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Posts posted by lostdoll

  1. Thank you all so much for the information! There are a lot of things here that I haven't read elsewhere, so that's very helpful. Many of you seem to be urging me to think about why I would like to go to Thailand, and this is very smart. Considering you've done this already, I understand that completely. The more I think about it though, the more I feel like I don't really have any expectations at all. I just want to go and experience Thailand and be a fantastic teacher to whomever I end up teaching. As for how I will know how to do any of it--I won't. However, I'm a quick learner, patient, independent and calm--I think all of these qualities will match what you guys are saying make for a good teaching experience for both myself and the students. It seems that some people go to Thailand expecting to bring their western world with them, and this is not my desire at all. Like many of you said, if it's not for me, I'll have a return ticket home. :)

  2. Tolstoy, thank you for the sound advice and information! I was on another forum asking these same questions, and all I've gotten are pages upon pages of people wondering if my fiance' is going to cheat on me when we go to Thailand. All I can say to those comments is that everyone's experiences are different, and it's all about perspective. I'm sure if someone intends to experience Thailand in that way, then they probably will. However, our goal for living in Thailand has nothing to do with it's women. Thanks for clearing up some things about what I'm qualified for, because that was a foggy area. I have read a lot about TEFL and agree that it won't really benefit me in this situation. I have above-average common sense and love tutoring, so I think teaching will work out just fine. You said you know other couples that have come over...are any of those that you know in a situation of living off of one salary as I mentioned? I'm just trying to run the possibilities in case he can't get a job.

  3. Thank you for all of the sound advice! I appreciate you guys sharing your experiences with me, as this is mostly a blind journey.

    Chowny77, I have actually given a lot of thought to living near a border town up north since we will most likely have to do border runs for my fiance'. Are there any areas within a few hours of the Vientaine, Laos border area that you could recommend?

    I am trying to do as much research as possible since I don't have the finances to make a separate trip to Thailand to figure out whether I am going to like it or not, or what area would be best for us. We're basically going to go next September or October, and decide then whether we want to stay. If we do, then I'll just look for a job and stay; if we don't like it, then we can come home with our return tickets and at least we had a vacation.

  4. Myanmar. Read this again after you've been here 6 months and then thank me wishing you had heeded the advice.

    Could you expand on your comment please? What do you like better about Myanmar? Do they have the same visa issues for people who will not be working there? (ie: like the scenario I have currently with my fiance' coming with me).

  5. Hi all, I'm fairly new to the forum. After doing several months of research, I would love to get some advice on my plans to move to Thailand. Firstly, a little about myself and my plans...I am a 27 year old American woman, and I am graduating from a university here next May with a Bachelors degree in English. I would like to move to Thailand for about 9months-1 year, possibly more. I have decided that teaching English would probably be the most plausible way of staying in Thailand, considering my degree. Plus, I would really enjoy the experience.

    So, a few things have come to mind in developing this plan that I am having a hard time figuring out completely. First, what time of year should I move to Thailand? I have read that it is best to set up the job while you're already in Thailand, and that May and November are hiring times. I wouldn't be graduating until mid-May so I assume I'll have to go with the November hiring season? Should I move there some time in advance of the hiring season? What is the best way of going about choosing a place to live? I have looked into each region, and I know I don't want to be in a city like Bangkok, however I would like an area where I can bicycle/walk to eating places, a market, etc. Also, another issue that I'm trying to figure out is how difficult it would be for my fiance' to come with me to Thailand. He would not be working since he does not hold a Bachelors degree. However, I have read that he can get a visa by studying at a Thai university or by doing border-crossings. What are your opinions on these scenarios? I would appreciate any other input you may have, as this is a big undertaking and the more I understand about it all, the better. Thanks all!

  6. Hi all, I'm fairly new to the forum. After doing several months of research, I would love to get some advice on my plans to move to Thailand. Firstly, a little about myself and my plans...I am a 27 year old American woman, and I am graduating from a university here next May with a Bachelors degree in English. I would like to move to Thailand for about 9months-1 year, possibly more. I have decided that teaching English would probably be the most plausible way of staying in Thailand, considering my degree. Plus, I would really enjoy the experience.

    So, a few things have come to mind in developing this plan that I am having a hard time figuring out completely. First, what time of year should I move to Thailand? I have read that it is best to set up the job while you're already in Thailand, and that May and November are hiring times. I wouldn't be graduating until mid-May so I assume I'll have to go with the November hiring season? Should I move there some time in advance of the hiring season? What is the best way of going about choosing a place to live? I have looked into each region, and I know I don't want to be in a city like Bangkok, however I would like an area where I can bicycle/walk to eating places, a market, etc. Also, another issue that I'm trying to figure out is how difficult it would be for my fiance' to come with me to Thailand. He would not be working since he does not hold a Bachelors degree. However, I have read that he can get a visa by studying at a Thai university or by doing border-crossings. What are your opinions on these scenarios? I would appreciate any other input you may have, as this is a big undertaking and the more I understand about it all, the better. Thanks all!

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