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  • Birthday 12/04/1963

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  1. Anyone had problem today 24/02/2023, signing in to the online system for TM47? I tried many times but i always get "Invalid user name or password", but i did not change nothing since last report. EDIT , problem solved, maybe a temporary internet issue.
  2. Does anybody know if the validity of the residence certificate letter released by the embassy on November 2022 is considered until the end of the 2022 or it will be for 365 days? Thanks.
  3. I submitted the online form filling the "compulsory" fields, but strangely the given name filed has not the red star, so i skipped....of course my report has been refused, but i have time. Anyway it's a bug in the system or has been like that since long time?
  4. Agree. Maybe they will change the law, mandatory helmet for child in car.????
  5. I'm not a out-patient as well don't work there. Burmungrad , Business Building 10th floor, the desks for the 90 days report is available for everybody, just pay 650 THB, and must to back to collect the passport with the new report receipt after 1 or 2 days.
  6. Just check the status...rejected, anyway i already provide through the Bumrungrad desk. I'll try again next time, with more days in advance.
  7. Mine sent Monday morning to CW but still pending, moreover it was my first time with the online system. Considering i issued the request the last day available, i guess i still have the 7 days "spares", so i'll visit the Bumrungrad 90 days report desk. My fault, next time i'll send the request 15 days in advance.
  8. So the online 90 days report it allow only to issue the request 15 days before or even later? I did mine for the first time online the last day of validity, still pending, but i don't know if i was late or will be accepted. somebody has a clue? Thank you.

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