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Everything posted by Loiner

  1. But Starmer didn’t, for exactly the same offence. Go figure, they are all the same.
  2. Yes, I am. I didn’t think Cummings or anybody should have been harassed by the police for contravening lockdown rules. We should never have been locked down and the people should rise against any government attempts to do it again. Somebody else can check how many FTPs were issued by Durham police to normal folk and how Starmer & Co got away with it.
  3. You may call it whataboutery, I call it rank hypocrisy. Fortunately, Starmer hasn’t had opportunity to abuse power. His Liebour predecessors did, but he probably never will. They still hold too much contempt for their old Labour voters.
  4. Why would he need any FO officials? What can they add?
  5. I keep telling you that they are all the same. Boris’s misremembering or truth avoidance being on important things that he didn’t actually do, usually about the actions of other people. Starmer is a different case, pontificating and posturing about Boris and partygate for the very same things he has done himself.
  6. More anti-Boris MSM hysteria. Doesn’t actually make anything true, or important.
  7. You can judge however you want. We have seen the video. Starmer is lying and was breaking the rules. Just like you claim Boris was. They are all the same.
  8. The video shows that Starmer is the liar here. Angel also.
  9. So you think Boris is a spy now??????? Too many looney tunes or looney juice for you. No credibility at all in that report, wherever you dug it up from. Definitely in the not important box.
  10. Move along, nothing to see here?? Starmer did break the law. Didn’t you see the video? Is there on of Boris at a booze up?
  11. Whatever that is, it must mean something in your world. In the real UK it’s either untrue or not important.
  12. Just accept the result and move on? It’s only two days after these policing double standards are exposed and you want to quickly brush them under the carpet. That’s rich, coming from a group who have still not accepted the Brexit referendum result after six years.
  13. Fortunately we haven’t had a Liebour PM for about 17 years. There’s very little else to compare with other than war criminal Blair’s massive lies. Smarmy Starmer hasn’t had much opportunity to show his deceit yet, although his sanctimonious performance over partygate while presiding over beergate is rank hypocrisy.
  14. There is no difference. Exactly the same social gatherings after work in the same workplace.
  15. Hey there's seven hospitals knocked up for you over just two months at a comparatively low cost of about half a billion. Boris pledge done!
  16. Try analyzing the difference between finishing election campaigning, then having a prearranged beer n curry party in the office after work. Your next analysis is the difference between the above and the partygate campaign. No difference except politically motivated police.
  17. There won't be many members of the British public standing outside those gates. They wouldn't get through the massed MSM hacks baying for Boris's blood.
  18. The criticism is aimed at the sheer hypocrisy of Liebour, its' leaders and followers. We have seen a prolonged campaign of hate by the left and MSM against a PM who beat them for Brexit and took 'their' red wall seats in a landslide election victory. Boris was a victim of a witch hunt over a few piffling porkies, while the Labour party is a total lie to the working classes who it previously represented. Enough of the electorate have seen through the smoke and mirrors of the last Labour government, which is why they haven't been able to win the last four General Elections. Reference to master liar Tony Blair is an example to remind you of what happens when the left sneaks into power: World wrecking wars; massive overspending & deficit; contempt for it's own supporters and the demolition of Britain. You were warned before but still foolishly succumb to Liebour's flim-flam. Starmer and his current crew are no better, no matter how much they try to take the high ground over Boris.
  19. Boris was not building a small private hospital. Large public ones are the NHS model, not prefabs in a field. The job starts years before any project manager's boots hit the ground. Throwing people at it is also not the solution. You can throw nine women at a pregnancy but won't produce a baby in a month.
  20. All the same, all snouts in the same trough. Believe me! Durham police deciding not to fine Starmer does not preclude him from being a liar, or having broken the law. Has he got your support because he's better at it than others? Remember, he's a lawyer by trade and now an MP, so a trained professional liar. The protesters obviously knew from the beginning about Tony's lies. Maybe the CONs didn't get the word on the street and believed Tony's sexed up report?
  21. It's incessant on these pages, mixed with some purely abusive posts devoid of any actual comment. It appears to be perfectly acceptable to assert that Boris is the arch liar, while the others are in fact all the same. Most of what they rage about as Boris's lies were no biggie. Personally, I would not trust Starmer as far as I could throw him, and the same goes for the rest of the Labour cadre. They seem to have conveniently forgotten the even bigger corrupt lying Labour PM, Princess Tony Blair. The anagram of his surname was so apt, but would get your post deleted for some reason.
  22. Just another broken pledge on the way? I hope so, if only so it would get them all outraged again.
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