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Everything posted by audaciousnomad

  1. I successfully extended 2 weeks ago. I was asked "When do you plan to fly back to your country?". But I was not required to present an actual ticket.
  2. Hey man...relax for a minute. It's okay to be concerned about the future, but suicide (while it might end your mental pain) is not the right solution if you actually want an opportunity to see the future you are so concerned about. Here's some positives to consider, so you realize things are not as bad as they seem: 1) You are young. Yes, 29 is young. You have plenty of time to "make things happen". They may not happen exactly they way or the speed you want the to...but you can make something happen. 2) You are healthy. Making something happen is 10X harder if you have poor health. Keep yourself healthy(physicall AND mentally), if you want to have full ability/strength for the path forward. 3) Someone cares about you. Maybe not in your home country, but you have the awareness that there is SOMEONE on this planet(aside from yourself) that would rather you are still alive then not around. 4) You have your wits and your intelligence, just not some of the "paperwork" society needs you to present to certify said intelligence. All that said...creatures that freeze are creatures that die. Your ability to make decisions and see options is what will determine whether you survive. If you ever watch this show "I Shouldn't Be Alive", every survivor lived to tell the tale because despite facing their Waterloo, they never decided "oh well...there's no other way out of this." And they were MUCH WORSE situations than you. Look it up on Youtube. ???? Oh...and ignore those trolls/haters on these forums. They give all of us a hard time...it's their little game. Don't react...just keep executing your plan. So... 1) Plan your next move (I believe that means applying for the covid extension immediately) 2) If your next move hits a wall, plan what your pivot will be. You must realize by now, life is one big improvisation. There will always be a "gotcha". Don't freeze up...keep thinking if this road ends, which detour will I take? 3) You need to see yourself as a hero who can make hard decisions and keep going, even if it appears not the preferred path. But eventually through sheer will and determination, you get there. For inspiration, remember how long and arduous Frodo's path was in the Lord of The Rings. ???? If your partner/family is worth fighting for...then you better live to fight for them. Heroes must risk, for without it there is no reward. It may mean getting vax'ed. It may mean you have to take the long path of getting a diploma or working in your home country to get enough money to "make it happen" when you come back here. You must be open to all options. While it seems there's a lot of closed doors....there are equally as many open doors...if you would just consider them. Good luck and Godspeed!
  3. Did they tell you "this is your last one, then you must fly out the country." ??
  4. That is correct. The contact tracing people will track you down and tell you the person next to you was positive so now you have to come to the hospital and get checked out. You can guess that it is in their interest to also find you positive. Farangs with money/insurance is good business for hospitals at the moment. *Edit* This is for sandbox. Domestic has no arrival test IF you are fully vaccinated.
  5. What you should really ask is "What will happen if I get a positive test? Or if someone who travels with me tests positive?" Some folks are getting thrown into covid wards / hospitals for 2 weeks at their own expense. And it isn't cheap.
  6. Nice! Which hospital did you go to that has these reasonable prices?
  7. No smart traveler will come here while the policy of hospitalizing someone for 2 weeks after a positive test exists. Even with insurance, the problem is lost holiday time.
  8. Fun fact: Up until about 5 years ago, you could easily get a one-year Cambodia visa for $300. They did away with it when they figured out they were leaving money on the table. The tides have turned. These covid extensions, while temporary, have allowed some to stay a year in Thailand for roughly the same amount. (~$345) It is what it is. It will end eventually. In the meantime, we're all doing what we must to make it through this world. ????
  9. Yup. Same-same! ???? I think they are obligated to say that to us. I have been told "this is your last one" since way back in March. Technically, they are telling the truth. It is indeed "the last one", until the higher-ups extend the program....then you have a "new last one.". ????
  10. I nearly panicked and did the same. But I stuck to my guns and decided to ride it out and damn the torpedoes! Here I still am. So much of life is a manipulation, and you have to find your way around it. Even the manipulators don't realize they are being manipulated! LOL
  11. Exactly right. It was not the first time to hear that gentle reminder. I think it's a standard script handed down from supervisors. They can't be appearing to encourage people to continue staying on what was meant to be a temporary visa-type. When it ends, it ends. Until then...as Churchill once said "Keep calm and carry on!" ????
  12. Got covid ext done today at Bangkok-MTT (Counter K). Verbally was told "This is your last one. You should buy a plane ticket." Thanked the nice lady and said "OK" with a smile. She took my 1900THB and 15 mins later I got my passport back stamped until 22-Jan-2022. ????
  13. I agree. When borders start to b e more 'open', they will probably limit how many times you can do the 60-day ext before you must leave. The old one-time 30-days extension is outdated in the current travel climate.
  14. Malaysia is not allowing visitors except to Langkawi. So most likely that HH-KL is just for connections, you can't actually deplane at KL.
  15. You will not be able to do what you need here. Just get the yellow book and carry it with you. The Mor Chana / Mor Phrom apps are designed with a poor flaw: They will only allow entering data ONCE. If it is incorrectly entered, or if the data needs changing, there is no provision for updating the data. When I got vaccinated, the hospital entered the phone number incorrectly. App could not be updated with digital certificate of vaccination unless I authenticate by receiving OTP(one-time-password) via SMS. Well, that screwed me because the system can't txt me at the wrong number it has !!! No matter that I corrected it at the hospital, it just keeps their system correctly BUT NOT at the MorChana/Phrom app database! It's a closed door system. Terribly designed. I even contact app developers for assistance....NO HELP.
  16. It says the mutagenic properties raises safety concerns. In other words, you might become one of the X-Men. LOL
  17. Thanks for the report. Yeah...that's a bad system. I can see why they don't want too many database updates bombarding their system from every hospital in the country, but still....that is terrible design. LOL Unfortunately, the incorrectly entered number leads to nowhere. Which means, I will get nowhere with this problem. I'll have to do the yellowbook like you did. BTW...can I get it done WITHOUT having air tickets. I saw somewhere that they require that, but that seems unreasonable that we can't just go get one done unless we are about to board a plane?
  18. On the Mor Phrom app, a new user who has never registered BUT HAS GOTTEN VACCINATED must activate the app. You have to enter your ID and a phone number so the system can send you an OTP(one-time password), which you then enter into the app to access your info. You may not enter just any phone number you want. It must be the number that the hospital people registered for you when you got vaccinated.
  19. Here's a problem that I have not seen reported. When I got the vaccine jab, the admin at the hospital entered my phone number incorrectly. I only found out because when I tried to register my ID/Phone combo on the app, it returned an error: Your ID was found, but the phone number you entered in the app does not match the system.This means it could not get to the step where it sends me an SMS with a one-time password to authenticate myself.So....I trudge back to the hospital to see what's going on.Well...it seems like the hospital registration contacts the mor phrom server only ONCE to report your phone number. Because I looked and the number they had for me was not correct. They corrected it in their system, BUT....Mor Phrom server does not get updated so it NEVER recognizes my corrected phone number.I don't know who to contact at Mor Phrom to get them to update my phone number so I can register. Anyone else dealt with this special problem?
  20. Here's a problem that I have not seen reported. When I got the vaccine jab, the admin at the hospital entered my phone number incorrectly. I only found out because when I tried to register my ID/Phone combo on the app, it returned an error: Your ID was found, but the phone number you entered in the app does not match the system. This means it could not get to the step where it sends me an SMS with a one-time password to authenticate myself. So....I trudge back to the hospital to see what's going on. Well...it seems like the hospital registration contacts the mor phrom server only ONCE to report your phone number. Because I looked and the number they had for me was not correct. They corrected it in their system, BUT....Mor Phrom server does not get updated so it NEVER recognizes my corrected phone number. I don't know who to contact at Mor Phrom to get them to update my phone number so I can register. Anyone else dealt with this special problem?
  21. But don't worry...this will not be a repeat of 2011. The amulets will protect us! ????
  22. China don't want to be upstaged by USA. So "a nothing" says yessa massa. I'll stall them massa.
  23. Even if you succeeded in getting a new stickerless visa, it could only be activated upon entry to the Kingdom at authorized ports, no?
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