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Posts posted by Kinz

  1. I still don't imagine Tyson (especially now) would do to well if we could find a Thai boxer who was big enough to match him for range

    Somewhere along the line you hav all mis-read something. The article states that Tyson was just making contact for training purposes. There is nothing about him actually fighting a Muay Thai boxer. It's not going to happen, it's not hoped or planned to happen.

    Somehow you have all given each other the impression that there is some suggestion of him in a pro match up with a muay thai boxer. :o

    He's just after a few training tips.

    Or we're all just giving our opinions on wether we think a Muay Thai fighter could defeat Tyson in a match.

  2. Im assuming your talking about Thai Airways?

    I had a similar thing happen to me when i was looking for flights from New Zealand to Bangkok. When i searched on their online booking system i was getting quotes of between 5500 - 6500NZD. That to me is an insane price for economy class.

    Went to the travel agent and go a return ticket for 1070NZD.

    But sorry i cant answer you question.

  3. Thanks for the replies. At this point in time i don't have any specific questions but may do later. But if there is more anyone can add to this please do so.

    I just wanted to get a general idea of the place.

    Thanks again

  4. Hey all,

    Firstly sorry if this has been put in the from forum but wasn't too sure where it should of gone.

    I am just wanting to hear from anyone who has been to Petchaboon. I don't really know anything about the place.

    Any info would be greatly appreciated. Like how big it is, whats there to do there, do many tourist go there, tyoe of people who live there, pretty much anything you know.

    Thanks a lot.

  5. Yesterday got a quote for a twelve month valid ticket from Brisbane australia to BKK on 4th March, which is low season. Thai air was $A1399. cheapest available was $1299 royal Brunei with a stopover in brunei. As I recall,  I paid the same sought of money for the same flight in March last year.

    I just paid for my flights from Auckland, NZ to Bangkok return for the 14th of march and paid $1070NZ including taxes. That was with Thai Airways and definitly was the cheapest fare i could find.

  6. Hey all

    Im pretty new here aswell. Have been browsing the forum for a month or 2 and just recently decided to register.

    I am from Queenstown, New Zealand. Have only been to Thailand once but have already planned my next one in march and will try to get there for longer periods of time in the next few years.

    I find this forum very useful. You can pretty much get an answer to any question you have about the LOS.



    Austria### 6 ---- 490

    Australia#### 12 ----  79

    Belgium 6  ---- 80

    Brazil 2

    Britain 40

    Canada 5  ---- 150

    China 1 ----  7

    Croatia 1  ---- 9

    Czech Republic 1  ---- 90

    Denmark 7  ---- 91

    Finland 15  ---- 186

    France* 22  ---- 99

    Germany 60  ---- 1,000

    Greece 9

    Hong Kong 6  ---- 60

    Hungary 20

    Iceland 11

    Ireland 20

    Israel 3  ---- 7

    Italy 18  ---- 660

    Japan 21

    Luxembourg 11

    Malta 1

    Mexico 15

    Netherlands##### 6  ---- 30

    New Zealand 1  ---- 302

    Norway** 21 ----  462

    Poland 4  ---- 43

    Portugal 8

    Russia*** 1

    Singapore## 9 ----  12

    South Africa 7 ----  9

    South Korea 11 ----  9

    Spain 11

    Sweden 52 ----  2,915

    Switzerland# 16  ---- 95

    Taiwan 1

    Turkey 53

    United States 15

    === ===

    TOTALS: 370  ---- 7,179

    Just like to correct the figure for New Zealand. There are 3 confirmed deaths and i think about 17 missing in Thailand but not sure about elsewhere.

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