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Posts posted by cjchaos

  1. Correct, Thais calculate to your next birthday , so you are in reality in your "27th" year! Another reason for checking ID cards of Thais !

    Is it possible it is nearest birthday? since the mothers age was from her birthday a couple of months previous. It said 29 and she was 29 and 2 months. For her it was not her next birthday.

    • Like 1
  2. Regarding some other posts on this thread, I very much doubt this application has access to peoples ID card numbers and if it did, I don't think people are asked for such information on dating sites. They are registering on a dating sit enot applying for a mortgage.Most people search engines check with email, usernames, real names, age, starsign, date of birth. My ex wife was cheating using Badoo and something called myyearbook which is now meetme, I found both the profiles using google... all I did was use the her maiden surname on a google search and she had been cheating for months before I even tried searching. I got suspicious since she started locking her laptop in a padlocked case so I couldn't access it and checking my history even though I didn't cheat or anything, I had nothing to hide so I didn't make my laptop so hard to access.... I didn't intentially see the padlocked laptop but noticed it when going into the wardrobe, hardly smart to keep something unenterable and put it in plain sight. This application is probably disigned to subscribe to so people can have it monitored on their behalf, so they don't sit their weekly googling etc.. Too many people want to find out if their partner is cheating but when they do, what do you do then? Divorce or stay with this person? I have been there and too many times the person says they will never do it again and they did it because they were lonely etc..... and try to blame the victim. Some people have made fake profiles and talk to their wifes to see how far they are going to cheat and sometimes it can be a shocking experience for the husband and they find out their partners true colours as opposed to the pack of lies you may get confronting the issue the moment you find it. If you find your partner on Badoo, tell them about it and fight about it they will probably delete their profile and make a new bogus one even harder to find so you are better playing dumb... however there are legal implecations in making fake profiles on dating sites so no method is concrete. I heard some people used their own picture and changed it using photoshop to make them unrecognisable so they weren't breaking the law by using a picture of another person

    Since I can't edit now I am using the cross out function to highlight incorrect information I put before I knew the full details.

  3. So, the way I read it, if one chooses to sign up their gf and pay for this service, they can "make contact" with other people paying for this service.

    Example, John is sending Sally money each month and signs her up. Joe comes to town and hooks up with Sally, but Joe isn't a paying member of the site. How does John get to know Joe is hooking up with Sally?

    Correct me if I am wrong but basically unless you are both paying towards this site and you are both "dating" the same girl, this service is useless.

    Thank you yes we have been replying to the blogs under Summertime1 but as you can appreciate yesterday was a very busy day for us with a lot of new clients so it was just impossible to comment or reply to them all.

    We are a legitimate company and the CEO is an ex Scotland Yard detective with years of experience specialising in fraud and abusive relationships. Also for everybody’s information this submission to Thai Visa was originally submitted as an ‘Ad’ but somehow it was posted as news, no deception was intended.

    Reading some of the comments in the Forum it is clear that most of you are a fairly worldly wise and cynical bunch, who know and understand the risks in dating in Thailand and you can recognise and avoid trouble and deception. However, there are many who are new to your world and don’t. Who of you don’t know of somebody who has fallen (emotionally and financially) fowl of a girlfriend who has told him that she loved him and needed money to send to her family and stop working in the bar when in reality she was spending it on parties, gambling, drink, going with customers and with numerous boyfriend dotted around the globe? ......... be honest.

    I don’t know about you, but in my books lying to somebody about how you feel about them and what you need money for in order to obtain a financial advantage is fraud.

    There are men who have lost a lot of money in Thailand believing their girlfriend genuinely loved them when, in fact, the relationship (on her part), was money making exercise and when it was all gone... so would she be.

    I appreciate that the site is not full proof as it relies upon both of the boyfriends registering the same girlfriend but at least it gives a guy a fighting chance of learning the truth at a reasonable price $29.99 a month (less if you subscribe for longer). Also, as the size of our database increases our chances of helping, or reassuring people, improve. We appreciate different names and nicknames can be used by the girls to avoid detection so we have designed the site so we search across a range of data to look for matches, if we find one and it is suspected a girl is being unfaithful with two or more clients one of our detectives investigate further to verify the facts.

    Nobody is disrespecting Thai girls or the Thai people but, let’s be candid, some of the more unscrupulous girls are scamming unsuspecting men unmercifully and leaving them stranded, broken hearted and penniless.

    Like I said we are just trying to give the guys who want to keep track of a girlfriend’s faithfulness but don’t want to pay for a Private Investigator a chance. This doesn’t stop them employing a Thai private investigator should they wish; in fact we often advise further investigation by somebody based locally.

    I hope this helps explains things.


    Just some questions I have, a lot of data on dating sites have an option to take it off search engines, does your company have a way of finding profiles that won't show on search engines? and how does the new EU legasliation right to be forgotten effect the information you keep for the database? Does it make use of the new search with photo features seen on some search engines?

  4. as long as you are staying with ur gfriend you can use keylogger on your computer as long asboth are using it

    This will indeed get you passwords, URL and even chats... some take screenshots of the screen even min or so, so having the computer slow down on any computer older than 2008 at regular intervals can be a give away to an I.T person. The free ones may be a scam and could try and steal your confidential detials and perhaps bank information, even while it is appearing to work. If you know a reputable site or company it is better than just using anything. It is best to find legitimate paid software and have the firewall worked around restricting the external connection to the application which takes I.T knowledge. Also Anti-Virus and Malware scanners will usually pick these up..so they would need configuring also. Not to mention it could be illegal to track without knowledge in some countries. I doubt the average person will be both an I.T expert and a Lawyer.

  5. Regarding some other posts on this thread, I very much doubt this application has access to peoples ID card numbers and if it did, I don't think people are asked for such information on dating sites. They are registering on a dating sit enot applying for a mortgage.Most people search engines check with email, usernames, real names, age, starsign, date of birth. My ex wife was cheating using Badoo and something called myyearbook which is now meetme, I found both the profiles using google... all I did was use the her maiden surname on a google search and she had been cheating for months before I even tried searching. I got suspicious since she started locking her laptop in a padlocked case so I couldn't access it and checking my history even though I didn't cheat or anything, I had nothing to hide so I didn't make my laptop so hard to access.... I didn't intentially see the padlocked laptop but noticed it when going into the wardrobe, hardly smart to keep something unenterable and put it in plain sight. This application is probably disigned to subscribe to so people can have it monitored on their behalf, so they don't sit their weekly googling etc.. Too many people want to find out if their partner is cheating but when they do, what do you do then? Divorce or stay with this person? I have been there and too many times the person says they will never do it again and they did it because they were lonely etc..... and try to blame the victim. Some people have made fake profiles and talk to their wifes to see how far they are going to cheat and sometimes it can be a shocking experience for the husband and they find out their partners true colours as opposed to the pack of lies you may get confronting the issue the moment you find it. If you find your partner on Badoo, tell them about it and fight about it they will probably delete their profile and make a new bogus one even harder to find so you are better playing dumb... however there are legal implecations in making fake profiles on dating sites so no method is concrete. I heard some people used their own picture and changed it using photoshop to make them unrecognisable so they weren't breaking the law by using a picture of another person.

  6. If you and your ex have 50% parental responsibility how is her family able to stop you seeing your child when the mother isn't there? surely that is criminal in itself? These half sisters have no parental power. Usually the court will give visitation to the mother if the mother turns up and requests visitation. You should be able to get main custody as you have been seeking this and she abandoned the child. What do you mean 100% sole custody? I know sole custody can include visitation to the other parent but what is the 100%? does that mean the mother wouldn't have visitation?

  7. If the company and all the work is outside Thailand, sending instructions from Thailand is not classed as working anymore than managing an overseas bank and living off the interest is. You would never need a work permit for living off interest in a foreign bank account though. Surely if you passed instructions on through a relative and have them manage profit that is distributed as your wage, all you have to do is monitor your Thai bank account, you wont need a permit for that. You should probably ask an employment lawyer to be sure.

    • Like 1
  8. Thailand and the UK are both party to the convention.

    The way the convention works is that the "central authority" of one country informs the "central authorithy" of the other country and action is taken. Problem is enforcement in Thailand regarding children with Thai nationality.

    Just because UK and Thailand are both party doesn't mean it can be used between those two nations.

    Thailand has signed the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of Child Abduction but the UK has not yet been able to enter into treaty relations with Thailand. This mean the Convention does not operate between the UK and Thailand. However, the Convention may be in effect between Thailand and other countries.
    It is the same for child abduction to Thailand from UK and Thailand to UK, matter for the family courts.
  9. I didn't update this for a long time and it is a completely different set of circumstances now. I got my son back into the UK almost a year ago and it states on the Thai custody agreement that was stamped in the Thai court that she is entitled to two months each year visitation, since then I got a court order from the UK in my favor stating my son must not be removed out of my care and only I am allowed to remove him from the UK, but not for a period of longer than one month.

    My ex wife asked me recently to take my son to Thailand for the 2 months visitation and I basically said no, I told her because I have a new court order now and I can't afford the airfair. She was served the court order as soon as I got it. I made her aware about the proceedings in the UK, but she wouldn't provide an address to serve proceedings to and she failed to attend the UK court, I even offered her video link up as a way to attend but had no response.

    My real concerns are the fact she abducted my son before she is unlikely to return him after the 2 months, she isn't even living in Thailand. As she is not living in Thailand now and would most likely abduct our son to Africa and not spend 2 months in Thailand, the fact I have both his passports isn't a good enough reason to trust her with him for 2 months. She could just use another babies passport as his passport picture is when he was a baby. I wouldn't rule it out as it is totally in her character.

    Also, he would be very unsettled, he's got used to me as his parent and is very clingy to me because after my ex wife abandoned him it left him with a fear of abandonment, he spent 9 months with her relatives before I got him back to the UK. It wouldn't help him for him to spend 2 months with a mother he no longer remembers either and then be passed back to me again. She doesn't understand the dangers of putting a child on a motorbike, she claims it would be safe if she was driving, however I would never allow it. She even tried to enter UK without me knowing a day after video calling me, immigration stopped her from entering. They called me up and asked me if I am still her sponsor and I said no, I told them everything and they were too concerned to allow her into the UK, it didn't suprise me to find out she then went to Africa shortly after being refused entry to the UK, this is where I feared she wold take him. The Immigration did say she may be able to get a visit visa to visit our son in the future but it may be impossible because of her history. As I am in UK with my son and I have a UK court order, I would imagine this to take priority over the Thai order due to the fact UK court orders govern the UK and not Thai custodial agreements that are now unrealistic. When I agreed to this 2 months I had little choice as I had to appear reasonable because Thailand and UK do not have the hague agreement in force. The UK recognized the abduction under wrongful retention meant that habitual residence was UK, but Thailand felt it had jurisdiction also. As there is a different court order in place in UK than Thailand, and the UK courts and caffcass both felt it in our sons interest that the child is not out of Thailand for 2 months each year from the custodial parent. When I say 2 months, I mean 2 months straight without gap and also expected me to pay child maintenance for that time while I get nothing from her as the main carer, plus no airfair. I became a single parent and quit my work to take care of my son so it is totally un affordable.

    She told me the Thai Courts were going to write to the UK courts to show them that I signed a custodial agreement in Thailand. I've actually already shown the Thai order to the UK courts before the order was made in the UK. I would assume since I am the main carer and she was granted visitation, that it would be more an access thing.

    Has anybody had such experience about a complex issue like this? I don't think I have to be concerned because I read on http://www.justice.gov.uk/ below,

    Outside Europe

    There are no provisions for enforcing access/contact orders between the United Kingdom and countries outside Europe. Enforcement may be possible in some countries under article 21 of the Hague Convention. See section on
    contact with your child outside the European Union in a Hague Convention country. It is not usually possible to register British orders in overseas countries including Commonwealth countries.

    As UK and Thailand have no treaty under the hague convention then I would assume if she wanted access then she would have to go through the UK courts. Caffcass recommended supervised contact however, no contact has been drawn in the UK order, it just states he has to stay with me. As far as I know, if she wanted contact she would have to apply in UK unless I was generous enough to offer her supervised contact if she can obtain a visa without having to use the courts.

    Basically, Thai order - ex wife has 2 months access without gap in Thailand.

    UK order, no access defined, just states he must stay with me and cannot be out the UK country for longer than one month.

    What do you guys think?

  10. 1/It depends if your own country is a signature to The Hague convention, and if it upholds that agreement. 2/ in some countries such as the UK there are groups( financed by the tax payer) who will assist your wife in any way possible to obtain a court order, forcing you to return your child to her. In other European countries, such as Germany there are no such organisations,and I'm not sure if the governments of those counties would strictly abide by the rules.

    I think the first thing you should do is to think where your child would be best to be brought up.

    There are many things to take into consideration. Who will take care of the child, what educational option will be available, are just two amongst many.

    This is misleading. There is no Hague convention in force between UK and Thailand, this works both ways. This also means No legal aid would be available also for the Thai mother. I don't think legal aid is required for serious enough offenses though. If the OP was from UK, as he is not married to the mother he would have no right over the child so this is the only reason he could be prosecuted, the reason is because unmarried fathers have no automatic legal right over a child in the UK. This is a law that is the same in the UK and Thailand. A legally binding order in the Thailand may not be recognized in the UK and she may get suspicious if you try and have the order made through the UK courts rather than a Thai court. You should really seek legal advice though.

  11. I got my child back around a month ago. The Thai court order stipulates I get 10 months with him and my ex wife 2 months. The court order stipulates that my ex wife has the right to visitation to be in Thailand. I dont see how any school in UK will allow such a long vacation when he goes to school, he is young and it is damaging to his English ability at pre school years and the flights are an expense I can't afford.

    I cant see how a UK court would support and honor a Thai court order if your sons education is at risk. I also can't see why you would have to pay for flights. If your wife has visitation rights "to be in Thailand", she'll have to pay for the flights to pick him up and return him. If she doesn't return him SHE is violating her visitation rights. Under no circumstances would I allow this to happen mid term.

    Does the court order state one annual visit with a continuous duration of 2 months?

    Yes it stated continuous. I dont think it is the interest of the child. A Lawyer here said it is against UK law to be outside UK for 2 months but I may get a second opinion. The same lawyer said that a child has to be in a country for 12 months to be a habitual resident. I know that is not true as habitual resident is more down to intent and not based on one factor such is time in UK. ICACU told me that If a child has a return ticket, type of visa or passport entering on, if registered at a doctors ect.... I don't know what classes as a habitual resident in Thailand though. The way it is seen here is habitual residence cannot be changed because an abduction, I think that is in Brussels 2, but a court may change that after 12 months if the hague convention is regarded inable to act after that lengh of time. I know as Thailand are not party to the Hague convention they may have classed my son as a habituial resident of Thailand when making the order, but UK also classed my son as a habitual resident as he was abducted. I suspect UK will say the court order was made out of juristriction. I suspect a wardship order would confirm no foreign orders can be enforced without going through the high court, so civil court won't have the power to enforce the foreign order, even though I doubt they would as the foreign order seems unlawful here. I'll have to check with ICACU though.

  12. What you should do is get a lawyer and have a UK-judge change the agreement from the Thai court, stipulating that the visitation rights must be executed in the UK and the child is not to leave the country without permission of the father. That is the safest way to proceed.

    You can site your kidnapping fears, the fact that the mother now no longer lives in Thailand, your fear for the interruption of the child's education and family live.

    Depending on the age of the child, the child might be a party of its own in seeking a change of the court decision.

    The two months are probably the total time per year, or does the court decision stipulates that the mother has a right to the child for an uninterupted two months.

    I did think about getting a Lawyer and attempting to have the court order modified from UK. I suspect the UK wont have juristiction to modify another nations court order, but may draw up a new one that is independent. If they can modify the existing agreement I would be happy with that too. I'll have to seek the legal advice on this. I did some reading and parties can't be held cotempt for breaking a court order when there is a conflicting court order.

    The two months was uninterupted time which is a very odd thing for a court to include in the court order as courts should respect education of a child to be in their best interest, espeically in a family court.

    He is not at the age where he can seek a change yet, as he will be starting school in a couple of years.

    I don't feel comfortable that she lied in court about her being with a new man. It is often a case where a child gets misstreated by the mothers new spouse due to a jelously of the attention the child recieves. Had she been honest I doubt she would have got any custody, the court didn't really question her enough after she said she was single. She couldn't provide any evidence of employment in South Africa.

    Another thing, she changed her beliefs (i won't say which to avoid causing offense) just to get married. Changing beliefs, man, country of residence so quickly to me shows really deep signs of instability in herself, I wonder what she will change next? I am not saying changing is bad as it is upto the individual, but it looks like she makes these changes sporadically with no thought. It almost feels like the way she thinks has mutated since I met her. There were signs she could be a person like this, she had a nose job and eyebrows tattood on.. although I am not saying all people who have platic surgery are unstable, with my ex wife it is a certain indicator.

  13. No, that should be my next thing I think now I am back in the UK. I don't think this court order actually complies with the human right UNICEF drew up. Survival and development rights: the basic rights to life, survival and development of one’s full potential. How can anybody reach their full potential missing 2 months out of school a year..

  14. I got my child back around a month ago. The Thai court order stipulates I get 10 months with him and my ex wife 2 months. The court order stipulates that my ex wife has the right to visitation to be in Thailand. I dont see how any school in UK will allow such a long vacation when he goes to school, he is young and it is damaging to his English ability at pre school years and the flights are an expense I can't afford. When I came back to UK, the Thai airline just let me and I didn't even have to show my court order, although I had it incase they asked. My concern is my ex wife won't return my son to me if I go ahead with visitation. She has middle eatern boyfriend who she hid from the courts when she said she was single and now married to him. Before I know she could kidnap him again to another non hague country where my court order in Thailand is non enforceable. She is not living in Thailand now but plans to return there for a middle ground for visitation. I am in UK with my son now, so I am quite sure it is non enforceable here. UK won't mirror an order that conflicts with it's own national law. I think if she wants to see her son she should visit him in the UK but she flips out when I say this and threatens me with legal action. My worry is if I don't keep to this court order can I be extradited for breaking a court order? I don't think the court order keeps to international law, espeically not English law. No child can Lawfully be taken out of school for 2 months. Could I get in trouble for not taking my child back to Thailand for visitation? I will most likely get in trouble if my child is out of scool for 2 months... if I can, should I strike first now by prosicuting her for crimes she commited against me while in the UK? My list is, scamming money, assault causing bodily harm, blackmail, child abduction under wrongful retention. The Police didn't seem interested as she was out of the country and it isn't my intention to have her jailed, I just need to cover my back in this. As far as I know I cannot be extradited for not keeping to a court order that is conflicts with the laws in my own country and shows no thought on my childs education. Now I am in England I have to respect English law. What are your guys thoughts?

  15. You have started something you will not be able to finish. The problem is that most men know what is going to happen, but don't believe that it will happen to them, until it is too late. My suggestion is if you don't have the passports, apply for new ones and exit the country, go home and only return once your kids are grown-up.

    Which would result in a custody case.

    Note that Thailand is a member to the treaty on child abduction. if th mother plays it smart, she gets custody and can go to the public prosecuter to try and invoce the treaty.

    It depends where the OP is from Mario, I am from UK and this is from British Embassy website.

    In Thailand parental child abduction is not a criminal offence. It is considered to be a dispute between the parents and a civil matter to be settled by a court of law.

    Thailand has signed the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of Child Abduction but the UK has not yet been able to enter into treaty relations with Thailand. This mean the Convention does not operate between the UK and Thailand. However, the Convention may be in effect between Thailand and other countries.

    However, people cannot apply for a new passport for their child unless declairing the old ones lost. If somebody fills in a lost passport form when it is with the spouse due to a custody situation, it is classed as fraud. It warns against doing this exact thing on the form and people who voilate this could be jailed for a lengthy sentence.

  16. I did stop posting on this thread because I was getting accused of being a troll and advised to act illegally. I took my situation through the courts and was granted custody in the correct way, this women is now my ex and she has been granted visitation rights. I don't want to bore the pants off you now, but I'll be giving my story to stickman when everything has blown over, anyway, I have to collect my son in a few months to come back and live with me in UK. This is because my now ex wife is going to be leaving Thailand in a few months. I have my sons passports as it was ruled only I can take him out of Thailand, will I be able to take these back to UK with me and bring them back to Thailand when I collect my son from Thailand? or should I leave them with my relatives in Thailand? I worry about if I can travel with my sons passports when my son wont be with me until next year. The airports may have concerns about this kind of thing but I don't know.

  17. Ok Through some intelligence I have found she has applied a visa to America. I never actually approved of my son to travel there. More abuse of parental power. I suspect she must have met an American somewhere, the internet? Pattaya? I have no idea! but one things for sure! I caught it early and will inform the borders! Can you honestly see her winning now?

    Worst case scenario, something fuc_ks up she gets a visa to America and takes my son there, FCO have already said to me if she takes my son to a Hague convention country I can envoke it.

    I have a general fear for my sons safety, she must be crazy to do things like this! she could have been talking to a sex trafficker before I know.

    I cannot let this go on, do you advise I should get a flight there as an emergency and get a court case ASAP!?

  18. I've been researching other cases and it is possible to win. I'm taking her to Thai Court.

    She still isn't allowing communication to be open, so it is breaching Thai Law on abusing parental power.

    I also found some old blackmailing for money SMS and I have the social networking evidence to prove she was talking to other men when she was with me.

    I also have evidence of her violence and lies. I don't think she can afford a lawyer. I can win this case.

    What happens in Thailand if she doesn't attend court? would police to looking for her? I'm not sure on this.

    I guess I can ask my Lawyer, but I doubt it would look good for her.

    I got this from embassy website, If the person exercising parental power (either the mother or father) is judged by the Thai court to be incompetent, abuses their parental power or is guilty of gross misconduct, the court may order the removal of ‘parental power’ either partly or wholly.

    I'd say I have a good case for custody. Usually it is hard to win but she's acted insane and done many bad things.

    FCO also told me if she leaves to another country with Hague Conference I can enforce this, even though she went to Thailand now.

    Id say it's a matter of when rather than if.

  19. I got this from government website.

    Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders

    The UK has international agreements with more than 100 countries about child maintenance. These arrangements are called Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders (REMO).

    If a REMO is put in place, it means that:

    child maintenance orders made by UK courts can be registered and enforced in other countries

    child maintenance orders made in foreign countries can be registered and enforced by UK courts

    Here is a list of countries UK cooperates with on child support. http://www.justice.g...cation-list.pdf

    Lucky for me, Thailand isn't on that list of 100 countries UK has a REMO agreement with.

    Perhaps other European countries and America is different.

    UK didn't agree to all the EU constitutions, so if her plan was to have a baby, leave me to get child support her plans failed.

    Anybody from UK would be paying it voluntary to any country not on that list and I would rather save my money for a lawyer.

    I checked and my wife is abusing parental power by not disclosing location of our son. I have equal parental rights and the power to enforce them from outside Thailand, this is Thai Law. I have now used this to request Thai Police to find my son and tell me where he is. Abusing parental power can also be classed as gross missconduct, it will help me win custody back. Once I know this information I can get the British Embassy to send would somebody to get a welfare report, she can either refuse to cooperate which will loo bad for her, or she can cooperate and they will probably find dirty toilets, wires hanging around, plug sockets secured with masking tape.. maybe some other dangerous or illness prone conditions that I've seen around her friends and families house. I've been reading all week what government organizations help with what, and it's like a puzzle getting different organizations to help in different ways. I think it may be lengthy and a bit costly, but I think I can win so I am trying to stay upbeat about this, after all most Thais won't pay for a Lawyer so there won't be an awful lot of defense when I take her to court. Abducting a child from the other parent right now feels unforgivable, but I don't want revenge, just to be reunited with my son and I will use every resource I have at my disposal and if I fail, at least I gave it my best shot. When my son is older I can say he was taken from me and I tried my best to get him back. What son will forgive their mother for taking them away from their father because she couldn't fleece farang for money to send back to her greedy family. Yes they're greedy... they eat every-time I look at them and all I hear is GIN KAO every 5 minutes! it's unbelievable actually. Her sisters are obese and her mother and father also look overweight.

  20. Yes, if it is not a crime in Thailand she wouldn't be able to call the Police.

    She would need to fly to UK and get a court order from here.....

    Virtually impossible.....

    However, it's not impossible for me to go there and get a Thai court order.

    I am thinking of using the part in Thai Law that stipulates if a parent commits gross missconduct or they abuse parental powers, the other parent can gain 100% parental control instead of 50/50.

    She has became uncontactable now, which is defying my right to exersize my perental powers, therefore isn't she abusing hers?

    A Thai Court may see her lies as gross missconduct, I just have to show the flight bookings to the court for this.

    As for being an unfit mother, I can show she has a temper as she was voilent towards me... and I have tape recordings of her admitting it and lieing to Police.

    As she took our soon on motorbikes, her sisters building site... motorbike being worst...

    I know it's Thailand but I am sure it is still Thai Law to wear a helmit... and I never seen baby helmits before.

    Do you guys think I have a strong case in a Thai Court?

    I can also bring to light the Hague Agreement in a court to gain sympathy I think, even though the Police cannot act on this the court can take it into account that an offense in the UK has been committed as a child on holiday was not returned.

    If I get a court order with all this she will be forced to hand our son and his passports back to me.

    Is this my best option?

    Being diplomatic with this women is impossible, I consider her to have BPD as she's rude, voilent, tells lies, double standard.. oh and went on dating websites while she was with me.

    My guess is to try and con farang for money to send back to her family.

    I think this is a major factor in why our marriage could not work.

    Being European, I take care of my family, not my families family such as her father / mother / sisters and imaginary brother.

    She didn't realize most of us don't have a money tree in or garden are a magically lamp with a genie in.

    We are slightly more comfortable financially than Thai's, but to most of us funding additional families would throw the initial family into debt. She only considered that we get paid more, but didn't consider that rent is usually £600 a month and not £30 like in Thailand... food, utility bills follow the same fashion. We have council Tax.

    If a farang realizes and stops giving spending money they are sending abroad, then they start asking for more clothes, things than required and then return it back to the shop to get the money... then they wonder why their husband wont trust them and get upset about it.

    If she really wanted money, she shouldn't get married and have a baby with me, that's not a route to money.

    As UK never ratified the Hague Convention after Thailand signed it, any Thai decision based on child maintenance wouldn't stand in UK. This is because REMO (Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders) Unit, is only in force for countries that are full members of Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child abduction.

    If her idea is to have a baby with me, go to Thailand divorce me, get child maintenance and send money to her family while she is feeding our son absolute crap, then it is a very bad idea is it wont work.

    I am not saying not Child Maintenance is right, but any money sent for Joseph WONT be spent on him.

    Often women send their Children to their family to look after and then go work in a bar to fund their whole family.

    Another thing Thai Courts are aware of!

    I thought my wife was okay, but I was pretty wrong on that one.

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