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Everything posted by Loiner

  1. The by-election results were a voter reaction to the constant MSM anti-Boris hype and him not finishing off a proper Brexit. Nobody cares about the left’s supercilious grandstanding.
  2. Have I? What were the other two stories about, cos I can’t remember anything different. Who were the ones trying to find old minor misdemeanours (someo not even Boris’s) and hyping them to be a scandal? Ah yes, the left and MSM. Think I’m pretty constant on that.
  3. He was ousted when Rishi Sunak saw an opportunity for the top job. He leaves as one of the best, Tony Blair taking the worst ever slot.
  4. Yes, his final days were a disgraceful display by the Tory party, but it did not start with renegade cabinet resignations. There had been a concerted campaign by the Left and MSM & BBC witch hunt since he became their disapproved PM; won a landslide election victory with 'their' red wall seats; and finally got us out of their beloved EU. Muck raking and trumped allegations then followed incessantly in the press and PMQs for the most minor of transgressions, culminating in the current left/press hysteria. Not sure how you think the East European migrants had a hand in this though?
  5. Stabbed in the back by power plotting turncoats after been brought down by the left wing masses. As the Prime Minister who actually got us out of the EU, he goes down in history as one of the best we ever had.
  6. Would that be the type of sensible discussion where you resort to allegations of libel and calling everybody liars?
  7. It’s the one we have always had. We don’t vote directly for PM. We had a perfectly acceptable PM who was voted in by a landslide election win. Very undemocratically, he was ousted by the losing opposition, combined MSM, and a few opportunist back stabbers. How stupid is that?
  8. Do you hand these diagnoses to everyone? I was hoping to get a blue parking badge with my phobia. Not all disabilities are visible.
  9. French vindictiveness comes with a cost for them.
  10. You’d have to ask them individually. Some may possibly understand that to be a slur. The general menticide these days would have it so, but I always take it as a badge of honour, especially when coming from a Remainer on these threads.
  11. Not even those common men whose pensions rely on those funds investments?
  12. Yet. But they will. Do you really believe she didn’t invite a million Syrians into the EU with the idea she would keep them all in Germany and not distribute around the EU?? Nope. Still there when I looked today. And you think the EU would rule against European companies taking billions from Treasure Island?? Maggie should have rescued us from the EU years ago.
  13. Thank you for this weekend’s badge of honour. I will wear it with pride.
  14. All the Remainer lies. Even those you keep trying to propagate even now, like Dover delays being due to Brexit.
  15. Not yet but coming soon. So glad they won’t be coming here. Weren’t they Leavers?
  16. I noticed that there’s still half of you who still believe the europhile propaganda. Sad but true.
  17. Uncontrolled migration by EU nationals up to 2016 was one of the reasons. Impending increases of more migrants like Merkel's millions, plus new EU countries like Turkey cemented that sentiment for Leave. The lies from the usual suspects were all from the Remain side, but the majority saw through them. How did so many Remainers fall for the hysteria and how do they still believe it? I'm still waiting for the Armageddon and the sky to fall in like Chicken Liken. The trouble for the Elites, Europhiles and Europeans was that they were (and still are) so out of touch with the UK's mood. So there are four Brexit positives for you to add to your list: End of uncontrolled EU migration; none of Merkel's millions; no new EU scroungers; and the sky didn't fall in.
  18. There very definitely is a visa. Two in fact, the LTR and ILR are proper visa stamps which go in their passport. They also get a biometric card (BRP) just like any other settlement applicants. Are you having difficulty in comprehension because it’s all in English?
  19. All true. Visible in many cities in the UK, which is one reason why the referendum didn’t turn out as the elites expected. How would you know any better, preaching from a lofty perch in the EU or Thailand?
  20. A bit of stress? Visa application processing usually is for anybody anywhere. So many rushed to get their applications in to enjoy life in post-Brexit Britain that it can’t have been too stressful. They must see more benefits of Brexit than the average Remainer. Maybe we should have given them the vote then the referendum margin would have been 6 million more for Leave.
  21. 6 million of them. Nothing special about their work, but they accept poorer living conditions to save money. What is left after a few street drinking sessions gets sent home to build the biggest house in the village.
  22. I think the Student Union Bar must have been chucking out early and he can’t get in anywhere else.
  23. Vindictiveness, how so? So the rest of Britain should not vote for Brexit, so a comparatively few retirees can travel to Spain easier?
  24. Not forgotten, totally disregarded. When it came to voting Leave, those people were the last to be considered. Who would even care about keeping them in clover? They were on a par with foreign nationals.
  25. 66 million of us are alright and getting better thank you very much, without your ‘rights’.
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