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Everything posted by Loiner

  1. Did you think so? That’s a bit overly optimistic, but the cracks are already showing. Putin is doing more for that than the UK, but the economic and political divides between them are beginning to pull them apart.
  2. The US will have to get in the queue with the rest of the world, who are still in front. The countries Remainers said would never deal with a free UK. [Biden] missed his chance early on. No need to repair anything with the EU. That bloc will have disintegrated before long.
  3. They are all still too angry at losing the referendum they thought was stitched up; too angry at not being capable of being an elected government; and too angry that the left’s nemesis Boris is still here; that they rage at anyone to the right of Lenin. They’re far too busy being outraged that they haven’t noticed it’s their Froggy naval friends who shepherd the dinghies out into the channel. That’s who lets them drown.
  4. In small boats, like the French allowed them to come here. If that was not a legal way would the French be even more upset? This plan gets better all the time.
  5. More hotels paid for by us. Far too cushy for those fakirs. Back to the Calais jungle with the traffickers. would be better. It would also upset the French more, so a win -win.
  6. So Boris is still outraging the leftists, blocking the Rejoiners, and upsetting the Euros. He must be still doing a grand job. All we need is for him to ditch the bits we don’t like of NI protocol, then send all the fake asylum seekers back to Calais. He would be back to. National Hero in an instant and win all elections for evermore.
  7. He didn’t. He’s still PM, which is hardly a zero, except in the Lefty press distorted way of counting. He’s more of a +211, a winner again.
  8. And that’s all that matters. And that the Lib-Lab-Rem pact is again thwarted, which is a bonus. Unless of course he would be replaced by a PM who would correct the NI protocol.
  9. We could also wait to be told that he’s still got to go and this will enable Liebour to win the next election. Oh, we’ve already had that plenty of times but Boris is still there.
  10. So he stays as PM then. The anti-Boris league is already outraged. Again. Love it! Maybe there will be as many new knights as Blair made lords? Whats going to be next subject for an onslaught of lefty vitriol against Boris then?
  11. So is this more Reuters anti-Boris speculation and misinformation? We’ve seen lots of it before, all wrong.
  12. Your supporting snip are edited rather too much, so much that you pretend something other than the truth. Have a go at another snip from Wiki, slightly less contorted than yours: In the United Kingdom, a fixed penalty notice(FPN) is a notification of what is usually a minor fine for an alleged criminal offence, that unless settled will result in prosecution. A fixed penalty notice is not a fine or criminal conviction because of the distinction that the recipient can opt for the matter to be dealt with in court instead of paying. From this interpretation we can conclude that Boris is not a criminal.
  13. But still nobody in the UK cares, other than MSM and opposition political supporters. Everybody knows the all politicians lie, especially Liebour. We ‘d rather have Boris for what he does, rather than Starmer or the others for what they lie about.
  14. I’m afraid they don’t. ‘Partygate’ is another MSM buzz word for “We all hate Boris - okay yah.” The British public have had enough of it and definitely don’t care anymore. Try asking a few of the real public, not lefty press affiliated overseas emigrés.
  15. Yes, because that’s what it is. Most journos have an intrinsic left leaning bent. I’m surprised you have never noticed it.
  16. He's not toast, he's still here. They've all been unsuccessfully trying to oust Boris since he became PM and particularly since he got us out of the EU. There's just nothing the Boris haters latch on to that is serious enough. The British public don't care about all the media contrived anti-Boris hysteria. The British public don't care about Partygate and are fed up of hearing about it. They have seen through the leftist propaganda.
  17. Kuensberg /Johnson love fest?? You jest. Perhaps you didn't notice her constant anti-Boris anti-Brexit tirades after losing the referendum? Davie was an internal appointment by the BBC Board not Boris. He was supposed to introduce some balance to the left riddled and biased Beeb. We are still waiting for some of that.
  18. There are always plenty of the great unwashed, metro chattering classes, and assorted crackpot activists, who are ready to be bussed in to abuse Boris. It's not really newsworthy anymore, but lefty press and Beeb are always happy to stoke their anti-Boris fire to foster their own view as a (non-existent) malcontent.
  19. All lapped up by the left leaning press and Beeb. Dem haters gonna hate. Bit like some posters here really.
  20. Well the Beeb and LibLab pact told me they had won. Boris is still PM, so yes - council elections tell us nothing.
  21. They mean nowt. Only real elections matter and in two years time Boris will still be PM.
  22. Boris must have a self-healing foot, because he's still here and not even hopping. No staggering either, he strides straight through the made-up non-disasters over inflated by the haters. I don't think there is anybody in the Labour Party with a bit of charisma, so Boris will stay safe even at the next election.
  23. Sparple - there's a new word on the board, I had to look it up. Extra point for you. Doesn't the Labour partying, lying and smirking get to you too though? It's a good job the Tory rags brought this to our attention. If it were 'left' to the fawning and colluding MSM we could have been duped into thinking Liebour were telling the truth.
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