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Posts posted by witje78

  1. Hi all,

    I survived last night and slept great. And even today, when i went out watering my plants, i wasn't attacked by this "verocious creature"!

    As far as I'm aware, we humans are way to big prey for them the attack us in a hunt (in which the snake is "hunting" you).

    They can be dangerous ofcourse when they feel threatened e.g. by someone who disturbs their resting place or someone stepping on them.

    Haven't been able to find any new traces, so maybe just an occasional intruder to my balcony who "controls" the geckos, birds and other willdife out there. Now just hoping i won't suddenly receive a bill for that.wink.png

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    16th. floor???

    I don't know here there additional 8 floors came from, or are you saying you have snakes at your 16th floor condo?blink.png

    Why not a Golden tree snake ? they can live in appartments and climb walls very well; as for the skin, I have seen one like this a few days ago ( but in better shape ), and it was a golden tree snake' skin; I saw the snake the day after, it likes to live above my sliding window , because it's a very thin snake : mine is shy and not agressive


    Very well possible, .since there has just been a piece of land cleared, a lot of animals relocated. It's a shame the skin had too much damage to make a good determination, so i probably won't know for sure until i have a real encounter .

    Just one more reason not to live at Riverside Condo... coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

    Never been there in my life coffee1.gif

    My experience is too, birds take the snake skin to build a nest.

    Yes, and i also inspected the nests that where vissible for me, but didn't found anything like it.

    Also I found the skin stuck to the leaves of an orchid (could have beebn caused by the rain as well) and the birdsnests are on a different part of the balcony.

    It might alway stay a mystery what happened over here, but if i find out anything new I'll let you know.

    In case that a story pops up over the coming days/weeks about a young European guy being killed on 8th floor by snakebite, it might not all have been a set-up w00t.gif (sorry, my d arker sense of humour, but it's also past my bedtime).

    Wish a good night to you all!

  2. Thank you all very much for the useful replies.

    Krisb, I know you're completely right in that size doesn't matter when it comes to venomous snakes and also absolutely don't see it as a joke, but I also didn’t wanted to overdramatize things, that's why I tried to keep things fairly light. For now I can't do much more than just be careful and not reach into places where I don't have a good visual.

    To phragahm; I do have many plants (orchids) on the balcony, but as far as I remember, there haven’t been any new plants or new potting substrates etc. brought in on my balcony for more than a year, so it seems unlikely that a snake accidently hitchhiked his way in like that (though i can't completely exclude it either).

    I do have weavers on my balcony though and they are continuously building nests for the last 4 or 5 years, so maybe apetly has a point as well, even though i noticed it never before.

    At least i also have owls living on the roof of the condo who occasionally bring a visit to my balcony as well, so they might "protect " me as well again against unwanted guests.

    And as last line of defense for inside, I always do have my cat living here with me who chases everything he sees moving!smile.png

    Have a good night to all and thanks again!

  3. Its a baby one,shed its skin so its growing.

    regards worgeordie

    That's no baby snake.

    Look at the tape measure, it's over 16 foot long!

    Looks like a cobra to me.

    Lol, if it had been 16 foot, i probably wouldn't be posting here but get the hell out of here!tongue.png

    I am aware snakes shed their skin multiple times during their life but was just very surprised to find a skin this high up (btw, no 9th floor to give it back to since I'm on the top floor).

    It indeed might have just been blown in by the wind (at least i hope so) but i probably also clean out my balcony one of these days, just to be sure!laugh.png

  4. Hi to you all,

    I'm not sure if this is the best place to post this but since the vent took place in Chiang Mai, I choose this sub-forum.

    Anyway, when I watered my orchids this afternoon, I noticed something was stuck to the leaves of one of the plants. I removed it and when i inspected it, it seemed like a snake skin!

    I have no clue about snakes but would like to know what i'm dealing with, so i took picteres of the found skin. I don't know if it's enough for identification but i can at least give it a try.

    Thank you very much in advance for your thoughts!wai.gif




  5. These days simply being directed to an infected site will be sufficient to load you computer with malware which won't necessarily show up as a process.

    never had any problems with both Firefox and Chrome. But I don't be on warez or naked girls pages as well it is forbidden for our staff to use internet for anything not job related.

    We never used Internet Explorer...maybe that saved us from some potential problems. Anyhow mostly I am on Newspaper webpages.

    For emails we only use Thunderbird.

    We don't install any software that we don't need.

    We use WinXP and Win7. We tried Linux but it didn work well.

    I guess these restrictions are saving us.

    As fiberman was already saying, there is no need to click on anything or (knowingly) download any file.

    The biggest potential problem is that legitimate websites can be exploited to spread malware.

    Also much of the malware out there is nowadays not only affecting IE but also Firefox and/or Chrome.

    The most recent case I know of, was less than 3 weeks ago when Yahoo.com was compromised (http://www.computing.co.uk/ctg/news/2321092/yahoo-users-pcs-infected-by-malware-from-ads).

    A similar thing also happened about 2 years ago to a popular Dutch news site (http://www.ehackingnews.com/2012/03/dutch-news-website-nunl-hacked-and.html), so even when you only visit "normal" websites, there is unfortunately still a risk to get infected by malware.

    Anyway, lets just hope TV will never be targeted!wink.png

  6. Pots calling kettles black comes to mind. . .

    I just don't use signatures I can't live up to:D

    If I have a comment to a constructive discussion, I will post it for sure. But to a non-constructive reply like ''

    In what country were all of your EXs?" and then sign with "Better to remain silent and thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!", I myself can only give an equal reply.;)

    That's all I've got to comment, nothing more, nothing less:)

  7. If I got asked I would make sure that my aim was poor and piss on his feet.

    Don't forget to leave a few drips running down the cup when you hand it back too.

    Being a local business man, member of 6 chambers of commerce, and ex-director of 2 chambers of commerce I would happily sit at Thonglor police station and wait for the media to get a hold of the story so that the police can explain why people are being harassed in the middle of the day by corrupt police trying to extort money.

    In what country were all of your EXs?

    Hehehe, you're signature is: "Better to remain silent and thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!"

    You just removed any doubt!tongue.png

  8. Dear JetsetBkk,

    Apearently you where there as a witness and can tell us exactly what happened!smile.png

    Please enlighten me on what happened and tell me where i went wrong in holding back in putting blame on anyone!

    I only refuse to blame anyone without any hard proof. If it was a fellow farang involved in this we probably would be reading stories about a set-up or something like that, but for sure not the finger pointing as it's happening right away now...

    I'm not saying that it was the "road's fault" at all (like you're 'accusing' me), just that I don't know what happened with this information and therefor hold back on blaming.

    (p.s. driving aroung on a daily base for more than 5 years, damage freethumbsup.gif )

    • Like 1
  9. "The accident most likely occurred because of the wet road and the speed the car was travelling,” he said.

    And that is why there will be more deaths at this place.

    What he should have said was the accident was caused by the driver driving too fast and he will be held responsible for all the deaths, even if he was one of them.

    Since roads were first made they get slippery when wet. If people haven't worked this out yet then maybe this is just natural selection at work.

    What a harsh words for a terrible accident instead of a 'RIP' for the victims or something like that!

    Oops, it didn't concerned farangs, so why bother being compassionate.... IDIOTS!

    • Like 1
  10. I never cease to be amazed at the negativity regularly thrown at Thailand from foreigners who apparently live here.

    If the place is so bad, go away. I doubt anyone will miss you.

    I have lived in three countries in Southeast Asia; each for more than five years. Thailand is, by far, the most honest of the three.

    Don't get me wrong, Thailand sure isn't perfect, but what place is?

    Call me suspicious, but whenever there is mounting criticism against Thai taxis t a story like this seems to pop up out of nowhere. This has the be the third such case in the last 6 months.

    smotherb: +10!!!wai.gif

  11. What a complete goombah. Any guy who offs himself over a woman is completely lost. He may be beyond redemption. Why not simply go out and find another? She was probably a bargirl, or a go-go dancer. What a fool. It may sound cold, but it is hard for me to have compassion for this tiny minded imitation man. The level of emasculation he allowed himself to be reduced to, is an embarrassment to the all men. Get a life. Well, maybe in his next incarnation he will be able to finally become a man.

    Nice to see such compassion and empathy, hopefully you never find yourself in a severely depressed state for any reason.

    But of course you are too much of a real man for that. bah.gif

    That's why they call it the cold harsh truth, what would you like us to do terrythai? Sugar coat this whole incident. What a waste of life, over what exactly.

    It's time men grew balls. You hardly ever read women topping themselves over guys. This is becoming ridiculous. I really feel for those who really loved him like his poor family, let's spare a thought for them what this fool has bestowed upon them.

    No women, I say no women in any way shape or form is worth topping yourself over.

    First, it's not about "sugar coating things", just like you mention yourself already "over what exactly" ... No clue what exactly went on in the guys head, so in my opinion there is not any justified reason for you to condemn him and for sure not to refer to his family. They for sure know him better than you do and they might have complete different thoughts than you have.

    Secondly, "You hardly ever read women topping themselves over guys"

    Aren't you following the Thai news; you hear stories about Thai girls killing themselves over some guy regularly, though of course these stories don't make it to thaivisa.com since it usually doesn't involve a foreigner.

    That nuance made, I must say though that I personally do agree with you that "no women in any way shape or form is worth topping yourself over", but untill I know all facts and circumstances, I can't judge either.

  12. Look at California with a death penalty that's not enforced and the millions of $'s to keep the pricks alive and pay their on going legal battle.

    The dead these scum left behind are not even bone dust now and yet they are still taking precious resources still keeping misery and injustice alive with the families of the innocent victims. Please send them to their next lives and let Karma do it's work!

    So you want Karma to do it's work and therefor wish that other people are killed...

    I can only respond that i do wish the best for your Karma!

  13. once my maid forgot her baby trolley in a taxi but the driver never came back ....

    Funny that all your posts I read seem to give negative experiences/views on Thailand. I'm not a regular poster here but do follow the news here and noticed a lot of your previous messages already. They all seem to involve bitching about Thailand and even on a positive story like this you are able to come up with a (IMO completely useless remark) about an item that went missing in a taxi (probably would never happen in where ever you come from). Like another poster already mentioned, makes me wonder why you want to live here in the first place (or where and with whom you hang out)!

    That being mentioned, my experiences are similar to the story here; I can sum up a lot of stories of Thais being sincere and honest. Wallets returned on the train, returned when found on the street, money being returned at the laundryshop after forgetting it in pockets, people chasing you down the street because you forgot your change, etc, etc.

    By the way, it's not that all these events only happened to me in person, but I think it makes clear that most Thais aren't only after your money but are just honest and helpfull people that try to live a good life!

    • Like 1
  14. I myself only got Hep A shots because it can be contracted even through contaminated food.

    I can therefore only speak for the Hep A shots, but as far as I've been told by my Dutch GP, the 2nd shot is for prolonged protection (10 yrs at least, probably a lot longer/lifetime).

    So if you had a shot already before, it's really a shame if it isn't repeated.

    Hep B you can only contract by blood-blood contact or sexual contacts. It is indeed much more contagious than HIV (I believe 10 to 100 times), so if you are concidering a carreer as Thai boxer (I assume people don't come here to **** around with a lot of different men/women) it might be wise to get that shot as well.

    I myself have a steady relation for years already (and my gf and I had us both tested for STD's before going into anything!!!), so since I'm not a fighter, I didn't saw any reason to get the Hep B shots. If anyone has other insights, please correct me if i'm wrong in this one, since my health is very important to me.

    Unfortunately rabies is a lethal disease that does occur in Thailand and once it's incubated, it's NON-treatable and you will die a very unpleasent death.

    Rabies shots can be done in Thailand though to save on costs.

    If you haven't been bitten by a possibly contaminated animal, I believe you need to have 3 shots in total.

    I got it AFTER I came in to contact with an animal last January and I needed to get 5 shots in total! You also need to get your first shot within 1 week of the incident.

    If I remember correctly Lanna Hispital in Chiang Mai charged someting like THB600 or 800 per shot, but it's a lot better than dying of rabies I think.

    I do have some medical background, but I'm not a doctor! I do assume though that your own doctor would be able to exactly explain the ins and outs, but maybe this already gives you some idea.

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