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Posts posted by KirillStorch

  1. Looking to get away from the incessant traffic and hustle and bustle of Pattaya. Would like to know if there are any nice areas around here where you can just get away. Even some small village somewhere, if it has a decent hotel with WiFi. Prefer a few hundred miles out, not too much more than that. Don't want to spend too much on 5 star hotels...just something medium priced (900 THB/night). I don't care if there is much to see in terms of tourist attractions, I just want calm, a decent hotel, and good Wifi. Would like nature around as well.

  2. Hey guys, come out and support your local theater this Friday and Saturday (the 28th and the 29th of September) at the Pattaya Players performance of INSPECTOR DRAKE AND THE PERFECT CRIME.

    Sometimes its nice to mix up the standard Pattaya routine with the performing arts. This is a smashing play by David Trystam. It's a British comedy. Very funny.

    It's going to be at the Eastern Grand Hotel, intersection of Soi Khao Taolo and the railroad. Starts at 7:00 PM. Tickets are 500 Baht, which also buys you a drink.

    Pattaya Players is the only expat theater group in Pattaya, and it's going to be quite a show.

  3. Guys,

    Perhaps my post wasn't clear enough. OBVIOUSLY it was stupid, yes. A *tip of the hat* and a *grin through clenched teeth* to everyone who replied to this post saying something equivalent to "wow, you're a loser, you got what was coming to you."

    I was trying to figure out whether or not I paid a reasonable fine. A few people addressed this point. As mentioned in the post, some internet sources claim that driving with a fake license warrants a fine of 500 THB, others say jail time and 6K THB. I was just curious as to whether or not the Thai Visa community had any insight about this. Did I pay high? Low? In between? Or is there just no way of determining this?

  4. Today a cop at this intersection told me I needed to pay him 10,000 Baht for using a fake driver's license (yes, the driver's license was indeed fake). I talked him down to 4,000 Baht. Now I feel cheated. I see conflicting sources on this issue. Some sites state that using a fake ID carries with penalties of up to 6,000 Baht fine + 3 years of imprisonment. Others say it should be no more than a 500 Baht fine.

    Any thoughts on this?

    @Mod- I do realize discussing illegal activity is against site TOS, but since this was a past event, and the cop reviewed it and pardoned it, I figured this is within TOS....

  5. Hey I need an English tutor for my friend. Payment is 200-300 Baht/hour. 2-4 hours a week. Anyone know an interested party? If not, can anyone recommend a course of action? I prefer not to go through a school because my friend does not need an ED visa and wants to keep her costs low. If anyone on this forum knows someone of age 16+ that might be interested please PM me.

  6. It is not your concern why he wants an ed visa. Seriously, if you can't contribute anything to his question then why bother posting?

    I recently got an ed visa from Phnom Penh no problems at all. I did use an agency though not one recommended by my school. The school told me there were no problems obtaining a visa in cambodia.

    Sent from my GT-N7000B using Thaivisa Connect App,

    wow thanks, this is the best and most helpful answer I have received thus far! How recently was this? Which agency did you use? Where are they located and what was the cost? Any other tips you have for me?

  7. I need to get one.

    A very different need then, as the main interest of ED-Visa (in addition to school) is to not have to make visaruns any more smile.png

    To get a ED-Visa, looks like all schools now recommand Laos/Vientiane because of to many refusals in Phnom Phen

    BTW you don't need to change school to get a new ED-Visa.

    PS: You talk about the 2,000 baht visa run to Cambodia border, but you are not concerned. You must go to a Thai Embassy abroad to get a new visa, not just to the border.

    thank you..can you advise as to the best, quickest and most cost effective way to do this? how do i charter transportation to the nearest thai embassy in laos? where is the nearest thai embassy in laos? do i need to make an appointment first?

  8. do youalready have the ED visa or do you need to get the ED visa ? It's not the same, if you need to visa run (already have visa in your passport) cambo will be no problem but as I understand it you have to go to thai embassy/consulate to get the ED visa, might be the case that phnom penh currently doesnt issue those

    I need to get one. I will be going from one ED visa to another. My current ED expires so I will be getting one from another school. So in that case, it sounds like it's Laos. I just want to find a way out of a 7K trip. Can I still make the trip for 2K or so and get it all done promptly?

  9. Hi,

    Sorry if this seems redundant to some members but I did an honest search of the forum and couldn't find an exact answer to my query:

    I just started an ED visa through a local school. They told me that Cambodia was no longer an option for a visa run given the fact I am on an ED visa, and poor Thai-Cambodian relations. They also seemed to indicate that going on my own and trying to do a visa run without a special visa run company that knows how to handle the paperwork over there is a bad idea. Suspiciously they gave me the card of a visa run company and told me to use them. I feel like they are misconstruing information and that they get a kickback from this "special visa run company."

    Is there anything stopping me from just using one of the Cambodia visa run services on Soi Bukaow that are mentioned on this forum (members stated these cost around 2200 Baht).? Once I get there, is there something special I have to do? Or do these visa run companies kind of guide me through the process? This is my first time and I appreciate folks chiming in even though I know this subject has been somewhat exhausted here.

  10. How do you withdrawn cash directly from the banks? Just go in there and ask for...what?

    Are you serious??

    I guess you are a member of generation X for whom there has always been ATMs.

    Let me help you out. Get a ski mask and a gun, walk into the bank with these and you can have as much cash as you want.

    Just kidding. Go in and ask for a withdrawal slip. Every bank I have ever been in actually has these prominently on display at a writing counrer. Use an old fashoined pen to fill this out in an amount that doesn't exceed your balance, and the bank will be happy to oblige.

    Pen...pen... *gaze becomes clouded*.....I seem to remember this...word..."pen," ... a ritualistic writing instrument used by my ancestors.....

    So....I can use the powers of this ancient "pen" even while withdrawing from a foreign account at a Thai bank?

    • Like 1
  11. ATM's are very convenient but also a very unsafe technology. It is no secret to most that their are groups of people here that will make copy of credit cards and through various underhanded means get your pin number. The problem is more widespread than many realize and farang credit cards are highly sought after.

    What some people do not know is that you can have your bank dis-allow all ATM transactions and only allow transactions that require your signature. While this may seem problematic for cash, you can still withdrawal cash directly from banks through a manual transaction inside the bank.

    Most will just shake their head at this as overkill but certainly will change their mind when one of these syndicates gets a hold of a copy of one of their cards. I was doing some online banking and watched as my card was charged 20k at an atm 30 miles away. This quickly changed my mind.

    Dealing with the inconvenience is a lot easier than dealing with the theft.

    When they start to include biometrics as they should have done years ago I will reconsider an ATM option.

    How do you withdrawn cash directly from the banks? Just go in there and ask for...what?

  12. Way to make me feel self-conscious about drunkenly hanging off a bag of rice in my side car motorbike, speeding down the sidewalk while yelling insults at the police. And about my pointy-roofed house and crappy neighborhood with those two cats walking around that the neighbor kids spray-painted with purple squiggles. I thought I was going "native Thai" but now I realize it all just looks like that last scene from "Apocalypse Now."

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