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Everything posted by Loiner

  1. Too right to give up those ‘rights’. They are useless to most of us, but not other EU nationalities who abused them to scrounge off the UK. Good riddance to them, they were not ‘rights’ but liabilities.
  2. All perfectly acceptable. They were not even great rights and privileges. Queueing to show a passport on the days you go on holiday is not a big deal in the scheme of things for most of UK. None at all for those who don’t travel. They also worked more for other EU nationalities than the UK, in fact they worked against the UK.
  3. Not really, why should there be? Rules for residency are quite clear in most places. If they didn’t sort themselves out it’s their problem, not the care of 66M others back in the UK.
  4. We voted Leave and don’t mind. For all those Remainers who voted for the whole country to stay in, just so they could continue enjoying quick trips to their holiday homes, well we still don’t care.
  5. Well that confirms your knowledge of the UK. All from the Grauniad.
  6. From half a world away you obviously have no idea. You need to try actually experience it and not get your propaganda from the doomsayers in these forums.
  7. He’s been to look and didn’t like the answer. Have you checked yet? I don’t go running round for you people. Isn’t there an internet term for getting people to run around for looking for links?
  8. Exactly ten times as many at Palma and almost five times as many at Alicante.
  9. Don’t like the figures eh? Don’t worry, we go with loads-a-dosh. Do you have to bring enough cash too? Tough for some isn’t it?
  10. I refer you to Operation Stack first being implemented in 1998. (French Strikes) There was regular disruption in Kent for many years prior to Brexit, which eventually became a plan for lorry parks.
  11. Would you like to look up the passengers through Alicante or Palma last weekend? You could try and prove me wrong using somebody else’s back up.
  12. Maybe LeMonde was too embarrassed to report it?
  13. You are wrong again. Highly skilled workers can get a visa, as can highly skilled Brits for the EU. The No skilled job stealing benefit scroungers are hopefully having problems.
  14. Make you mind up. Was it the Frenchmen who forgot to go to work, or do you now think it was Brexit just for that particular weekend but none of the other days.
  15. My freedom is not restricted. So long as it restricts cheap EU Labour continuing to flood the UK it is doing its job. As for Dover, I may have mentioned earlier that I don’t care.
  16. Trains or boats or planes, it makes no difference. Same passport checks. I would be embarrassed if I was a French border officer. Not the whole country, but it certainly brought Dover and the motorway to a standstill. And a lot of Remainers exaggerated complaints about it. Just six Frenchmen who forgot to turn up to work? Some here are still trying to tell us it was all due to Brexit.
  17. You are right that the ratio of officers to travellers is the key to processing times. This exchange over numbers stems from our French friend’s claim that 10,000 passengers was too much. It certainly is for the French, whereas the Spanish man up for the numbers expected and deal with ten times that amount.
  18. You could even quote last month’s figures if you like. They will be lower than this month’s. Go on, shoot down my credibility with your advanced researching skills.
  19. C’mon get the actual figures, you know you want to blast me out of the water.
  20. It was made further back in this very thread. The Spanish perform the same border checks infinitely more efficiently than the French. The Spanish have more border guards and better systems than the French and weren’t trying to harass British travellers last weekend.
  21. I’m well known for not scouring the internet just to prove a point to you lot.
  22. Prove me wrong then. It’s not like you to not have a link. Usually to some lefty anti-Brexit rag but we are just looking for numbers here. Personally I don’t place much faith in most of the information published, especially if twisted spun and distorted in relation to Brexit. If I said ‘definitely’ based on actual records would you like to contradict me with your own version of the actuals?
  23. What were the actual passenger numbers then?
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