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Everything posted by Loiner

  1. How long do you think it takes to build a hospital?
  2. His constituents had obviously decided that wherever the unions and labour are so outraged about was not important and duly elected him to be their MP. That’s why he’s there, it’s their choice not Labour, the unions or lefty forum posters.
  3. But when you are dealing with the woke or Boris haters, their own definitions of sexual assault are flexible. Something essentially non-sexual can be over exaggerated to meet their agenda.
  4. You’d have to confirm with @internationalism, it’s his conspiracy.
  5. I don’t necessarily define a new hospital as must having bricks and mortar on a green field site. I happily understand a established medical location with new facilities to be a new hospital. Sorry, my mistake, I though all your references to Boris’s health promises came from the side of a bus.
  6. Oh come on, don’t sit on the fence. Say what you mean. Or you could possibly come up with some rational reasons why the actual structure and fabric of a hospital is so important to the more important services it provides. If you resort to “because it said so on the side of a bus” you lost the argument.
  7. Well that didn't take long. You are a person interested in engaging, contrary to your statements. (Again) So what effect would you imagine a bye election (sic) would have on the Tory party and Boris Johnson's premiership?
  8. No deflection at all, its publication has always been about attempts to oust Boris. There’s very little to suggest it was anything other than a jolly jape in the club and your histrionics are more faux left outrage. Your interest in engaging in exchanges remains to be seen. Probably won’t be long. Tick tock?
  9. Stop digging man. The thread is about Boris and his party. Ask the OP and why he selected it.
  10. You place yourself in that position I'm afraid. So many of your other posts on this board focus on your obsession with ousting Boris. Does tick tock tick tock sound familiar?
  11. I don't believe you and thousands of others wouldn't either. Why would you think otherwise? The first line of the OP reads "Another day, another disaster for Boris Johnson....."
  12. I did. Early on in this thread, because that it all it is about. If the left and MSM were not intent on ousting Boris this non-story would never have seen the light of day. It is simply not important enough to make the inner pages of a local free paper. It wouldn't have attracted even an interview by the police who have real sexual assaults to deal with.
  13. Got your lynching rope out already and running with the pitchfork mob? It still won't oust Boris.
  14. OMG, the luvvies are muscling in on politics again. Will there be lots of has-been and assorted never-actually-made-it actresses marching in support of something else they’ve no idea about?
  15. OK I confess, it’s actually subliminal advertising for our next imperial acquisition in the Crimea. There you go, your conspiracy theory is proven. Psst, really it’s true.
  16. No, a hysterical witch-hunt is being orchestrated over a non-event, in another attempt to oust the PM. Watch Boris ride this one out too.
  17. There’s more than a hint of suggestion, to which my response was made. Would there be any reliable figures on comparative empires’ killing and oppression? I expect not but I expect it would have been substantially less under a British Empire. Both foreign and home grown apologist handwringing and half truths about colonialism is always tiresome. In reality we have never had anything to apologise to anybody about and should only be proud of the British Empire’s achievements.
  18. Labour and MSM are making a mountain out of a molehill.
  19. Oh so woke, sounds like a big girls’ quote. A man would simply give a ‘punch up the froat’ without making a sexual assault of it.
  20. Obviously they had seen the trade and new opportunities in vastly improved countries. They could smell the money created by dear old Blighty.
  21. Empires based on killings and oppression were a fact of life and had been so for thousands of years. Nothing new there but the apologists seem to think Britain invented it. Nobody would be bothered about the autochtones, although they would probably have been better off under the British Empire than most others.
  22. No, I'm telling you that the British Empire was the best thing to happen to the whole world since the Romans. Anybody who was around at that time is not available to tell you that your hand wringing revisionist history is just soppy rhetoric. Turn the volume down on your violins and have a recount on your hundred millions. It sounds far too exaggerated.
  23. Not really by the sound of it. Can't have been two real men or they would have sorted it themselves. What goes in the Carlton Club stays in the Carlton Club.
  24. Maybe that's true. How did a private letter to Boris make it into the press so quickly? Whereas it took them a couple of years to rake up lefty hysteria about a few drinks. Pity the left and MSM cannot come up with any actual opposition and proposals about the big issues.
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