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Everything posted by Loiner

  1. Of course it is racist. They believe that racism can only work one way and only whites can be racist. How wrong can they be, but that’s the left for you. Blinded by their own bigotry. (Something else that is not only characteristic of whites.)
  2. I’m very right because I’ve seen it regularly. Thought you didn’t watch ITV, or do you manage to miss the adverts? What about BBC presenters?
  3. Nothing inaccurate at all, just the truth. Watch some UK telly if you don’t believe. You might be pleasantly surprised.
  4. Great, he’s fooled you all again.
  5. Mere observations, truthful and without opinion or comment. Why are you so outraged, is it all fake for effect? I though you wanted affirmative action?
  6. You don’t watch much ITV then, only BBC? Try counting the white faced news presenters. You won’t need both hands.
  7. “Affirmative Action”? It’s reverse racism. Nor does it create diversity. Try viewing a few UK advertisements. N’er a white face to be seen. Tut tut.
  8. The left are always bullying and very spiteful. Good job she’s not Jewish, who knows what sort of antisemitic abuse they would be posting. Nazi cap? Very poor taste, but they think it’s ok for them.
  9. Keeps the Tories in power and Labour out, so working pretty well thanks.
  10. Labour not being able to come up with coherent costed policies. That’s why they have not been able to win power at the last four elections.
  11. We saw it. Not interested in the police cover up.
  12. So why do Labour keep doing it?
  13. We saw him on video at the afterwork party. Starmer, Angela and the rest of the Labour Party lied and are hypocrites. That’s the only reality to grasp here.
  14. I know, it’s a joke isn’t it. You would have thought they would have learned that won’t win because they’ve seen Labour constantly fail with the same tactics. Thanks
  15. The other poster above seems to think he’s a bit guilty. I don’t have to produce evidence of anything. It’s already there in the video. The camera doesn’t lie. He’s as guilty as sin. Plus even more guilty of being a lying hypocrite.
  16. But still guilty though? Regardless of what anybody else may have done.
  17. Very little to do with that non-event. It’s due to a concerted campaign of anti-Boris bullying by the combined forces of the left, remainers and MSN, to which some opportunist Tory MPs have seen their chance at the top job.
  18. A proper Conservative with a capital ‘C’ would be more than welcome. Watch the seething and frothing at the mouth posts on here then.
  19. Guilty. As seen in the video, regardless of what the police say.
  20. Well there you go again. Flinging accusations about which you have no idea. Let me tell you again: They are all the same.
  21. The video shows different to your interpretation. What do you think it would take for The Kremlin to get me their friend a peerage? I think I’d rather take the money.
  22. I certainly don’t automatically assume anything in those links are true. We know the BBC for one cannot be trusted. The others also are not to be believed.
  23. Yes, still nothing important. Whatever is said to the bunch of liars in parliament is really not important. Your reference to international law I guess relates to the hated Northern Ireland Protocol. Now that really is important but Boris has not done anything about it yet. There would be no breaking of the international law you allude to. Simple application of a provision within the existing contractual agreement. The sooner Boris (or anybody else) does it, the better.
  24. Both. The Met, an opportunity to stick it to Boris. Durham an opportunity to turn a blind eye to Starmer.
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