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  1. Are we speaking from experience or is this a pulpit broadcast ?
  2. The need to live stream when just going to the nearby 7/11, is an illness that 90% of the 16-35 year olds suffer from, it’s the illness that robs them of all common sense,
  3. Why was he taking it to Bangkok ?
  4. They are exactly that , when a baby is 20 weeks. I’m not against freedom of choice for women or against abortion, but surely with birth control pills, the morning after pill, contraceptives and 12 weeks to decide if you want the baby, should be enough.
  5. That’s very interesting to know, I fly very regularly and have been stranded a number of times, each time the airlines in question had a rep sort an alternate flight, it’s not often I would book with a LCC, now I’m convinced they are not worth the hassle.
  6. Oh god, I wish some one had posted about jet star befor now, my parents 81 yrs old left me in Saigon and were stranded in Bangkok by jet star only on 3rd if Sept. Jet star cancelled the flight to Aus without notifying passengers, on arriving for the flight my parents were told, “ flight cancelled “ next flight in 10 days, here’s a hotel for tonight , see you next week. Jet star / Qantas you are the <deleted>s to treat passengers this way, but to do this to elderly people, one of who is terminally I’ll, is the lowest of the low, I and. All of my closest family will never fly Quantas or a Qantas affiliated airline again , I personally have flown more than 2000 flights but will not even consider your airline group in my life again
  7. A simple ratchet strap will suffice, as good as a lap belt, not so easy to open in emergency ????????????
  8. Sounds like a lot of gold chains are going to be donated to the welfare of the Thai low life.
  9. The Vietnamese are the same, my daughters final exam diploma issued by the education department wasn’t good enough for the university in Saigon without first taking it to a government office to have it stamped and signed by some young guy behind a desc, wouldn’t life be easier if the school exam board would just send a copy electronically to the university’s, the certificate is already late by 1 year due to Covid.
  10. You never know what can be an underlying heart issue causing collapse then subsequent drowning, I had a close friend who was an ex army physical instructor who died of a heart attack on a hum treadmill at the young age of 40, just 3 months before he was due to marry. Sometimes it’s just your time to go.
  11. I for one don’t see a pilot taking 10 seconds longer to clear the runway after landing could cause serious delays, when airports are only operating at 50% at best. There should be plenty of time to space out landings that would also help the customs and baggage handling personnel. Have the worlds airport operators really forgot how to operate. Less flights means more time for them to get things running smoothly.
  12. He’s basing all his findings on 13 serious cases 76% were BA4/5 that’s a sample of just 10 people and 3 of the BA2 variant cases, no information if any of these people were at risk because of underlying health issues, there are many people still out there with health issues that are now being exposed because of the withdrawal of restrictions.
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