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  1. I have a Tp link 4G router up country, signals here are ok at best but the router has never missed a beat and 4G is our only option for service. I stream all day long on an unlimited Dtac 30Mbs for 12 month card for about 1600 Baht a year(search Lazada) you do need a new one each year as can not just top up online and continue the service but easy enough. In short it works fine for normal user.
  2. Yes. My wife, baby and Myself arrived back on 8th June after 2 of those visas, once the immigration seen them I was grilled as to if I used an agent, both mine an my wife's ignorance to the question sparked the red button. On arrival the boss took the passport and said "it was OK this time because I had a proper Non O, but I was lucky if I hadn't I would have probably been sent home." So yes get a visa before coming, still doesn't gaurantee entry but greatly increase the odds.
  3. I have 3 of these 1 in each of my wife and I phones and one in a 4g router from which I stream Netflix and others all day long, we are in the sticks a bit and do suffer from tower outages at times but that's a seperate issue! DTac is cheapest option and yes only 1500 baht per year!(Plus 4g router if required.)
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