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Posts posted by dingdang

  1. he was older, possibly not (much) used to travel abroad - and not that far - and not unlikely his english was rather bad...

    when not much travelled and from that generation plus understanding max. the half of what will be said, then one might not have the ultimate trust in foreign banking... and unlikely walk into a bank and try to open an account and things...

    maybe he didnt even have a credit card...

    when you see these older guys, you might try to help them...

  2. Anyway I refuse to pay that much of a mark-up. I'll have one carried-in from the states and risk paying the duty at customs (yeah, right).

    i believe, the import duty has to be paid on the local market price of the product, not what is shown on the invoice...

    at least, so it happens in europe (on tobacco)... but its possible, that tobacco makes (there) an exception, and other goods are taxed on their invoice...

  3. Mr. Sinlapachai Kenpa, authority of the Ministry of Social development and Human Security, brought “Miss Jane”(alias), age 15, a ninth grade student of a Patumthani school, to the Nongsuea police station to notify police that she had been repeatedly raped...

    she didnt go straight to the police?

    she reported it in the first place to the ministry? ...thats bold, somehow...

  4. .. BUT.... if it is used in large quantities that poison can kill in less than 1 hour the symptoms are: diahorea, vomiting, nerves ans muscles paraliisis, death by suffocation, the poison diseapears from the body after a few hours, if by chance the person dnt die the poison completly diseapears from the body with no consequenses ...

    how did you find out?

    "large quantities" means what?

    how do you feed any person powder in large quantities?

  5. i apologize, but the thai-island-murders reminded me of the nepal murders, because i believe the guy is at this time of the year (after the last murder in the beginning of june) as usual out of the country... and i thought, he could be here?

    after an intense "profiling" on the nepalese cases some time ago, i came to the conclusion, that he is in fishing sports and that he (in most cases) wraps his victims into foil and weighs them down in the river (or lake)...

    so, i came to this threat, when someone was asking for foil and wrapping things... ermm.gif

    is this sport usually done from a boat?

    i would think big fish are not close to the shores?

  6. You seem quite an expert! Been interviewed?wink.png

    the police cant lock up a tourist based on an interview...

    not even if the person was seen at the time around the crime scene... (i would guess)

    they need hard evidence from forensics...

    and exactly this, they dont do here...

    "advantage serial killer"...

    even if they would find "him" one day, they could probably never prove previous murders to him...?

    ...in contrary to the mentioned american cases...

  7. Why don't we just stop all this pointless speculation and think about this poor soul and what the poor girl's family must be going through. Let's hope it's true that they have caught the disgusting murderer and may his soul rot in hell.

    it seems they have a suspect for the SAMUI-murder (the case from the OP), but a few days after the girl in PHUKET was killed - there they dont have a murderer in this case...

  8. what a strange coincidence with the girl... she walks home early that very day - and gets killed... within a few hours, at daytime...

    the first suspect would be the cousin, who found her... he was sent by her parents to bring her food...

    NEPAL has a serial killer - and its an expat... jmho...

  9. yes, i know (most of) the cases...

    the number of those guys/women is very high... in the west, they just dont walk to kill (easily), because they are very afraid to get caught... it might take a certain "environment", to have them kill... nevertheless, they are there, acting out in other ways...

    it is EASY for a serial killer in asia, to work undetected...

    do you think, they would need much preparation?

    when they kill a local, then its no problem anyway - who cares?

    when they kill a tourist, they have to dispose of the body - then its also no (big) problem...

  10. They suspect maybe an old boy friend or something but that is all i know.

    a girl-murder on koh samui, then one in phuket...

    you really gave some brain-food with your statements before...

    its indeed possible, that there is a serial-killer, an expat, who just kills for the pleasure of killing...

    these people enjoy to see the fear in the eyes of that girls, they might be begging for their lives...

    these people can be helped, because they act as they do not only because of genetics, but also because of an related "metabolic imbalance"...

    but there are indeed many in the world... in the western world, they get caught quickly, so it usually doesnt exceed any more than one murder...

    but in asia?

    this must be an eldorado for such a sicko... because of its sucking forensics...

    in addition, the person has the chance to roam around, without raising suspicions...

    its normal, to travel from place to place...

    he just has to leave a few days after the murder, and thats it...

  11. in some wan-paper there is a report about the murder on phuket last night... its a young girl, sunisa, whose ground-floor appartment can have been accessed by a sliding window...

    the hammer, wasnt necessarily the murder weapon (i understand), as the body shows no visible signs of such a thing...

    but blood everywhere in the room...

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