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Posts posted by SundayAfternoon

  1. Where can I find this information? I use the Air Quality app (set to Yupparaj Wittayalai station) for an up-to-date figure on my phone, but its been showing the same number since 10am on Saturday (151/red)!  So not reliable! Thanks. 

  2. I find it highly offensive. If I see it happen I will promptly be calling the Royal Thai Police and lodging a formal complaint. I carry my point and shoot with me at all time, and would not hesitate to take photographic evidence to present to the police.
    Ricky, I feel a little bit embarrassed posting this on a public forum, but here it goes. Ever since you joined ThaiVisa, I've been reading your posts--in fact I've been following them. Kind of obsessed, to be honest. There's a certain feeling I get when reading your words, like an electric buzz pulsing through me. Maybe it's your no-nonsense phrasing, maybe it's the way you declare your offense at exposed female breasts. Your words carry a virility, a masculinity, a mixture of brotherly love and fatherly strictness that stirs me in the most unmentionable ways.

    We haven't met, so I've had to make do by imagining what you look like: the muscles of your broad, dominant hands wrapped around the spine of the Holy Bible (Good News edition, right?); the flash of milky white calf peeping out above your socks and sandals; the Herculean arch of your shoulders stretching the very fibers of your bluish-grey polyester safari suit. I dream of you crawling into your nylon mosquito netting after a long day at Church, or on the road, or at the police station, wearing nothing but a sensible XXL t-shirt and tighty whities. God, Ricky, can't you see what you're doing to me?

    Rick (can I call you Rick?), I know these forbidden desires present some practical problems. What will the members of the Church think? Won't they miss you when you fail to show up on Sunday mornings, or any other day of the week, as I detain you with my selfish, carnal, insatiable needs? Who will play the electric keyboard in the Church band? And I feel conflicted about the harm our love will do to Mrs. Doofus. I can picture her now, in her best flowered frock, waiting anxiously in the parking lot, holding hands with your two pasty children, their thick plastic glasses fogging up from the humidity, their white socks drooping disconsolately.

    But, like you Ricky (I've dropped using Rick, because Ricky better fits your boyish derring-do), I am a man of faith--I know we can make this work. And I am determined. OK, so you haven't replied to my private messages, but that's ok. I know the internet can be tricky. I stopped by 17 Chiang Mai churches last Sunday hoping to locate you, but to no avail. Seventeen down, 44 more to go. I got some funny looks from the Koreans, and a few offers from women in bonnetts, but oh how they don't know my heart, and my singular pursuit of the Ricky of my dreams. I even swung by Richy-Rich Land on the ring road, on a lark, but the trail went colder than Uriah the Hittite's love muscle.

    Well, Ricky, I suppose we could go on chatting like this all evening. But I suppose you've got things to do. Maybe chopping wood with an axe, then measuring it in cubits. And soon it will get dark, and I wouldn't want your flock to get the wrong idea about a man of the Book staying online after sunset. For my part, I'll be plotting tomorrow's search on Google Maps (Bake and Bite? The Duke's? Butter is Better? Sayuri?) Sweet dreams, my Ricky (Martin!), my Prince of Piece, my Man-nonite, my Hunkite!


    I don't know whether to laugh or be concerned at your post. However I will pray for you and your family tonight.

    God Bless

    Oh Ricky, the idea of you on your knees, for any purpose, gets me going again.

    You have a place reserved in hell i'm sure.

    Bingo! And we have a winner! It never takes long, does it?

    @puwa Really? I'm flabbergasted! It really took you that much time and effort? Don't you have anything better to do?

  3. Nutter is right @daoyai!

    It's worrying that peddles his 'theories' and 'products' through the power of you tube with no accountability or responsibility for outcomes. I expect that means when he kills someone he'll get off scot-free. I wonder if this is what Chiang Mai really needs as it becomes more popular and well known as a digital nomad hub? So any freak or weirdo can come here, sit in a coffee shop, and convince followers to ingest poison.

  4. More plant based dippies:


    I like this part:

    Adele disguised the smell of rotting flesh with a mixture of rose petals and salt water. She said: “If babies were meant to have their umbilical cords cut at birth we’d be born with scissors. It worked beautifully and the umbilical cord eventually fell away to make a perfect belly button."

    Ahhh... years of science, evolution, and progess, knocked on the head because scissors aren't natural.

  5. For those of you that don't know Feelee and Durian Rider .............

    Rumoured to have split up recently.

    Actually this is a fairer representation of Durianrider:

    And yes this lunatic and all his hangers on are in Chiang Mai goading everyone to get politically active on the locals. To teach them the errors of their eating habits and running amok.

    I loved the video where he's in TOPS and he punches out the display, just to impress his you tube audience, much to the shock of a couple of Thai onlookers.

    If these people can't behave they should and no doubt we'll give all farangs a bad name. You've seen the videos of Chinese tourists behaving badly, right? These things go viral. That's what they want. You tube ratings = pocket money for them to subsist on.

    Getting your breasts out and feeding your FOUR YEAR OLD child in a park in Chiang Mai to impress your you tube audience is not OK.

    He's a nutter, that's for sure, and if you think that a lot of his behaviour is to attract attention in order to make more money, you've just supported his cause. I very much doubt that most Thais aren't smart enough to know a nutter when they see one, to recognise this guy as a perfect example of that, and to not assume he represents "all farangs". You should give Thais more credit. Farangs have been coming to Chiang Mai in sufficient numbers for long enough for them to have figured out that we are as mixed a bunch of individuals as any race, including themselves - they have nutters too. For you to assume that they aren't smart enough to distinguish the wheat from the chaff could be seen as an insult to them.

    As regards to your other comment about her breasts, as I said, it says more about you than her. She repeatedly told the child to stop exposing her other breast and even stopped the video in order to deal with that problem. You also seem to have an obsession about the fact that the child is four, which although it seems odd to me, is not shocking or in anyway offensive. What is your problem with that, I wonder? A quick google produces this ....

    The World Health Organization officially recommends mothers breastfeed until three years of age. (Yes, you did read that right!) Even the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends mothers should breastfeed "at least until one year of age and then as long as baby and mother mutually want to."

    I'd be more concerned about you than the nutter in the video - at least we know where he is coming from.

    I've supported DurianRider's cause by showing a video of a topless farang in Chiang Mai. I'm insulting Thai people (whereas she is not). I have a problem and an obsession, according to you, because I think it's wrong behaviour?

    You do an really good job at attempting to gaslight @Chiengmaijoe but unfortunately your arguments are not in the last bit convincing or valid! Especially as according to the World Health Organization website: "Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended up to 6 months of age, with continued breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary foods up to TWO years of age or beyond."

  6. Here's "Sun Fruit Dan" (seriously!) Another vegan vlogger (yawn, of course he is) who seems to be setting up a company/selling health products here in Chiang Mai.

    His protocol here for ingesting turpentine to 'cleanse your system' is bat&$!t bonkers.

    How long before someone gets real unhealthy real fast (dead?) ingesting a diet of 300 bananas and turps while being mowed down by a Hilux on the way up to Doi Sutteph?

    And if you think no one would be crazy enough to follow this kind of nutty advice, check out these two brainless idiots who literally confess to giving up their jobs, and selling their couch, to follow DurianRider to Chiang Mai!

    There's another couple of guys who've followed their Cult God Durian Rider to have vasectomys while here in CM, and have then instantly regretted it!

    Beyond words!

  7. For those of you that don't know Feelee and Durian Rider .............

    Rumoured to have split up recently.

    Actually this is a fairer representation of Durianrider:

    And yes this lunatic and all his hangers on are in Chiang Mai goading everyone to get politically active on the locals. To teach them the errors of their eating habits and running amok.

    I loved the video where he's in TOPS and he punches out the display, just to impress his you tube audience, much to the shock of a couple of Thai onlookers.

    If these people can't behave they should and no doubt we'll give all farangs a bad name. You've seen the videos of Chinese tourists behaving badly, right? These things go viral. That's what they want. You tube ratings = pocket money for them to subsist on.

    Getting your breasts out and feeding your FOUR YEAR OLD child in a park in Chiang Mai to impress your you tube audience is not OK.

  8. Made famous by the crazy foul mouthed Durianrider and his banana eating girlfriend, Chiang Mai is definitely (and unfortunately) on the map for Vegans. Making their you tube videos (they all do it) trying to convert everyone, and by following their cult like leaders, they have their own 'festival', they only eat sorta real food after 4 pm, they cycle up Doi Sutteph, and they apparently do this in public:

    I'm genuinely shocked!

    Who knows what the locals must think when they're confronted with that in PUBLIC!

    I've watched a couple of other vegan videos where the vlogger wants more political activism from the vegans in Chiang Mai, to get involved with various issues, to protest and bring awareness to the local people. (Meat production and animal rights). I'm just speechless that these lunatics are all here spouting their mad cap ideas on you tube.

    Seriously Vegans, behave, or go home!

  9. Ugh! I bough some only last week! Our choices seem to get more and more narrow. Farmed salmon or farmed prawns? Sprayed and tainted fruit and veg or some hormone and antibiotic meat? No wonder there is a massive autoimmune disease epidemic. Thanks for the info OP!

  10. So is it safe to come back to Chiang Mai now? And I'm asking people who think the pollution is a problem, not the guys who think it's OK (and liveable as long as you have an air purifier... sorry, I just don't agree!) What's the verdict on the situation? Is it over?

  11. Thanks @Atum I always look at the aqmthai.com website with the RAW measurement thinking this was the most straightforward and real data. Averages aren't as useful for me when I'm deciding when it's safe to exercise/run as much as the hourly updates.

    I read on the Consulate website that they don't have their own measuring equipment. They make their calculation by taking the aqmthai.com data and then applying some metric to it as @Tywas said ^ It's confusing though. Sure my senses tell me it's bad but the data should be the same across all of them if there's only one measuring station! (Whether it's raw or average). And it's very confusing to know which one is most accurate when there are vast differences in the numbers shown!

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  12. But a weather forecast is a prediction so must be some room for error and interpretation. But these numbers are readings. They should be the same, no?

    I'm not disputing there's pollution or that it's not bad (I happen to think it's appalling!) But how can the American Consulate report is 162 while the aqmthai.com website say it's 41.

    Sorry to disagree but it's nothing like a weather forecast @Sparkles!

  13. C4 Dispatches has an interesting program, an expose on the effects of pollution on our health... Based in the UK but some interesting points to bear in mind in the smog of CM and worth watching if you have an ipbox or if you watch Channel 4 on demand.

    "Dirty Secrets: What's Really in our Air"

  14. Sorry I've just seen the link there that Chiang Mai posted has two links. (Hence the confusion.) I'm referring to the first one - the wind app.

    There is a color legend at the bottom border of the map showing wind speed in kts.

    Ahh. That doesn't show on the app! (I was there trying to work or which is better purple, blue or green! )

  15. Are you on Instagram? Want to win a 5 night stay in a luxury hotel in Phuket? I was just surfing around there and found that there's a competition running. All you've got to do is go to Instagram and check out:

    @ wanderer in asia (no spaces)

    All the info you need to enter is in the promotional post.

    It's an awesome prize! I'd enter myself if I could!

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