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  1. 55555 Just another stupid British idiot that thinks he can do whatever he pleases in the land of smiles we'll I hope he has to suck his food through a straw for the next year,,, what a dumbass,, go back to Briton moron.
  2. I'm sorry but this idiot was riding on the freeway which is illegal no quads or motorcycles are allowed on the freeway here never have been,, so he got what he got.
  3. Hey the thais are so greedy that the ones making money don't care about anyone else and the powers that be are also hell bent on money so as long as you have these 90 visas your going to attract crap people that don't care about rules.
  4. If he's admitted that it's his fault then lock him up and throw the key away. OH I forgot he will get sick again and only spend 10 minutes in prison like he did before, he is a disgrace to Thailand and the Thai people he stole the election from the person that really won it.
  5. Come on folks Sgt Somchai was looking at some porn and accidentally hit the wrong button case closed.
  6. Lock them up in the Hilton and let the other prisoners go to work on them both but trust the dumbass brit to come back here properly know there's lots of young kids for him to molest personally I'd hang the both of them by their balls in a tree.
  7. This is the 2nd British idiot this year to be caught with Cocain in his passport there was another guy in Bangkok exactly the same a few months ago must be something in the water over there. But I do hope he has a few years in the beautiful Bangkok Hilton to grow a brain.
  8. Some people shouldn't travel if you can't afford a reliable and decent insurance company then stay home the British are the number 1 race that jump straight onto the gofundme to get money and it seems to work quite well... But saying that it's also a great way to have other people pay for your entire trip sorry but I won't be donating any money.
  9. Probably French aribs v Russians can't fight worth a crap animals throw them all out and change the rules back to way before this scum arrived when good people came here.
  10. Now what about all the Russians working in plain sight advertising on YouTube and messanger offering massages, taxis, personal training, building, real estate agents and the list goes on and on and all those jobs are for thais only, but these people do not care about the laws nor obay them, it's high time they are rounded up and deported.
  11. Scum like this should be locked up for the rest of their lives in a Thai prison,, let's find the worse one they have.
  12. Taksin hasn't been able to grease all the people he needs to buy off to insure her safe return to prison hospital for 20 minutes then pardon and her sentence will be over just like her criminal brother lock them all up.
  13. There is no cure for stupid she should have known her fat ass couldn't out run Thai coppers and just offered her services for free.
  14. As someone has already said here it's the Russians that are causing the most problems here it's time to cancel their visas and kick them out,, Thailand once was a fun place to live but with the increased greed of the powers that be and giving away easy visas comes the rubbish tourists causing more problems then they are worth,, Mr Taksin it's time to stop those visas and kick out the garbage
  15. I have no idea of which moron stated that Pattaya is a family resort but in my opinion it should be bulldozed into the ocean and start again.
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