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Posts posted by infofootballaj

  1. From what I have read, it depends if who you are working for is an informal or formal school. An agency is considered informal. Now, I understand why a school that gets a contract considers themselves an agency. For now it is a Thai thing and not something you can send a farang to jail for. Let the Thais make that decision. In other words, if they do not ask for it, do not provide it.

    Partly true.

    You don't need a waiver or license to teach in non-formal schools. Some agencies are also non-formal schools. If they place you in one of their schools or another non-formal situation you don't require the waiver. If you are placed in a formal school waivers or a license are needed.

    What would be considered as a formal and non formal school then? Are we just talking about private and government schools?

  2. Hi there

    I am 34 years old and have been married once to a Thai national. We divorced 6-7 years ago. My current long term girlfriend and I would one day like to marry although no date has been set. I do not have my divorce certificate from before. I misplaced them a couple of years back. I know that in order to marry here foreigners need to have a freedom to marry document which confirms that any previous marriage was dealt with in the right way ie divorced and papers to boot. We got married in Bangkok in a small registry office, so I am thinking of going back there to get the document. Or does anyone else have any ideas?

    Many thanks in advance

  3. Hi there

    My Thai gf and I are moving into a house next month and I have thus far contacted True and 3 BB to try and arrange to have the internet connected. I have been told by both that they won't be able to fit it in that estate yet as there are no lines up in the village yet (fairly new housing estate). Does anyone know if I have any other options to use the internet. I need a fairly decent connection too. Any help would be great.


  4. I have seen no reports of Vientiane wanting the certificate to be certified.

    You will only be able to do a self certification by doing a statement at the UK embassy. This can be done while you wait but you have to first make an appointment. They will not certify it themselves. Info here: https://www.gov.uk/notarial-and-documentary-services-guide-for-thailand

    Normally the certification is not needed to get an extension of stay.

    All interesting stuff. Which ever way I twig it, it is edging more and more towards a trip to Laos. I may go to Suvanaket on the Mukdahan crossing instead of Vientienne I did the latter some years back and didn't think much of the city. Fancy a change so will give the other one a go. Anyone know if it is still operating and if non B's are available there with the correct documentation?

    Regarding certification, my degree has been checked already during the previous 3 work permit applications. Teachers council and labour so they can check a 4th time if they feel the need.

    I am better off just going to Laos and getting it done asap. Thanks for info Joe it was much appreciated.

  5. The degree verification is an old rule but until recently never enforced. With the rule recently being enforced, it has become possible to do the change of visa also in the provinces instead only at HQ.

    5.5 The Applicant’s educational degree certificate (must be translated into Thai or English and certified by local or overseas Embassy or Consulate of the foreigner and by the Legalization Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand) (For more information, please call 0-2575-1056-9), not less than Bachelor’s degree, academic transcript and evidence of TOEIC scores.

    OP, wanted to sent you a PM but you can't receive any.

    Not sure why. Just had a look at my settings but nothing on there that was blocking pm's.

    Just tried myself. Check that your messenger storage is not full. Try deleting a few of your messages.

    Got this message.

    "The following errors were found

    The member infofootballaj cannot receive any new messages

    This personal message has not been sent"

    Hi Joe

    Thanks for your help. Do you think it would be quicker to get my original degree and transcripts certified at the British embassy or to just take the originals to Laos with me to just apply for a non B there, come back and proceed with the non B from scratch? Will I still need to get my documents verified if I have a non B from Laos or if I already have the non B is it not then necessary to do that? I am just wondering how much and how long it takes to do this at the British embassy.



  6. The degree verification is an old rule but until recently never enforced. With the rule recently being enforced, it has become possible to do the change of visa also in the provinces instead only at HQ.

    5.5 The Applicant’s educational degree certificate (must be translated into Thai or English and certified by local or overseas Embassy or Consulate of the foreigner and by the Legalization Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand) (For more information, please call 0-2575-1056-9), not less than Bachelor’s degree, academic transcript and evidence of TOEIC scores.

    OP, wanted to sent you a PM but you can't receive any.

    Not sure why. Just had a look at my settings but nothing on there that was blocking pm's.

  7. No, you do not need them to apply for a non-B visa abroad, but you would probably need them for a conversion to a non-B in BKK.

    Thanks for clearing the non b application question up but as for conversion to a non B in Bkk, well that is something that no longer happens as of 2 months ago if you are working outside Bkk. It gets dealt with in the province you are working in now, but from my experience today, they are either making things as difficult as possible or they have no clue what they are doing.


    "I am a thirty four year old British national and I have had 3 work permits before now up until 2012 "

    What, in your opinion, has "changed " since 2012 ?

    Well, the conservatives have won by a majority. I am a few kg heavier and I have more grey hairs!!!

    • Like 2
  8. No, you do not need them to apply for a non-B visa abroad, but you would probably need them for a conversion to a non-B in BKK.

    Thanks for clearing the non b application question up but as for conversion to a non B in Bkk, well that is something that no longer happens as of 2 months ago if you are working outside Bkk. It gets dealt with in the province you are working in now, but from my experience today, they are either making things as difficult as possible or they have no clue what they are doing.

    • Like 1
  9. It is easier to apply for a non-B in a neighboring country, although BKK could do it. (You would need a teaching license or waiver of the license for working at a regular school and have had to apply for the work permit already).

    So I need the teachers license or waiver before I go to apply for non B in a neighboring country? The thing that makes me chuckle in this county is that we hear different things off different bodies. I was told that the procedure is ........NON b.............teachers license........work permit............visa extension of stay.

  10. ...

    On arrival at the immigration in Bangkok, I was greeted with 'where are you working'? I said ' Rayong'.


    Btw, IMHO, that was the wrong answer to give... or perhaps you paraphrased your conversation incorrectly. You should have stated that you are NOT working yet, but will be.

    Work is allowed if work permit application has commenced(which it has) so I answered honestly and correctly.

  11. Hi

    I am a thirty four year old British national and I have had 3 work permits before now up until 2012 when i returned to the UK. I was teaching on the work permits over the 3 years. I have recently returned to Thailand 30 days ago on a tourist visa. I was applying for jobs to teach here while I was back in the UK, but like anything it is hard to secure work if you are not in the country that you are applying for the job in order to attend an interview etc. I went to the local Thai consulate in the UK and told them I was planning to return to Thailand to work and that I have several interviews lined up but no concrete offer at the time. They advised me to come here on a tourist visa, going on to say that if I am able to secure work in the first month then I will then be able to transfer my tourist visa to a non B in Bangkok. GREAT! So I thought. Since arriving, I have indeed secured work and I went to Bangkok yesterday from Rayong (where my new school is), stayed the night, woke up early and proceeded to go to immigration with all the correct documentation from the school to change my visa. On arrival at the immigration in Bangkok, I was greeted with 'where are you working'? I said ' Rayong'. A rather abrupt 'the rules have changed you can now do it in Rayong' was directed at me by a very hard looking immigration officer. She gave me all the documents back and told me to leave. I was shocked by the attitude and unfriendly approach but even so I went on my merry way and went back to the bus station to rush back down to Rayong immigration to do it here. 3 hours later I arrived at Rayong immigration and again was met with complete attitude by an immigration officer in Rayong with her saying 'why didn't you get a non B from your home country before coming, we cannot change it easily anymore you need a good reason'. I proceeded to explain why I couldn't get it as stated above with no confirmation of work at the time in place. She then commented that all the documents needed to be stamped by the British embassy and the Thai consular in another part of Bangkok. Again, she was very abrupt and strict. Has anyone heard of this before, regarding having every document stamped by the British embassy. Seems a bit much, I only want to change the visa not apply for a residence permit. I would just like to know what my options are now and if anyone else has had any experience like this too? I can go back to Bangkok and do what this officer asked yes, but there is something telling me she will find something else that is wrong on my next visit there. I am half tempted to just go to Laos and get the non B as I now have a job, hence a letter from the employer is no longer a problem. I am just stunned that I have met such unco-operative people today who seemed intent on making my life as hard as possible with no sign of a willingness to communicate in a nice, polite way. My current visa as i've said is a double entry tourist visa, and I could activate the 2nd entry if time is an issue. My first entry is up on the 15th of June. I do not really want to leave and re enter on my 2nd entry though as I want to commence my work permit application.

    Any advice would be of great help.


  12. These guys are no doubt morons (at least on this day) but tell them to pay for all damages and costs (or do some time in Thai jail) and then get them out of the country for good. Case closed. I have little doubt they can play on the sympathy of people and relatives back home to send money to keep them out of a Thai prison.

    Their fathers have arrives apparently to be told 1 million bah bail each thats whats being said on Facebook. Good luck with that and the police won't give them their passports so a nice little escape is totally out ..... unless they want to have another problem in a bordering country with no entry stamp and no passport lol

    • Like 1
  13. Out of money and living in Thailand. How many times have I heard this. How does one allow one's self to get into such a situation ? Losers. The lot of them.

    This sort of case makes one realise that visa regulations are far too lax, if they allow people of working age to stay for months or years without money or a legal job. That is an invitation to either work illegally or resort to crime like these morons.

    I think you may find that getting strict on the visas for these "morons " won't have much of an impact I am afraid. Most of them have long outstayed whatever visa, if any, that they arrived on. ie. They just come in on the normal 30 days stamp on arrival and that is it for them. These vermin are what give foriegners a bad name in Thailand amounst Thais.

    I think what is needed is harsh overstay laws and punishments. Especially for overstayers who are conducting illegal activities in Thailand, like these tossers and those in the call center scams. Put them all in Bang Khwang for 5 to 10 years. That should send a message.

    u can't go to Bangkwang for 5-10 years.

  14. So a trio of dim bulbs run out of money and decide to make "ATM withdrawals"? What's all the fuss? Give 'em some credit - they actually WERE able to withdraw the ATMs! A few feet anyway... Is it THEIR fault the rope wouldn't fit in the card slot?? I'm sure they'll go on to be physics laureates at the Bangkok Hilton... 'Can't wait to hear how & where the 3rd musketeer eventually gets picked up.

    Read he got tipped off and legged it. He will be well gone by now. The other two have been very stupid and will now pay a huge price for their mistake. I doubt the 3rd one will ever be caught if that is that he has a brain power to leave the country. If on the other hand he is hiding out in Thailand then he may well be nabbed soon and he deserves to be nabbed if he is stupid enough to still be here. I was thinking too, will the police have alerted all borders and exit points in Thailand to try and nab him if he tries to leave???

  15. Hey just an update always handy for others to look at I suppose. My visa was to expire this weekend but I went to the labour department in Samut Prakan yesterday and was stamped in my new passport no problems and then followed by immigration which was equally as easy. Without transferring the stamp from the old passport........although I did take the old one with me obviously. Good news and I am over the moon as I now have an extension of stay until May the 29th 2013....wooo hooooo

  16. Not sure how close Labor will check but passport and visa entry must be valid for issue of a work permit in my understanding and immigration will not have any control over that. If It were me I would not issue the work permit until you had a valid passport with the required visa entry in it. And I fear this may happen; but hope I am wrong.

    Well after that reply from you I started fearing again even though I was told that today so I have just called my boss as she went to the labour department in Samut prakan today and they said they will do it so it looks as though I am ok but I know you know your stuff on these things and I fully understand your info/advice so I wanted to call and check. My boss deals with these individuals regularly so she may have asked for a favour on this occasion. Of course I am not home and dry unless the new passport is stamped officially with the extension of stay so I just have to wait. Apparently my date to pick up my work permit is 15th of June so we'll see then.

  17. I suspect it will/would include transfer of current entry - information on previous passport and visa entry when you do it.

    I hope your work permit can be issued as that is what I see as the issue - you do not have a non immigrant B visa allowing issue in your current passport.

    Well yes that was my main concern but immigration said apply for the work permit in your old passport as thats where your visa is and we will just stamp your new one no problem. I personally thought that was strange as my old passport is now cancelled but I suppose at the end of the day the visa and stamp are still valid so they were happy to do it.

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