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Everything posted by Loiner

  1. Resident apologist blames police and social services. Labour MP and lefty liberal journalist blames the victims. Social worker blames the police. Social worker again blames the police. Another apologist blames both police and ‘programs’ And another apologist blames the victims families and local society. This is classic obfuscation, everyone pointing in a different direction but not the reason why. None of them admit that the blame rests with all the authorities who would not take effective action against Pakistani Paedo Racist Rapists because of who they were. They were all afraid of the truth, that nothing is allowed that might upset that particular community, and that is still the case. “Let’s have a committee and a report.” That’s the best way to cover up the real cause of it all. There’s your conspiracy in action.
  2. Why not ask Kier Starmer? As DPP he presided over the Crown Prosecution Service from 2008 to 2013. They help to ensure the community responsible for these endemic crimes were not brought to justice. Gross negligence or political expediency? I think both.
  3. It’s been going on for a long time and is still happening. Lefty liberals cover it up, police are still reluctant to do anything about it, and MSM only gives the briefest of coverage. So what do the aplologists have to say?
  4. To quote a drama queen tennis player: “You cannot be serious?”
  5. You have a twisted democracy if in yours it’s ok for a union which nobody for can overthrow a nationally elected government. The opposition party which failed to be elected will have MPs on the picket lines to help. Didn’t someone here try to deny that’s what this thread is about?
  6. So what has Starmer said about this, anything at all? All part of their plan to try and sway the public against Boris.
  7. Sure not exclusively, but weed does tend to be the drug of choice for the left.
  8. You cannot seriously believe that. Labour has no credible policies, so does nothing but try to bring down the government. All union members have been used as political pawns for years. It’s what the committed leftists embedded as their ‘leadership’ set out to do.
  9. A perfect example of Labour opposition and the unions combining to attempt overthrow of an elected government. It’s a long time since Labour or the unions ever cared about the workers or the poor. We need a Maggie to crush the unions who abuse their membership as political pawns.
  10. You had better ask the poster if his foul abuse was permissible. I note he has edited the post now. Abuse of other forum members is keenly moderated here, if you hadn't previously noticed.
  11. The ECHR is not above national laws. I think I have already stated that we don't know the full details of why the flight with remaining illegals was cancelled. It was not a directive of the ECHR though.
  12. You had nothing to say of any merit, just abuse of Boris.
  13. All very true. Disappear to live under the radar and your benefits stop.
  14. They tend not to publish links of living under the radar for your reference. You could try find something in the Garuniad if you like, or more likely another bleeding heart activist organisation will have it documented.
  15. You are too quick to post and your obtuseness is showing. If they cut off the tag, they can disappear but their benefits will stop.
  16. Have you ever seen how they exist in the UK under the radar? Have you ever been to UK?
  17. No, this thread is about the proposal to tag the incoming scroungers. Without a tak they are at the mercy of their trafficker gang masters and servitude. When the tagging rule is enforced they will not be able to cut it off to disappear and still claim 'benefits on arrival'.
  18. They haven't been tagged yet have they? That didn't take a lot of thinking about.
  19. They have no real authority at all. ECHR is not above national law. From its' original conception, it has developed into ust another European talk shop. If countries don't like the findings of the ECHR they simply ignore them, as we should have done in this case.
  20. Did you read, think and understand before posting? Obviously not. If they were to cut off the tag and disappear, there would be none of what they paid traffickers and risked their lives for - those lovely UK benefits.
  21. Not a useless list to pick and chose from. Which ones were ready to sit late at night and think they have authority to reverse a UK Supreme Court decision.
  22. She would, because she is absolutely right. There was no need for our government to even consider what somebody in Strasbourg says when our own supreme courts have already ruled in the matter. We often don't comply with them anyway. Who are the anonymous 'judges' in the ECHR anyway and why does the ECHR refuse to name them? There is always something wrong about secret justice.
  23. In a galaxy far far away, or failing that in Rwanda. No chance of 'escaping' that safe haven in dinghies.
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