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Posts posted by canman

  1. I generally use Agoda, never had a problem with them. I always check the hotel website and will usually call the hotel as well to ask for the best deal. Even after doing the above I have occasionally been quoted better walk in rates. I will sometimes as for a walkin rate before letting them know I have a booking; around 50% of the time I could have gotten a lower rate.

    In Vietnam the delta can be substantial.

    If I am not familiar with the area I will also check it out on google maps and google street view if available.

  2. Don't care one way or the other how many selfies people take.

    But the selfie stick is another issue. More and more it happens that you are walking along and suddenly a selfie stick pops out into your path, I don't detour I treat it as if someone has delibrately pushed a stick in front of my face and I slap it out of the way.

  3. "Win or implode" huh?

    The Donald have a track record of imploding?


    He doesn't have a track record as a politician, but:


    Yeah, maybe he has been successful at some things, but he also has a record of failed ventures as well. The point being is that he is capable of imploding.

    Any successful man/woman will have several failures behind them. It's the fear of failure which stops most people from succeeding big time.

  4. I bought a VEOLO 4K box a couple weeks ago. Best box for streaming I have owned. You can also download an app for your android or apple phone to control the box.

    The specs for those who are interested:

    The flagship RK3288 Quad-Core Cortex-A17 SoC (system on chip), powering the latest Mali-T764 GPU, 2GB DDR3 RAM & 16GB Flash supplies all the processing and graphics prowess necessary for today and tomorrow’s entertainment needs.


  5. I think your view on the health care system in Canada may be slightly tainted by rose tinted glasses. I'm glad to hear your uncle was well taken care of but I have extensive experience with very bad health care and mis-diagnosis in Canadian hospitals.

    I have also worked in a large metropolitan teaching hospital so have first hand experience of what actually goes on behind the scenes.

  6. So it's a done deal.

    Hillary vs. The Donald

    May God have mercy on our souls!

    I still want to see

    Bernie against the Don

    The Jewish socialist against the Christian Capitalist. Hollywood could not have come up with a more unlikely political comedy.

    The above scenerio is becoming more of a possibility every day. HRC has not answered a single reporters question since December, she wont be able to keep her head down much longer. Each day more and more of the American public are seeing her as a liar and criminal. She really only has the special interest groups following her; like a blind dog following a Vietnamese butcher.

  7. Cebu Pacific - Nightmare online booking system

    I had been warned about these clowns and would have flown Tiger except for the fact Tiger do not fly to Clark on the day I have to travel.

    It took 3 attempts to complete the booking online. Once it timed out, the second time it froze at the payment stage.

    Be warned that they do not let you upgrade your baggage allowance when you book and pay for the ticket. You have to purchase the ticket, then go to manage your booking and pay seperately for the baggage allowance upgrade entering all your credit card details again. After several failed attempts at upgrading my allowance I gave up and called them. Took a further 20 minutes on the phone to make it happen.

    Total time to book a simple return airfare online 1hr 45 mins. Absolute garbage!

  8. In a lengthy Instagram post, Lee said he "cannot support" the "lily white" Oscars.

    Awwwww booo-hooo, What a racist Spike Lee is.

    So really - he thinks the Oscars intentionally left out colored people? Or is it just possible that all the best performers where deemed be white this year by a group that were neither racist nor swayed by political correctness?

    You can have black music awards but old Spike and his racist crew would go ape at the thought of a white music awards. We can have the BET (Black Entertainment Television) Awards, but no way could you have the WET awards. Black power is fine, white power is racist.

    And now - just because by random chance the best performers in a 12 month period where white, all the usual suspects come out and play the race card.

    I am so sick of this overt anti-white racism and the political correctness that these colored racists play off.

    Jeez - I'll probably be called racist for this post.

    Probably? I didn't realise there was anybody still knocking round referring to 'colored people'. Well, maybe a couple of old nostalgic geezers. As for the Oscars a thoroughly unimpressive list of nominations all round and anything the Rev Al Sharpton says straight into the bin.

    Try lookin here:


    National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is an African-American civil rights organization in the United States, formed in 1909 by Moorfield Storey, Mary White Ovington and W. E. B. Du Bois.[3] Its mission is "to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination"

  9. Its going to be interesting to see how quickly the oil price recovers when this one turns around. I've been through a few of these downturns, this one is differant. The amount of future supply being taken off the market is huge. When the current glut is cleared I suspect the price rise will be quick and large. There is a ton of money to be made if your timing is right.

    Shale gas production and reserve numbers tell a different story. I think this is going to be a long drawn out slump in oil price, just like the 1981 crash. There is a lot of oil on the market, but of course eventually consumption will catch up with production.

    Proved oil reserves are still increasing:

    1994 = 1118.0 Billion bbls

    2004 = 1366.2 Billion bbls

    2014 = 1700.1 Billion bbls

    Shale oil reserves have been grossely over estimated, that little chicken is just starting to come home to roost. Just watch how many of these tight oil prodicers go to the wall this year. Once the banks realise how they have been taken they will not be lining up to re-finance or restructure debt.

    Here's an example from 2014: http://www.theguardian.com/environment/earth-insight/2014/may/22/two-thirds-write-down-us-shale-oil-gas-explodes-fracking-myth

    Also there is a big differance between proven reserves and technically/economicaly recoverable reserves.

    Reserves also have to be compared to consumption. World wide crude consumption in 94 was 69 mill bpd; in 2014 it was 91mill bpd.

    All that being said I fear you are correct in that this is going to be a long drawn out slump which usually means a world wide recession. 'Oil gluts' have historicly been a leading indicator of economic recessions.

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