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Posts posted by justaforeigner

  1. Ok, of course I ask this for a friend since I am a model citizen. ;)

    I came here some 7 years ago and started working in a company without working permit. I signed a contract at that time.

    After a few years the wp and correct visa got arranged by the same company and I have been working happily.

    Now I am looking to change my job but, I am worried things may get nasty since I've seen people leaving from this company before.

    If I leave and breach the first signed contract, can he legally sue me or do we both get busted since it is proof that we were in the wrong that time?

    Or is it best I let the old contract "disappear" and gently shrug my shoulders when he asks me about it?

    Again, I do not want to have a problem at all and want to leave in a correct manner but the past tells me things are not always smooth as they come.

    Thanks for your input all

  2. maybe you should find an honest GF, who will tell you if they are taking the pill, and use a condom correctly, etc .........

    you may or may not always feel the same, that goes for everyone. when you are 45 and your gf is 30, life is funny......

    having said that, vasectomy is not w/o some risks, eg chronic scrotum pain ; there seems to be some debate on pros/cons of different techniques, don't know what type they do at PDA, assuming, you had a chance of getting it done there

    Chubby mate,

    Although her logic was strange, I would always trust her again. We spend an awesome 5 years together and she never gave me one lie except this one. Her thinking was simply that she wanted to have one more kid in her life.

    If I didn't want to have it she would have raised it herself with her family, she and her family are pretty well off so I wouldn't worry about the kid being ok. But still, no one should take a decision like this over a human life which was reason enough for me to end the relationship.

    @IsaanGeorge, nice feel good story, good to hear that everything worked out good for you and your family!

    for the rest in case anyone ever needs this info, I've contacted numerous hospitals and most prices are around the 35.000 mark. PDA does indeed not want to do it in my case of being 27 years of age but, I've got a reply yesterday from Phayathai 2 hospital who will do vasectomies regardless of age with the only condition is that you have fathered a child before in your life. The price Phayathai quoted me was between 18.000-20.000 Baht.

  3. Thanks for your replies,

    @Isaan George, thanks for your recommendation and concerns, I understand your idea and thought about it many times but I keep thinking that even if I ever change my mind

    and really would like to have a life with kids. Wouldn't it be better to adopt and orphan rather than putting more kids on the globe? I would be more happy to change someones life for the better who has not much changes

    than to make my own.

    @Sheryl, thanks for your advice. I guess it would be difficult to find a place who does. I contacted BNH in silom they said they might do it after a screening and consultation so maybe I should check that out.

    you mentioned that you didn't know of anywhere they do it with people of 27 without kids. Would you guess it helps if I would tell them I have a few and don't want any more? Or do I need to submit any documents?

  4. Hi all,

    I have some questions regarding above mentioned items and since I couldn't find any recent items in the search bar I am starting a new topic.

    Recently I broke up with my ex after 5 years for various reasons. We are still ok with each other but she told me the other day that about 3 years ago she stopped taking the pill without ever telling me. Not the nicest thing to do since I do not have

    the wish to father any children which she knew. Still she didn't got pregnant and she told me it might be better to check. She never checked herself nor will she do that.

    So my first questions is; can I do a fertility test in any clinic? I contacted a few different hospitals but they all are quoting a consultation fee of 800-1,500 Baht and a semen analysis of 1,500 baht. Are these normal prices or inflated hospital prices?

    My second question is about vasectomy. Like I said I do not wish to father any children of my own. There I really do love kids, I have my own reasons to not want to have them myself. I rather save that money and pay for my brother/sisters kids education when they grow up. Believe me, I thought about this for a long long time.

    Also I contacted some hospitals about vasectomy and they are quoting me prices of around 35,000 Baht for this procedure. From my understanding it is a minor surgery and this price seems a bit steep. If this is indeed the right price, I am willing to pay but I've read on an old topic about a guy who had it done for a 1,000 Baht 'donation' at the PDA Thailand (something with cabages and condoms I believe). Can anyone give me some updated information?

    The last problem is my age, since I am 27 I guess it will be difficult to find a clinic or hospital who wants to do it, I am willing to pay a fee under the table if necessary to neglect my age but I rather do it all in an official way.

    Thanks all.

  5. If the places already recommended don't work out, I used to use a guy on

    Rama 4 (2nd/3rd shop front in, on the junction/lights with Kasem Rat - a

    stone's throw from Tesco/Carrefour/ Big C). Sold the bike now, so no

    need for him.

    A very unsuspecting little workshop, but he has always been great, never

    falsified work to be done, and remains a busy-bee; normally has at least one

    1000cc+ stripped down and in progress.

    Further, when I first took my bike to him and asked to check wear on

    engine (t'was 21yrs old with no work history), he spent 2 days opening up and

    studying its condition/performance. The upshot was, he just re-lubed and

    renewed gaskets, telling me there is absolutely no reason to do anything more

    to it; would've been a prime opportunity for him to make a few thousand, if he

    were dodgy. Then had issue-free riding for 3 years.

    Passing this shop 4 times a day but always wondered how he could work in there but indeed, there are always bikes standing..

    Thank you very much for sharing this.!

  6. Hi Guys,

    <This question is more related to bikers who are located in Bangkok, are you living somewhere else feel free to read on but maybe you can be of less help>

    A couple of days ago I became the happy owner of a Honda CB400 s-series (1994) with who I hope to make many, many safe miles.

    I was lucky to get all the legal papers and green book with it. And have a nice price.

    In the knowledge that the bike is a 19-Years old I surely don't expect a brand new one. But since this is my first

    big bike I thought a CB400 is a perfect machine to begin with due to the low seating and maneuverability. I always loved

    the looks of the bike and so far also the driving is very good. (as far as I know).

    Of course the previous owner said the bike was in immaculate state which I hope to believe. The guy was a great guy so no offence intend but,

    every seller would have said the same words. I know that the bike have no leaking and runs smoothly.

    I have some technical knowledge about cars, and mopeds but like I said this is my first big bike. My Honda click which I bought new just goes to the garage when the book says I need to.. ;-). I didn't received any maintenance records for this bike so I would like to have it checked by someone who knows more about these kind of bikes. (coolant level, Oil, gears, brakes) If I should bring it to the local Somchai he would notice that I do not have much knowledge about this and we all can only guess about the invoices that shall be made...

    So I am looking for a fellow who have experience with these bikes and want to take it for a test spin to hopefully give me some advice of what I need to have checked or fixed. It is not about the money but no one wants unnecessary fixes. Also it would be nice to share some knowledge.

    All this not have to take more than 30 minutes of your precious time and I would be happy to buy you a coffee/beer or two afterwards. I could come with the bike to your place.


  7. I don't think the mono-shock is a real problem. I do think it would be more comfortable and it would be a nice project.

    At the moment I have my questions laying at some specialists in my home country... if proceeding on I will keep you all posted.

    If not than I will get a aftermarket suspension.

    In my opinion the costs will not be outragious since the only costs are a swingarm, and double suspension. The work itself I can do for fun.

    Thanks for the advices

  8. So I have the latest type of click for a couple of months now. It drives fine, everything works and looks good.

    When I think back about when I bought it, I never really did research...

    Nowadays I drive a PCX sometimes or a wave, novou as rental bikes or from friends. I came till the conclusion that the dual shock is quite comfortable.

    Still I like the design of the click and I don't want to sell it. So I saw that the rear end (part which holds the exhaust and rear wheel) from the pcx is the same as the click. This make me think to make the click to a nice project to change it to a dual-shock bike.

    Technically it would be possible but can anyone tell me if I don't totally mess up the balance and driving conditions of the bike?

    Thanks for the advice.

  9. Since a couple of months a drive a new honda click.

    It drives good and very easy for in BKK, but since i'm cruisin' sukhumvit and rama IV a lot I have troubles with my mirrors.

    They are quite wide. which provides a reasonable good sight but I always look back anyway.

    On the streets I see a lot of bikes with the small mirrors mounted, they look good cause you are able to go to smaller places and not have to worry about hitting other mirrors from cars.

    I asked at a shop already they are very cheap, around 270 for a set.

    But I would like to hear your opninion also, Did u used them sometimes? have some experience with it?

  10. Yeah this is probebly true that you won't get rich from diving. even though if I can manage it for a few years it will be a good part of life to remember.

    also my special thanks to phl about the Odesk tip. I applied to some writing jobs and today started my first one already. With a little bit of luck this will mean 5 articles on a daily basis. Again it not make me rich but all the small parts help.

    Still all posts here are appriciated.

  11. First of all, Thanks everyone for all the help en positive words/replies. It really helps a lot and it give me some work to sort out to hopefully find something!

    For my concerns about:

    Sibbo, That my spelling is slightly incorrect is very normal on an expat forum, wich I read for about six months now and I never seen someone writing proper English. That has nothing to do that we all cannot write but it's the time and effort we put in it. Also we don't really care about perfect writing here as long people understand it. That I have an middle degree education not have to say anything, that I graduated in manager/owner from an own store and had many years experiance in the branche does however. For the rest other posters give you proper feedback already. Please don't be angry about it, consider it as an learning lesson. Think a little bit and save yours (and others) time by giving no or an helpfull reply.

    jalansanitwong, Dude I dont know if you read anything of my story but I didn't ask anyone for help with relational problems. With a little bit of good looks and good stories you can have any girl in your bed even without being rich.(at least it works for me and I think a lot of people more). That you have to spend your wealthy money on girls at soi cowboy is not a fact that all foreigners have to do, it's just an reality check that you have neighter of both, no good looks or good stories. So enjoy your time spending you hard earned dough on chicks and leave less unimportant posts.

    If you have criticts for me wich you can understate I will take most advices. Answers like this ones not help me so than not bother to post them.

    • Like 2
  12. Ok,

    Here is my story. Around 8 months back ago I was thinking about moving to Thailand. I liked the country very much from my previous travels and since I am still young (25) I decided that this was the time to do it.

    I was a supermarket manager with middle degree education. This was afcourse not the best education to test my luck, so I decided to try to look around on the net first. Also I have experiance in administration/translation/blog writing/articles in all sorts of kinds in the languages English and Dutch. After a while good thinking,looking and researching I found by craigslist an company who wanted to hire me.

    It appeard to be an translations company in all sorts of lanuages. I did an Skype interview with the Thai man who spoke very good english. After one and a half week I recived the e-mail that he wanted me to join his company, also he would arrange an working permit etc. The only condition was that I applied for an Thai course to learn the language soon as possible so I could do those translations aswel. Happy as I was I quited my job back home. Started to pack my bags and around half December 2011 I was in Bangkok.

    Soon as I arrived I bought a motorcycle, rented a appartment for an year (contract) and started to settle. After one week (which we agreed) I called the man again and we had an meeting in an coffeeshop. This I thought was strange already but also I was a little bit naiv afcourse. He told me that he still didn't recived all the papers so it was the best to starting the Thai course and apply for an ED visa first. He assured me everything was gonna be fine. I didn't want to talk bad to my new employer on the first official meeting so I did what I was told. I applied at an school, went to Laos and within a few days I was back with my visa.

    Again I called the man. He didn't answer his phone. This went on for a couple of days. When I finally got to spoke to him I got a very weird stoy about missed big clients, difficult times, inflations bla bla bla. To come short, he stopped with his company and it was to bad for me. I still didnt sign any papers so I am f%^&*.

    Since I live here now for a couple of months I enjoy the city life. I can get good around and have a lot of fun here.(no I do not drink or party everyday, once a week is enough.) I do my best at Thai school and try to forget about the dirty &lt;deleted&gt;...

    Also I have my renting contract for another 6months for my appartment and my school aswel. Above all I dont want to leave back home. My question to you all is, Can anyone help me making a few extra bath?

    As I mentionned above I dont have an proper education to get an job here. My writing can help me only a little bit a month since it is not easy to find work in this sector aswel. I don't want to do illigal things or sell myself ;-) I know it is already illigal to work withouth an working permit but I mean just small jobs.

    Get your administration organized, that sorts of things. I can do many things and I am easy to learn every new thing.

    My dream is to become dive instructor in this country and I have my own dive gear and padi advanced. So if you're willing to sponser the rest you're most welcome. ;-)

    For all the rest I am willing to work hard to make a living here so hopefully one day I do get an working permit from a good boss here. Or at least finish my school/renting contracts here and look somewhere else in the world.

    Thanks for reading, and feel free to ask me more.

    P.S. I posted this in the Bangkok forum since I am based here and think here I get more helpful reactions instead of the Hire me forum.

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