding the offence with a reprehensible fraudulent bait and switch. While the charge of misrepresentation of a commercial interest has not been proven beyond the degree of reasonable doubt necessary for a conviction, the evidence presented was sufficiently compelling that it shall weigh on the final sentencing.

    Furthermore, to this day you seem to have no understanding of the gravity of your crimes and have shown neither regret nor remorse nor have you offered any apology to your many victims, who will no doubt carry the memories of the suffering inflicted on them by your posts long after the posts themselves have retired to the Google archive. Various representations have been made to the court that you are a habitual boring poster who sees flames as merely an occupational hazard.

    This court of public opinion has no option, and indeed has the pleasure, to sentence you to the full penalty of the law.


    I obviously do not know the identity of the person who wrote the above post , mainly ,I suspect as I don't hang about in bars with the lowlife! The "story" was sent to me as an email by a friend, who just happens to be one of the best and most caring people I have ever met, and just wanted me to know that a good thing had happened. I thought that it was so good to read something so positive, that I sent it to the CM Mail, who agreed with me and published it. I have just received an email from the same friend, who is broken hearted that his wish to alert people to something good has brought so many unpleasant people out of the woodwork. There was no "bait or swtich", just the actions of two people trying to accentuate the positive.

    You people are so sad.. You misunderstand, accuse, suspect and rubbish without even thinking of the hurt you will cause to decent people whom you don't even know. Or maybe, the fact that you don't know them makes it easy to do.

    The rest of this forum is a waste of space -- I do know, through another friend, that the CM Mail is making a real effort to give people what they want to read, and I also know that such changes take time and effort.

    Finally, as I left my home country to get away from people who behave in this manner, I am disgusted to find that there seem to be so many of them scattered around CM amongst the numerous expats who give their time and often their money as well to help so many charities and causes. To those who have been so hurtful, don't bother to give this reply the same treatment, as I shan't bother to read what you write. Instead, get a life!


  17. The Governor of Chiang Mai has requested that the CHARITY ROOFTOP PARTY scheduled for the 12 January 2008 be postponed to 26th January 2008. This is due to the mourning period for HRH The Princess, (His Majesty the King's sister), who has sadly died. Our sincere condolences go to His Majesty the KIng, the Royal Family and to the Thai nation.

    We are planning EVERYTHING THE SAME - with, of course, a few minor



    Please can you pass the word around - tell everyone. As you will appreciate, this is beyond our control and we are really sorry for any inconvenience caused. Tickets are still valid on the date - we will not be issuing new tickets.

    If anyone has bought tickets and would like a refund - please return your ticket to Hillside 4 reception - you will receive an immediate refund.

    If anyone now wants to attend the party due to the change of date, we would really like your support - you can buy tickets at Hillside 4's reception desk.

    Steve Yarnold, (Chairman, Hillside 4 Charity Rooftop Party Working


  18. Since it now seems to regarded as "cool" , particularly in the northern areas of Chiang Mai, for developers to include several klongs/lakes etc, in thier moo baans, I wondered if anyone might be able to suggest how we can go about solving a very real problem. Two years ago we leased land on a small new moo baan in Sansai and had our home built. In front of our land , and inside the boundary of the moo baan, was a lovely small lake, fed by an existing klong. Lotuses, fish, dragonflies, trees----- wonderful! 18 months later, we look out on an empty klong, and a lake which has lost 3/4 of its water, a situation which has continued for over three months now. Worse still, the continuation of the klong behind a neighbour's house is also dry, except when the liquid waste from her septic tank is discharged into it....... The excuse we have been given is that a farmer has blocked the klong further up in order to irrigate his rice fields, however, the lake was full of water for at least two years previous to this September, and the klong was feeding it in the correct manner. The water levels everywhere else in the area are good, the developer does not reply to requests for action and explanation, the local deputy headman shakes his head and walks away ---- the mosquitos continue to multiply, and the smell gets worse by the day.

    Who do we go to in order to get help on this ? It's beginning to be a serious health issue, as well as an eyesore. As part of the price we paid for the house, we were promised paid maintenance of all features until the moo baan was completed, which it is not as yet, there being two plots yet to be leased. Which, of course, with this problem, they never will be......any advice as to how we should proceed would be very much appreciated.

    We note another new development north of where ours is situated -- it's got even more lakes -- perhaps prospective purchasers should ask some pertinent questions before committing themselves......


  19. I've always enjoyed The Pattaya Mail when I visited there and was happy to purchase it. The local paper is too thin and has too much boring fluff that comes from International News Services. :o

    Bang on the money as usual, U.

    I have watched this thing since its inception and through 4 editorships and, basically, they have never got it right.

    The first of countless errors they have made (I mean the majority shareholders, the Pattaya Mail) is that Chiang Mai is NOT Pattaya, never will be and most vitally never WANTS to be. They have NEVER captured the local 'feel' and at this rate never will.

    I agree totally with the OP too, but unlike him have almost run out of patience. They demand the same cover price as the BP and the Nation, yet overload it with agency copy (some totally irrelevant to Thailand and SE Asia let alone CM!). Their local content is very varied and usually weak, and this will continue as long as they stumble along with low paid, unqualified people. The exception to that remark is their hard working English volunteer (ie free) photographer without whom they would have 4 blank pages a week.

    They 'withdrew' from business here for several months and the comeback should have been dramatically good. But it was a whimper, not a bang.

    Their ad rates, pro rata, are higher than 'Citylife' and they don't even consistently follow up the ad inquiries they receive.

    I would not be Amazed if they 'withdraw' again after the high season and are never seen again.

    Yes, CM deserves much, MUCH better!

    A good point made in the above post -- Chiang Mai is definitely not Pattaya, and those of us who live here would not wish to live in Pattaya. The expat community here is diverse, and seems to be composed of quite a few small groups -- much like villages! -- so a slight problem for the CM Mail in covering the wants and needs of all. Local hard news is difficult to define and discover, and yes, the local "feel" is also difficult to define, but attempts are being made.

    The "Social Scene" props up many expats' lives --- whether the rest of us agree and want that or not, so reportage of it is relevant to readers especially if they are involved. To those who criticise the efforts made by the many people who are now volunteering to help the paper evolve, please, please, write to the Mail and let the editors know what you would like to read. Personally, I think it's essential to have a weekly publication here, if right now it's not exactly what expats need, then let them know in a positive manner rather than just knocking it down!


  20. A friend has a serious problem, mostly due to misinformation.

    An American senior citizen who had lived in India for some years, she came to CM on a "visa on arrival" basis in August and stayed for a month. Having decided that she wanted to live here she returned 2 months ago and again entered on a "visa on arrival" basis. She made one visa run to Mae Sai after the first month.

    Realising that she needed to change her visa staus, she sought legal advice. The advice that she was given did not, it now transpires, take into account her first visit here last August. Almost amonth ago she also visited Chaing Mai Immigration, where she was told about the 21 day rule for applying for a Non Imm. O visa. When , as she was instructed, she returned the same day to start the process, she was told that no-one knew anything about it, and sent away. The name of the Immigration officer who gave her the information is known.

    Yesterday she went to Mae Sai -- she was refused an extension, and was told she must leave Thailand on Wednesday. She is prepared to fly to another country to get a Non Imm. O visa, but is not sure which embassy/consulate can now provide this facility.

    She has transferred funds from India, although this took a very long time to activate, resulting in another 5-6 weeks before she can apply for a "retirement " visa. She has a pension and capital which meets Immigration's requirements.

    She is planning to visit CM Immigration tomorrow to ask about her options, but has little hope that they can provide an immediate solution, so really needs to know which country can issue a Non-Imm O as soon as possible. She is an older lady; this is causing her a great deal of stress, as she has been given inaccurate info twice regarding this matter, once by her legal advisor and once by CM Immigration.

    If anyone can quickly supply info which would be helpful to her, I should be most grateful.


  21. It sounds to me as though you might end up with an asset to your place.

    A meeting place, breakfast and entertainment area can actually be a plus of you are in a gated community.

    Without knowing the particulars of the moo baan I would be inclined to suggest that you just wait, perhaps speak to the developer and ask the particulars.

    Unless this is a low class type moo baan I think you will be pleased with the finished result.

    Good luck.

    Tuky -- there are seven homes on this moo baan at present, with three unleased parcels of land. We were promised that it would be a gated community with a resident couple, we were then told it would not be so. The closest home to the proposed restaurant/entertainment centre is 10 yards, the furthest away is about 60 yards. The decibels emitted by such places can be heard clearly a mile away------ I fail to see how we, or any other home owners here might end up with an "asset to our place" ! Amazing Thailand , indeed. particularly as the main mover and shaker on this is a farang........


  22. Two years ago we leased land and contracted a farang/Thai real estate company to build us a home on a very small Moo Baan . The development was , and is still being, described on the real estate company's website as being “a unique development ------in as serene and peaceful a location as you could wish”. We discovered, after we had paid the deposit and leased the land, that the entire site did not belong to the real estate company but to a Thai/American couple who lived locally, and who had connections with the developer. We and another couple have lived here for over a year, during that time 5 more homes have been commissioned and built, although the owners are not yet in residence. There are two remaining plots and a small area which at present is occupied by huts for the Burmese construction team.

    Yesterday we heard from the other permanently resident couple on the development that the owner of the land had told them that the huts were to be demolished and the Burmese moved to another site. She went on to state that she and her husband had plans to build a “ breakfast restaurant and entertainment centre” in our moo baan where the huts had been located, adjacent to our neighbours’ home and a short distance from ours. Having lived in Thailand for a while now, we are fully aware of what that will mean to us , our neighbours, and the other owners of the completed properties in terms of unbearably loud noise, traffic, drunks, security risks to our homes, loss of property values, and difficulty in either selling or renting our properties when it all gets too much and we are forced to leave.

    We were informed recently that the road through the development was a private road, and we are expected, when and if the entire development is completed, to pay for the area’s maintenance ourselves, including two small lakes and a great many trees. We were assured at point of purchase, that the Moo Baan would be for private occupation only.

    Obviously, we are going to have to seek (probably expensive) legal advice on this, but are posting in case a reader or readers has had experience of a similar situation and can advise .


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