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Posts posted by leftcross

  1. i've had drivers refuse to turn on the meter on the other side of silom road near convent at chucking out time. easy to find another one though.

    sometimes ive nearly exploded when some fool has given me the runaround by going the wrong way but then i realise he is only cheating me out of about 20p. it's a stupid amount and not worth bothering about. it means a lot more to him than it does to me.

    last time i went home to the uk i got a taxi from the railway station to my ma's house. there was 2.80 (200 baht) on the meter before it had started and the five minute journey cost me five quid (420 baht). that's a legal rip-off so what the bangkok bunch do isnt really a problem, is it....

  2. probably because the concept would be completely alien to thais. they would expect the woman to have her husband's surname.

    The Names Act was first discussed in Parliament in 2000 when it passed it's first reading. Basically the law states:

    The House of Representatives passed its first reading of an amendment to the Names Act seeking to allow married women to use their maiden names. The proposed amendments would allow married women to choose between their maiden name and their husband's surname. The bill also allows children to take the surname of either parent.

    Just checked: the Names Act was changed finally in 2005..

    so what's your point?

  3. sounded good until you mentioned the hip-hop BKKMadness.

    The Hip Hop is terrible, just the same old black eye peas sh1t with an 'mc' shouting out the words to the song down the mic. Perhaps he thinks hes freestyling. :o

    But there is a saviour, you cross through to the other side of the club (both sides are seperated and soundproofed) and they play some great Thai tunes and have a pretty decent Thai band on as well. :D

    might have to check it out one of these days.....but if i have to listen to hip hop for more than five seconds i will be straight out the door :D

  4. If you're not into going down the girly bars every five minutes or the nightclubs then you've to pull out the thai language sword from your armoury, and not every falang can speak thai. Hence a good tool for the 'chatters' is... gulp gulp! The internet!

    i would say the last place the last place to look for a girlfriend is a girly bar.

    and a lot of thais can speak passable english to go with your passable thai, it's not impossible. presuming we are talking about men who live in thailand, then you should have enough language skills to get you through the basics.

    it's just laziness really. why have a shower, look and feel good and then roll the dice talking with a woman you desire when you can sit in your fart-soaked computer chair in your keks and pretend all you like behind the safety of the screen.

  5. For those not confident enough to meet someone online they can always get liquored-up and meet their dream girl in a bar.

    sorry to be the one to tell you, but there is a whole big bad world between bars and the internet that most girls live in.

    perhaps bar failures then move onto the internet to find women as the next phase of evolution???? now there's a thought.

  6. i pay 1500 for the gold and it's got all the sport you can handle. football, motor racing, boxing, golf, ufc etc etc. it's perfect.

    the wife like series and also xytz, which shows a lot of documentaries about the UK so she can see how different it is....she loves it...

    didnt realise anyone watched mtv or vh1, i just put a cd on if i wanted to listen to something.

  7. You got to be a complete moron to not use the net to find a partner. :o With this incredible tool you can fine tune your search to what you are looking for. :D You can also do the initial sorting of the potentials before meeting to avoid a lot of wasted time. Sure there are some scammers around but they exist everywhere.

    The difference is that if you don’t use the net you have to run around town to bars, shopping centers or wherever you are looking for a partner and hope you run into someone that could be a compatible, how stupid is that. :D

    The net is just a way to find someone what happens after that is the same as what happens after you meet someone on the street, in a bar or wherever.

    The net just gives you thousands of more possibilities and a higher potential for success in whatever you are searching for. Got nothing to do with being socially adept, it's all about being smart and use the tools available. :D

    However, having said that, the internet isn't for me. I initially met my wife in person and couldn't really see myself finding a wife on the internet. The reason being that for me the initial chemistry involved in the very first time your eyes meet is something that's lacking from internet introductions. There are so many intangibles that make up chemistry between two people which for me could never be captured in pictures and profiles on the net. But for some people, that initial chemistry isn't so important and maybe it can develop over time after meeting face-to-face.

    So I think internet introductions are great for some people, but bad for others. To each their own.

    well said.

    we are all animals, picking up scents, evaluating eye contact and checking out the state of the fur. can't do that on a <deleted> profile

  8. I wonder if people back in England would consider you a social misfit because you came to a country where it's so easy to find a woman?

    came here on a work contract

    But you did find your wife here didn't you? You did say this is one of the easiest places to find women didn't you?

    Are you really sure based on those two facts people wouldn't call you a social misfit?

    Say for example if you met another person with about your same level of tolerance for others and the way they live their lives. :o

    you clown

  9. I wonder if people back in England would consider you a social misfit because you came to a country where it's so easy to find a woman?

    came here on a work contract

    Why do people meet women on the net?

    because they are losers

    Why did you come to Thailand to find a wife? You see how easy it is to make assumptions don't you?


    The net just makes it even easier so really, why not?

    because it's sad

    Yeah yeah yeah, I agree the little glances, the first smile and all that and to be honest in my gut I'd always rather meet a woman in real life, ity's a lot more fun. But surely if people meet a woman of the net when they meet her in real life for the first time they will also have this romantic experience.

    you know in your heart it's fake

  10. there is no point explaining it to you, you just don't get it.

    i would say somebody with a small mind would be unable to meet women in real life in a country that is perhaps the easiest place on the planet for a western man to meet desirable women.

    keeping looking through the lense my friend.....it all looks so much easier from back there eh??

  11. When I was living in Chiang Mai.....gulp.....I did date girls there.....gulp......then I met a girl I liked chatting with on the internet who.....gulp.....happened to live in Udon Thani. Now she's my ...............gulp.............wife.

    Did you ever stop to thing your soulmate might not be living close to where you live? Better yet, do you ever stop to think? :o

    chatting on the internet to meet women in thailand reeks of a complete lack of social skills

    you didnt see you future wife and think WOW she's beautiful.

    you didn't feel nervous about approaching her but then decided you HAD TO because you knew you couldn't live with yourself if you didn't.

    you didn't see her smile for the first time when you spoke to her as you both started to find out about each other.

    you just logged on and chatted over the internet. that's not for me.

    But it is for some people, live and let live lefty.

    i do live and let live but this is a discussion forum so i've added my thoughts. they arent worth any more or any less than those of the next person.

    not being able to meet women for real in thailand is an absolute joke though.

    i wonder what all these ''chatters'' would have done before the internet was invented..... might have had to open the door and, gulp, face the real world

  12. When I was living in Chiang Mai.....gulp.....I did date girls there.....gulp......then I met a girl I liked chatting with on the internet who.....gulp.....happened to live in Udon Thani. Now she's my ...............gulp.............wife.

    Did you ever stop to thing your soulmate might not be living close to where you live? Better yet, do you ever stop to think? :o

    chatting on the internet to meet women in thailand reeks of a complete lack of social skills

    you didnt see you future wife and think WOW she's beautiful.

    you didn't feel nervous about approaching her but then decided you HAD TO because you knew you couldn't live with yourself if you didn't.

    you didn't see her smile for the first time when you spoke to her as you both started to find out about each other.

    you just logged on and chatted over the internet. that's not for me.

  13. i find the idea of any man living in thailand having to use dating sites to meet women as completely prepostrous.

    every time you walk down the street you are surrounded by the most beautiful women on earth.

    you will almost certainly be more financially well-off than most of them

    thai women love western men who respect them

    why would anyone go on the internet????

    i know some people are shy, but the dice are so heavily loaded in our favour anyway then you'd have to be a serious misfit to need to hide behind a computer screen

  14. you have a very good point about attitude gary as i always approach the thai with a smile and a nod.

    i really like the thai people so i feel that i give out a good vibe and the thai always respond to me in kind.

    last time i was in los i was at texaco at on nut .

    i'm standing there reading the daily specials and this older thai guy just come up and started chatting.

    he was well dressed , well spoken and turned out he teach-ed at a university. his interest was crocodiles and when he found out i was an aussie we just chatted about crocodiles for at least an hour.

    he was a very nice fellow and we enjoyed each others conversation.

    i've had this happen to me many times were a thai will just pick me out for a chat.

    don't know what it is but i'm sure they can sense that i genuinely like them. :D

    cheers :o

    you didn't go out again wearing the leather chaps with the butt cheeks cut out did you?

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