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Posts posted by MrRealDeal

  1. P.S. ..... The way a sensible person would solve the problem is pretty much the opposite of what you see here.

    A sensible person would buy a bottle of booze and bring it over to the party one night and make friends with them and as they were leaving say ..... O and by the way new friends could you please try and keep it down a bit sometimes so my wife doesn't complain about the noise. Which is pretty much the opposite of ratting them out to the management like a tattle tailing little girl.

    • Like 2
  2. I really fail to have much sympathy for people like you ...... why ? Because just like the people you are complaining about you only care about yourself ...... it's only fine if they yell and scream during the day in your mind because you don't want to sleep then so who cares about the people that might want peace during the day since you don't.

    Why would you expect others to care about you when you only care about yourself just like them ?

    The truth is your problems will follow you no matter where you go until you change your attitude and others begin to care about you because they see you care about them.

  3. Pointing out other peoples flaws unrequested that may cause hurt is just plain rude ...... it really wouldn't matter if you could find some book or another giving you an excuse to do it ..... it would still be rude and poor behavior.

    If you want to find an excuse to be rude based on one religion or another you will be looking a long time.

    Is an unrequested bruising of another's ego un Buddhist like or (if valid) an opportunity to evaluate? ....... An opportunity ? ... I guess if your idea of a grand opportunity in the world is hurting peoples feelings. w00t.gif

    You're basically trying to find some excuse to do to others what you didn't like being done to you by your mother as I see it .... Try googleing the "golden rule"

    • Like 1
  4. Easy fix for a stopped toilet here, thanks to the bum gun. Turn off the water to the bum gun. Then unscrew the head from the

    hose. Then stick the hose into the toilet. With a bit of wiggling, it will easily go past the trap in the toilet. Then turn it on full

    blast. It will instantly dislodge whatever is blocking the toilet. I have done this with great success. However this system counts

    upon there being sufficient water pressure. If your bum has low water pressure it will not work.....

    Regarding the original thread title, since there is no tomorrow in Thailand, and certainly no yesterday, it stands to

    reason there should at least be a today...... :-)

    Then the hose on your bum gum would be totally icky with shit water wouldn't it?

    The advantages of having the bum gun over the japanese toilet bidet spray thing is i suppose the bum gun can double up as the bathroom floor washer too and not to mention other silly ways like yours here. Hopefully no one uses it to shower himself. Most thai bathrooms should have a drain but i do recall someone's freaking apartment toilet with no drain.

    The bidet is a French thing not a Jap thing ......... Jap girls wearing a bikini doesn't make the bikini not a French invention

    So, you haven't been on a Japanese toilet, I take it? Yes, the bidet is from France, without a doubt, but the Japanese upped the ante and went all crazy on the options, of which the bidet is just one (some even have multiple types of spray to choose from). I won't go into the heated seats and all that. Bidet 2.0

    I have been on plenty of Jap toilets ..... some better than others ! In the world of freedom of choice for toilets the Japanese are certainly in the lead.

    • Like 1
  5. I suppose no one cares or is using it for purposes other than Nazi however : The word swastika is of Sanskrit origin and the symbol is one of good luck or a charm or a religious symbol (the last, among the Jains and Buddhists) that goes back to at least the Bronze Age. It appears in various parts of the ancient and modern world.

    Like I said I'm sure no one cares


    Yes, my fave girl had breast that was perfection incarnate,

    i told her every time they were the masterpiece of His creation.

    She started talking nonsense about making them bigger, -i forbid her to mess with my boobs.

    Then one day she invited me, and gave me the most unpleasant surprise ever,

    i could not bear looking at her for a week, i was too upset,

    and i have still 5 years later not fully forgive her for what she did,

    a crime of the highest order.

    how is it any of your business what she does with her body?


    Oh i donno, cause we had been together for years and i didnt want a change perhaps ?

    funny that you didn't mention that before until now, you only refered to her as "my fave girl" and "my thai friend".crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif alt=crazy.gif width=20 height=27>

    Stranger than that is having to see the girl you have been together with for years results because you haven't talked to her for 3 months on facebook ! LOL And seeing her new breasts for the first time on facebook as well ..... Not exactly my definition of being "together" with someone ! w00t.gif

  7. Here are a few tip that might help .....

    If you begin by joking a little and telling him that you are honored he would ask but ...... why do think I am any smarter than you ? If it was me in your position I might be asking you the same thing , and that sort of attitude it will right away let him know his quandary would be a quandary for a lot of other people including you.

    You might then go on to further insulate yourselves from hurt feelings by pointing out it's one of the many things in life that have no perfect answer and each answer is often different for each person ...... but let's see if we can't find one TOGETHER

    Telling stories, both ones that worked and ones that failed will make him realize he is not alone in the world of hard to figure out quandary's. .

    Letting him know that being overly concerned with something he can't change is also good ..... nothing to worry about your either gona be gay or not gay worrying about it won't change that .... I personally would point out that pretty much everyone wants to be something they are not in some aspect ..... brunettes dye their hair blond , short people wish thy were tall , tall people wish they were shorter ! ..... People come to Asia not so much because they like Asian boys and girls but because people like things different from themselves ...... and that human response of wishing you were or had some other attribute involves EVERYONE .... and additionally most people eventually end up realizing it's not worth worrying about and don't care ...... just like eventually what ever happens he will eventually not care ..... eventually you will be you and comfortable with yourself even if it might not seem that way right now.

    If he brings up what other people think ..... I would say right away that on the long list of things you should care what other people think. like being honest and good friend , loyal , trustworthy and all the attributes that make a good person good, being hetro sexual or gay are not anyplace on the list ..... it really doesn't matter if you are a straight jerkoff or a gay one you are still a jerkoff ! Or a nice person.

    I would point out that when it comes to stupid people in this case the anti gay people and reiterate it IS stupid to insult people for an orientation they had nothing to do with .... that the stupid people of the world only seem like they get all the attention and matter because smart people don't waste as much time trying to educate stupid people of the truth as stupid people spend yelling and screaming about how right they are when they are wrong , the example I like to use is the airplane ..... only a handful of people thought it would work and everyone else said it would not ..... if people actually paid as much attention to the stupid people as it seems ..... we wouldn't have airplanes. Nor would we know the Earth revolves around the sun. ! If people actually cared what stupid people thought we would only have stupid products and bad science not computers and space stations ..... you get the idea


    I wouldn't make a complete joke of it obviously but if you treat it like cancer he will be worried like cancer and if you treat it as just another part of life that everyone else has to deal with in some different way and it's not so much to worry about he will treat it that way in his mind rather than like he has cancer .... probably a poor choice of example to the sensitive types but you get the point. My point is that you really don't want to treat it in some exaggerated sense of severity for the sake of being polite as you might think would be better , keeping it in the proper perspective is a lot better ...... the truth is on the list of bad stuff happening being gay isn't on the list ..... it just might seem that way because someone else told you it should be.

    Anyhow I hope some combination of all the posts help you to help him .... Like I said before there is no right answer for everyone so feel free to pick and chose from all the posts because you know him better than any of us know him and whatever you say should be tailored to him not what we might have tailored for ourselves or some other person.

    • Like 2
  8. I don't have much advice for you but you seem like a nice guy so I thought I would at least post something ...... All I can really add is that pretty much anything you do that done with care and concern will end up just fine , it's not so much what you say , assuming it's not absurd and hurtful, it's why you are saying it , he doesn't know anymore than you what to ask, or what he wants to hear , he really just want's someone to listen more than someone to talk. Listening also keeps you from having to worry that the talking instead part might not work so well ! You can pretty much never create a problem by listening but help a lot of people while you do it ....... it's the talking part that causes trouble !

    The best answer more often than a lot of us like to admit is ....... I'm sorry but I don't know.

    Saying I don't know about some aspect or question would help him to realize that him not knowing doesn't make him any different than you or the other people in the world who don't one thing or another.

    And lets' face it from your post it would seem you, like me, should probably make him realize we don't really know but would be happy to listen or offer an opinion anyhow , which also means he won't take our opinion more seriously than it should be taken. insulating you and him from harm a little. from some small mistake. You are a lot less likely to accidentally hurt someone's feelings if you already told them you really have no idea what your talking about in the first place cheesy.gif

    Good Luck ,,,,,, it will work out for you I'm pretty sure just because you care.

  9. the part you fail to understand once again is that they are HOOKERS and from 8 to closing time they are trying to make money so it's not just paying you the customer to have sex even as silly as that is, it's also losing out on her wages of the night ..... and I never said if you net on the street she would pay her own bar fine the same principle would apply she is a HOOKER just like a bank teller and she is not going to not only take the day off to have sex with some gomer she met on the way to work she is also not going to pay for it on top of losing a days wages ....... dude tell your nonsense story to a child everyone else knows better

  10. You are the cheap Charlie who would rather see your step kid have no phone or transportation to save a few bucks you don't even need and since your friends and neighbors know it's nonsense have to try and gain sympathy on the internet from random strangers ........ who is the one cutting the nose off ? her ? or you ? ........... you are the one who is refusing to give your step kid a decent product you can easily afford so you look like a cheap Charlie douchebag ..... and you are ....... It's you who is cutting your own nose off to spite your own face because you are wanting to save a couple of bucks you don't need to look like and be a douchebag parent instead and the only hope in hell of getting anyone to side with you is on the internet.

    Your a dick.

    I totally agree with the Op about making sure teenagers understand the value of things. Thailand and the world in general is getting f@#ked up by people who are ignorant and think money is the be all and end all of happiness.

    Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

    People who tell it like it is are always called dicks ....it's you're not your btw .... it's not about money it's about quality and nice things , it's just that quality and nice things cost more and the op and I guess you and other posters are to cheap to care about that when it comes to your Thai step kids ..... if that makes you sleep better at night fine by me.

  11. The truth may sometimes seem nasty to those who don't want to accept it ...... I wasn't intending to be nasty just to state one possibility of the truth that while may not always be the truth certainly sometimes is , rendering it more the truth than just plain nasty ........ I don't find the concept that a good man can find a good woman or a good woman can find a good man to be some sort of odd presumption in the world ,,,,,,, I find it to be the truth more often than not.

    I'm sorry if you were offended but not sorry for stating what I believe to be the truth and only stated it in an effort to help people understand the realistic truth of life.

  12. You are the cheap Charlie who would rather see your step kid have no phone or transportation to save a few bucks you don't even need and since your friends and neighbors know it's nonsense have to try and gain sympathy on the internet from random strangers ........ who is the one cutting the nose off ? her ? or you ? ........... you are the one who is refusing to give your step kid a decent product you can easily afford so you look like a cheap Charlie douchebag ..... and you are ....... It's you who is cutting your own nose off to spite your own face because you are wanting to save a couple of bucks you don't need to look like and be a douchebag parent instead and the only hope in hell of getting anyone to side with you is on the internet.

  13. William 28 has 15 posts 2 times so something weird is going on .......... however 28 let me explain how as an investigator in a Law firm for 28 years it's pretty easy to see your story is silly and false ..... you benefit from attention on the net ..... your story is obviously false because it's just not how people behave ....... hookers do not pay a bar fine to have sex with a bar customer when they could just wait until the end of the shift , mostly because it's not the end of the shift and they might make the barfine and the money for the night and could see you tomorrow instead , but also because obviously they would just wait until closing because they are not as daft as your story would make them out to be. The additional part of your comments also show obvious deception ....... you think the response ......... I told you this and that and the other thing why would I say that if I was lying ? .......... is a new thing for me ? LOL ..... it only shows typical behavior of people making up nonsense stories trying to deflect the fact they have been caught as a last ditch effort ....... it never works don't even bother next time it just makes you look silly.

  14. No but they are probably saying they should sober up and since one of the goals of an Irish parade would be to improve their reputation of being drunks they are accomplishing the same thing as gay people would do in a parade that made them look poorly ......... which is one more time for you ............ parades accomplish only what the people in them are able to accomplish and that depends on the parade and the people in them.

  15. I know it's not the case in every situation but it's usually pretty easy to see a if a bar girl is a gold digger

    If your a 60 year old fat ugly farang and she is a pretty 20 year old bar girl

    I think it's safe to say sheS with you for your money (this is true for bar girls and non bar girls)

    Funnily enough I've noticed in the 12 years since I've been here how different bar girls and so called "hi so" thai girls are towards me

    When I was fit 19 and good looking I had any girl I wanted never had to pay them and even had them pay their own bar fines and buy me drinks

    Now at 30 after years of drinking singha over eating Thai food and not caring so much about my appearance

    Money seems to be a lot more of an issue when I meet any girls!

    Sorry to disappoint you but money was always an issue you just didn't realize it then and now you do. You really think hookers paying their bar fines were doing it for you instead of themselves ? LOL

    Can you read??? I didn't give them any money, what were they getting out of it apart from a good time which is normal isn't it?

    Simple economics.

    Close to the end of the month if she hasn't had a certain number of BF's she will have money deducted from her monthly 'pay-check/cheque' from the bar. Paying one bar fine herself and getting free drinks and a meal for a night makes it a win situation for her financially.[/quote

    Just so you know the money that is deducted per bar fine under the target is less Than the cost of the bar fine.


    bar fine= 600 baht

    money deducted from salary = 300 baht every bar fine you are short of 15 per month.

    So if a bar girl were to par her own bar fine it would be quite the opposite of "simple economics"

    Your simple economics explanation fails to understand that should that be the case a hooker would simply pay the barfine to the owner of the bar not pay it to the bar AND sleep with some random dude just to save money ...... nice try though

    However as I pointed out before and you are now confirming in your own nonsense story ...... it was ALWAYS about the money

  16. I know it's not the case in every situation but it's usually pretty easy to see a if a bar girl is a gold digger

    If your a 60 year old fat ugly farang and she is a pretty 20 year old bar girl

    I think it's safe to say sheS with you for your money (this is true for bar girls and non bar girls)

    Funnily enough I've noticed in the 12 years since I've been here how different bar girls and so called "hi so" thai girls are towards me

    When I was fit 19 and good looking I had any girl I wanted never had to pay them and even had them pay their own bar fines and buy me drinks

    Now at 30 after years of drinking singha over eating Thai food and not caring so much about my appearance

    Money seems to be a lot more of an issue when I meet any girls!

    Sorry to disappoint you but money was always an issue you just didn't realize it then and now you do. You really think hookers paying their bar fines were doing it for you instead of themselves ? LOL

    Can you read??? I didn't give them any money, what were they getting out of it apart from a good time which is normal isn't it?

    I can read just fine , but don't confuse that as me believing everything I read , sorry but anyone who say's a hooker in Thailand paid their bar fine .....and according to you numerous times ..... in order to cost herself money to have sex with a customer of the bar is not telling the truth ....... the best attempt of the truth would have been to say she went with you after closing time ,,,,,, your story is simply false and absurd. Make up a better one next time please.

  17. I think its a great idea except in BKK. The traffic here is too congested and I would fear for their safety. I ride my bike on some roads here and it is not easy. In less populated areas i think its a great idea, putting in a few bike lanes would certainly add to safety and ease congestion.

    You think it's a great idea because you are a communist dunce cap

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