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Posts posted by DDBKK

  1. A few more for you to consider after you've arrived and are out and about OP.


    Take a tuk tuk by all means but taxis are generally cheaper and obviously have air con

    If in doubt, deploy the mick dundee approach 

    Avoid any Africans on the street late at night in Bangkok 

    Good idea to have your passport on you at all times

    Motorbikes are fine if you can ride one back home - these fatality figures are mostly idiots who ride without helmets but don't underestimate the random-ness of the thai drivers 

    Visit some islands - koh chang and koh phangan are great



  2. 46 minutes ago, samsensam said:


    really OP, do you have nothing better to do than sit around thinking of ways to be judgemental and criticise others?


    why do you care so much? are you such a perfect person?


    does your self esteem get a boost from finding someone you feel you can look down on and criticise?


    everyone lives their lives as they choose, it's called freedom of choice, it's not your business or my business


    live and let live, you'll find yourself a happier person for doing so

    Dislikes people sitting around being judgemental and criticising others then goes on to be judgemental and criticise others whilst sitting there at their PC. 




    It's a fun light hearted subject on the joys of life in the land of smiles. 


    Difficult to understand, it is not.


    We are all bigots. You, me, everyone. Even the monks. Sorry to break it to you. 

  3. 19 hours ago, blazes said:

    Quite honestly, to read about so much cheapness in one thread is nauseating.  IMO, there should be an Eighth Deadly Sin, Cheapness (though Greed and Gluttony might count as an equivalent).


    In the general workings of life, I stay away from cheap people.  If you are cheap with your money, you will be cheap with your "heart" - as in generosity of spirit or willingness to acknowledge another's achievements....and so on.


    Some of the cheapest people I have ever come across are academics, and often, after experiencing "life" with a cheapo for an hour or so, I have an urgent desire to go home and wash my brains out...

    This, with bells on.

  4. 2 hours ago, bendejo said:


    Well, there's something else to that.  I worked as an assistant chef once, the chef was a Chinese lady.  She would bring me cups of tea.  "I have tea for you."  But her motive wasn't being nice to me, it was because she wanted the teabag's 2nd brew.



    I thought you were going to say she wanted you to tea bag her..... :P

  5. 12 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


    I find your examples silly.


    I definitely enjoy more taking a bus rather than a taxi or BTS when I am in the city. One of the reasons is climbing up those stupid stairs for nothing. Most of you guys claim taxis are not turning on the meter (which I didn't experience much to be honest), so the guy maybe just thought it would be less stressful for him to take a bus.


    Some people enjoy buying a cheap beer and drinking it outside and watch people go by. Why does it have to be from a Nana bar? Did someone write the rules how someone should enjoy their beer?


    I don't enjoy beer. It makes me puke. Maybe I should make a thread about you being alcoholic? I mean... here you are... in Thailand.

    YES! I've caught one. 


    In all seriousness though, I think you may be suffering from selective reading and might I suggest you undertake some self-analysis prior to making forum comments in the future so that you read what is actually written, as opposed to what you want to see. Oh, and maybe refrain from insulting a board member because it's a topic that obviously puts your back up? That's just, you know, child like silly.  


    Oh go on then, let's spell it out for you shall we....


    1. No one mentioned nana. YOU did, but I didn't. Sukhumvit road is quite long. Many places offer decently priced drinks.  Loitering on the sidewalk outside a pub to save 10 baht is quite frankly sad and you should have some self respect and just enjoy the drink at home.


    2.  My point about the baht bus was actually more to do with him leaving a friend hanging around in a Bar for several hours because the individual is too selfish and cheap to take a taxi. What are you banging on about stairs and taxi meters? I think most understand the points being made. You're in the very small minority I'm afraid. 


    The point is Thailand caters to many budgets and there is nothing wrong with working to a low one. It's the way in which you conduct yourself.  Obviously some people find that concept VERY hard to grasp and get labelled a farang keenook accordingly.  


    Still, I suppose it makes the rest of us look like high rollers by comparison. 


    Some good tales from times gone by. Must have been like a different country back in the 70's

  6. I've known a few cheep farangs in my time since I first came to Thailand as a backpacker many moons ago. It generally goes hand and hand with a certain section of backpackers. Not all, but some tend to opt for the cheapest options for EVERYTHING. 


    There's nothing wrong with being a bit careful with your money and trying to grab a bargain here and there. However, what I'm talking about here is the type of cheap people who will buy a bottle of beer from the 7/11 and stand outside bars on Suk drinking it for example. 


    I was told a funny story recently by one of my colleagues about a time when he was supposed to be meeting his buddy at a bar in BKK. His friend apparently arrived 4 hours late because he opted to take the open window baht bus from the airport which did a lap of the city before getting to his desired location. All so he could save the 35 baht taxi pick up charge he would have had to pay.  This is a guy who has a nice house and money but simply chooses not to pay for anything over and above what is absolutely essential.  Picking up massage shop girls because he "doesn't pay for it" and they never ask for any money after the deed is his MO apparently. Unbelievable behaviour. 


    I know there must be some good stories out there.... ???

  7. 14 hours ago, markin said:

    Thanks everyone for advice. By "Riverside" do you mean a specific area along the river or just anywhere?


    The hint is in the khao san and China town part. 


    Not the sharpest tool in the box are we....

  8. 4 hours ago, Briggsy said:

    A police report may not be necessary. Motorcycle dealers and those Tor Ror Or agents (vehicle inspection/tax renewal/insurance renewal) have a form that you can sign stating your number plate was lost or stolen. I was able to do it like that. It is probably a police report by proxy. Give it a whirl, it may save you some time.


    Can you speak Thai? If not, you may need someone who can.

    That sounds like it could be a winner. Will give it a bash and see how we go. 



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  9. The long and short of it is that my bike plate has gone with this wintery winds we are experiencing at present. Farewell dirty plate. May your travels serve you well. 


    My Mrs has got all bent out of shape over this situation and insists that the only way of receiving a new plate is first to report the missing one to police who will provide a signed document which then needs to be brought to the delight of a place they call.......          dum dum dum.......       Chaengwantana. (kill me now) 


    Am I to fear for being pulled clean into the wantana vortex for up to X amount of miserable godforsaken hours waiting on a small number, on a small screen to indicate possible freedom, only to find out that I need to join another waiting list of equally miserable measure? Please god no!!!


    I only lost a number plate, tell me it aint so??? 

  10. There are loads of riverside options available. To write them all off would be slightly foolish since it is one of the main features of the town. The lazy flow of the river is something I enjoy being close to when visiting. Stayed at 4 different places now. All within the OP's price range. Some in town, some slightly out, some on the tourist side, some opposite. 



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