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Everything posted by Loiner

  1. Fury about some sort of disrespect to the Leader of a corrupt and badly governed old soviet, but happily spews a constant barrage of foul abuse at Boris. Sheer hypocrisy?
  2. Because it’s not the UK, the land of plenty, where the streets are paved with our benefits.
  3. Well that’s a troll post if ever I saw one. How do you get away with it? Give us a clue.
  4. I don’t know how they manage to do that. You have to ask one as they are pretty good at it. Haven’t you got a Rumanian mate on speed dial to tell you? How many millions went to Poland in child benefit? Great scam - anybody managing to do that for Thai kids? I often use stereotyping. It saves a lot of time and is usually accurate, or the stereotypical would not be commonplace enough to arise.
  5. So how have 6.1 million of them applied for settled status? Anything to do with their benefit claims?
  6. I’ve seen many of them loitering around sequestered Britannia hotels. Terrible places but free and better than a mud hut. I haven’t been able to check but these must be the ones with the porte cochere paved with gold.
  7. Not true at all. We very rarely hear anything from racists and bigots. MSM does all it can to censor anything it does not agree with. All we do hear is the bleating of lefty activists and bleeding hearts.
  8. Hardly a home goal as the rule ignoring French were not meeting their own EU responsibilities under the Dublin Agreement anyway. Of any home goals were scored it was them. Has they sorted out the scroungers at point of entry, and Merkel not invited another million, I dare say many in the UK would have swung to a Remain vote. They lost out on all our contributions and a lot of trade.
  9. Here sir! It’s absolutely true: Somalian and Kurd able bodied fighting age men who cowardly ran, leaving womenfolk, to try lie and cheat their way into UK benefits. Ukrainian women and children refugees, who’s men stayed to fight for their country. Big difference eh, what’s racist about that? Any comparison of skin tone is purely coincidental.
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