You should not take a report from auntie beeb to be the truth, but inevitably biased. If PoD says it is fully operational the problem probably emanates from the French side. What was their excuse three years ago - border guards forgot to come to work again?
To correct your continued assertions that all of the world’s ills are caused by Brexit. In this case it was a clear case of French incompetence/intransigence on a very busy school holiday weekend.
Whether I care about the few probable Remainers suffering due to the French is neither here nor there.
Why not leave the missus in the next queue the French make. One of them might take her off your hands.
Spain hasn’t had long queues for months. They have solved their problem.
You have already intimidated that France can’t decide how to squeeze cars through the autogates, or remind the border guards to come to work and keep the IT going.
What’s going to happen next with them next? I’m sure there will some new issue from Calais border control to disrupt British travel.
Spain has a method to solve its problem. France has not. It’s is up to the French authorities to resolve their problems with a suitable method to prevent queues, not me or Spain. Put enough monkeys on typewriters……… Oh sorry, that brings us back to the French problem again - monkeys forgot to come to work and the typewriter broke.
Does French border control not know in advance the scheduled arrival times of the ferries? Obviously not in Calais, or else they just decided to ignore them and cause delays to the British.
What did the Majorca Daily Bulletin report about last weekend’s delays? None, because there weren’t any. Spanish border control had prepared themselves, unlike the bloodyminded spiteful French.
Not enough Southern Remainers we’re delayed at Dover for the rest of the whole of UK to actually care. The rest of us don’t nip across the channel to our villas for the school holidays.
Are you being ironic again?
Check the passenger numbers for Palma or Alicante. Probably 5 or 10 times the quantity of Calais.
Same checks according to you, but different organisation. No major queues in Spain or the Remainers would have been howling again.
Spanish border organisation is infinitely better than the French. You need a new ledgend writer.
As far as the queues affect me, I really don’t care. They are probably all Remainers anyway.
As far as seeing confirmation of French spitefulness, quite satisfied.
As far as being rid of the wretched EU, it’s not finished yet, but extremely happy.