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Posts posted by VeryHansumMan

  1. I laughed when I read this list. The world's 10 best universities curiously have an over-representation of English universities. Then when you look up the details for the organisation that puts the list together..... surprise, surprise....its HQ is in England! No bias though I am sure.

    Also interesting that CalTech is listed at number 12 whereas in the United States it is rated number 1. How can there be such a difference in ranking? P.S. I am not stating this as some patriot yank..... I am an Aussie!

    As for whether going to university is worth it..... let me explain my perspective. If you want to actually learn something practical then it is a total waste of time, money and effort. However it does help you to develop a working self-discipline.

  2. Thanks for the post.

    Until I was 35 I have to say that I paid little attention to a healthy diet. But then my mother passed away and it made me really assess my lifestyle choices. So, for the last 7 years I have significantly improved my dietary intake.

    I think there is an untapped market for a place like the one you have been so kind as to mention here. Like you said, if you have a feast there once a day, thereby making it a dietary staple, you and your health will be grateful in the long run! Thanks again and I will look forward to trying your recommended restaurant.

  3. Lum Lum = Tastes good

    oo-wee = great granparents

    Generic for grandparent. In the village I myself have am now more often called uuwii rather than lung even though I do not have any grandchildren yet..

    I thought grandmother was Yai, Grandfather something like Da, and Great Grandparents (both) are called oo-wee?

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