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Everything posted by Loiner

  1. Lots of gleeful raking by Labour and MSM but it's not even real muck. Nothing important at all. They are really scraping the bottom of the barrel here. In this particular case that's probably closer to the issue than just a figure of speech.
  2. That’s all it boils down to - just more opposition howls and MSM muck raking. Not at all important and not even interesting, but they love some anti-Boris tittle tattle.
  3. Doubtful, but they could do worse. In fact they did as part of the old united soviet. The British Empire was the best thing to happen to the whole world since the Romans.
  4. And yet Boris is still here and not going anywhere.
  5. I don’t think another strategic snap election is the delusion they were eluding to.
  6. Crisis, what crisis? For all the Left and msm hyperventilation about insignificancies he’s still there. There’s nothing you can bring that can force him out. This is where the delusions are. He always has a trump card for you.
  7. One of you needs to explain to the other how tactical voting and by election blues will mean nothing at a GE. Two more years, until many more years.
  8. There's no delusion about his remaining two years to a General Election. You'll be needing a lot more tick tocks than you can keep typing..........
  9. Not good enough to force him from office. Neither was the Tory turncoats no confidence vote. He's still PM and doesn't care. When it comes to MSM and the left mudslinging neither do the voters. He's still got two years to sort out the real issues.
  10. Both by elections were not the swings towards the left they like to proclaim. They were 'nice weather stay home or day trip' polling absences. With a massive commons majority for the next two years there was no real need for Tory voters to visit the polls, plus it gives Boris a warning to get on with important matters like Brexit, Immigration and Cost of Living. What MSM and politicians don't trill about is Labour's decimation in Tiverton or major reduction in votes in Wakefield. Libdem may have benefited from Labour's losses and tactical voting in Tiverton but only managed to retain just over a quarter of their 2019 votes in Wakefield. You do understand that won't wash in real politics at a GE don't you?
  11. More MSM and Lib-Lab plotting to overthrow their hated but democratically elected landslide prime minister. He’s pretty thick skinned so will shrug this off too. What’s your next “BorisGate” failure going to be?
  12. Mid term by-election blues. When it comes to a real election the Lib-Lab pact plotters will be out on their backsides.
  13. You obviously have no idea of who or where I am. You also obviously have no idea of the feeling in UK and gain your misinformation from these boards of misanthropes thousands of miles away.
  14. The jungle drums must be sending the wrong message to uncountry Thailand. They need to lay off the MSM message because it does not portray the true feeling of the UK people, only the metro centric liberals. The only people who despise Boris are the left. Conservative heartland and Northern working class still understand the Labour despises them and will never vote labour again.
  15. The left and the woke are at it all the time. They throw around a few insults from their safe spaces, while hiding behind a wall of hypocrisy. They don't realise it's all water of a duck's back anyway.
  16. Anything published in the Garuniad and all the cover up reports would not blow the froth off a pint of beer. They are for the consumption of the woke and weak minded who lap it all up.
  17. When the authorities turn a collective blind eye to the problem, of course there will be fewer convicted offenders. That is the whole problem and how it is covered up.
  18. The question is “How and why are they allowed to get away with it?” We already know the answer.
  19. Not so such favoured prosecuting non asians, but your same stats show they dare not prosecute those Asians, specifically men of Pakistani origin. Some cities like Bradford dare not even pull them for the atrocious driving standards there.
  20. Lest we forget. Another report and attempted cover up will not hide what they’ve been doing, all in the interest of diversity.
  21. So Rotherham police and all those other forces don’t have a ‘Rape Department’? I think you would find that other ethnicities are prosecuted for rape in those towns. You know, the ones where the police would not be accused of being racist. The whole point of the report was a cover up for the woke councils and police. It has failed to accomplish that, unless of course you think these heinous crimes need to be brushed under the carpet. “Mistakes were made and lessons learned.” is their feeble excuse of a lie.
  22. The report is the cover up. Mistruth and misdirection is the left’s modus operandi. We know why they all failed, they didn’t want to upset the Pakistani community and didn’t want to be labelled racist.
  23. Sheffield, the exception that proves the rule. One city that did something? Why did all the others shirk from prosecution of members of a community they do not want to upset? They didn’t need these procedures you hide behind. We have laws against it.
  24. That’s your denial and cover up. We all know why they are still trying to cover it up. They, like you, won’t admit it.
  25. The same crimes widespread around the county over an extended period, by the same demographic against the same demographic. But it’s nothing to do with the criminals ethnic background, it’s because all the different police forces for years had the same basic lack of understanding????? Another apologist in denial.
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