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Everything posted by Loiner

  1. See through the media frenzy. Plus by-election blues, there’s often a slap on the wrist at mid term.
  2. Stabbed in the back. Left to the party membership we would not be having this situation.
  3. Blair and Starmer got a free pass. Boris didn’t actually do anything worth the press hysteria.
  4. Hounded out of elected office by a left and MSM witch hunt. Shamefully anti democratic.
  5. That’s all they’ve been angling for over two years. They couldn’t touch the Tory landslide majority, so “let’s unseat the popular leader with a mandate”.
  6. You could start by abolishing the biased press, starting with the BBC. They are supposed to report news, not manipulate it to meet their own agenda.
  7. They’ll still be bitter lefty Remainers long after the next Tory government is returned again.
  8. Just been to check next year. Boris is still dud to popular demand and Brexit is great!
  9. Any historian will look at the old MSM webpages plus the nonsense posted on twitter and the like, then think “How did the unelected press manage to get all that hyperbole to overthrow a massively popular Prime Minister”?
  10. Not mine, but the MSM of the past two years.
  11. The history is already written. The left and MSM left their trail for all to see.
  12. No, he should be taken there pending that trial.
  13. No I don’t let anti democratic coups in the UK be easily brushed under the leftist carpet. We know your are all anti democratic after your failed attempts to overthrow the referendum Leave vote. Boris was just another example but one that you won.
  14. Oh yes they were and there was an orchestrated witch hunt for months. His own party only joined to protect, or jockey for, their positions at the very last minute. It’s may be very unpalatable for the left and MSM to be seen as part of an undemocratic coup, but we saw what you did.
  15. The MSM witch hunt. Nobody was worried until it reached fever pitch.
  16. Yes I know, they were full of over exaggerated hype, hysteria and hypocrisy. Their witch hunt caused the downfall of a landslide elected Prime Minster.
  17. I thought Blair was the worst ever too. I can’t think of any other PMs who lied so much to Parliament and should now be in The Hague Prison as a war criminal.
  18. It’s all there in the newspapers and tv records. The facts are there. You may have missed it, or are pretending it never happened. Do you expect us to believe that one day some Tory MPs suddenly decided that they would like to oust Boris?
  19. Sorry if you find the truth distasteful but it needs to be said. Taking all your information from the Garuniad and other lefty posters is not good for you. You are already believing their hype and misinformation.
  20. No. We’re OK with the current arrangement. Maybe where you come from but not the UK. We even had a referendum about proportional representation and voted against it.
  21. Ousted by the combined left and MSM, then stabbed in the back by his own. This is not democracy for the nation or voters.
  22. Nothing made up about a couple of years of anti-Boris sentiment, plus the last few months of anti-Boris MSM hysteria witch hunt. If you have been camping out in Nakhon Nowhere you could have missed it I suppose.
  23. If you are too blind to see that, it’s your problem.
  24. All completely true. MSM support Boris - what alternative universe are you calling from?? You forgot the left biased BBC, ITV, Sly News, Channel 4 and the rest. The general public get those beamed into their living rooms without going out to buy the Garuniad or Mirror. The press has hated Boris for a long time and in the past couple of months have made that brazenly obvious. They never backed a horse called Boris.
  25. It’s been very clear over the past few months and more, that it’s definitely the left & MSM fault.
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