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Posts posted by roseclose

  1. Keep taking what the pharmacist suggested (maybe not the Ibuprofen)

    The anti-biotic should be having an effect by day 2, if not back to pharmacy or doctor.

    Monitor your urine, if it is very dark, you have a problem, if it gets DARKER see a doctor..

    Have a glass/bottle of water with you at all times and sip constantly (add electrolytes to the water, from pharmacy, not expensive, not harmful)

    Urine has been clear to light yellow in color... Today is the second day of the medicine... I still have loose stool but much less in frequency... been trying to drink more liquids... just had a bottle of gatorade, still feeling fatigued and out of it.

    I posted this question on yahoo answers, too... Why are those people so horrible while you guys are so helpful?

  2. i had bad case of diarrhea lasted for couple of weeks turned out to be an intestinal parasite.

    You should stop eating solids foods drink plenty water and rehydration meds. when diarrhea stops should eat very bland and easy to digest foods to start with and in small amounts

    i would see a doctor if it keeps up it can be very dangerous

    A parasite?!?!? What kind???!? EWwwww I hope i don't have one

  3. I usually get diarrhea from eating Thai food (I think because of the spices) but it usually only lasts a few hours. I guess thats why I didn't think anything of it until a few days had gone by. And yeah, I have some mild dehydration. So what should I do? Should I continue taking what the pharmacist prescribed or switch to the medicines you said are effective? Also, are you a doctor or nurse?

  4. Hi. I am vacationing on one of the islands in Thailand. 5 or 6 days ago, I ate some seafood that seemed undercooked but didn't think anything of it at the time. Shortly after eating it I experienced severe abdominal cramping and horrible liquid poop that hurt as it came out. Ever since then I've been having liquid stool, abdominal cramping, severe nausea (but no vomiting), and fatigue that comes and goes. For the first 5 days I had bowel movements 10 - 12 times a day but would urinate only once or twice a day. On the 5th day I felt so awful that I went to a pharmacist for medicine. She prescribed three different medicines for me: Norflox 400mg (to be taken twice a day), Molax 10mg (to be taken three times a day), and Ibuprofen 400mg (to take as needed).

    I googled these medicines, of course, and their possible interactions but would like more info... Has anyone else experienced this while in Thailand? What was your diagnosis and treatment? Should I be worried about this? I don't want to go to a hospital if I don't have to. Whenever I have gone to hospitals in the past all they have done is waste my time and charge me a ton of money for doing nothing that a trip to Rite Aid wouldn't have fixed.

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