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Posts posted by AnandaSatvha

  1. Making racial attacks on muslims and then trying to make a joke out of my efforts in environmentalism, what a pathetic sh!t stain of haters we have on this forum. I wish we had cyber recyclers to turn cowboy trash into Native american dream catchers........

    I feel sad this is just a wind-up. I'm trying to take your posts seriously, and imagine you beside yourself in an apoplexy of fury, but I can't. I should work harder on my imagination, but until then, I can see I am no match for you, and I must retire gracefully.

    bonoir, et a matin demain...


    7152 posts and counting. Do yourself a favor and go back and read every post you've ever made and count the number of negative hateful ones you've made and compare it with the friendly positive posts you've contributed to this grateful community? Now do we have a loser here or what I really be asking, how much was the divorce settlement? Did she really take you to the junkyard on this one?

  2. I think they are good from what I have seen, but I admit I dont know many.

    Actually I don;t know jack all about farming. You put something in soil, pee on it or water it and it grows.

    Once grown, pick and eat.

    Thats my knowlegde of farming.

    Well at least you've made clear the facts on which your opinion is based, unlike the OP, who seems to base his opinions on his own fantasies.

    I prefer to rely on the 30-second documentaries that you get on free-to-air television between the shows, to learn about the various great products and innovative environmental efforts of agribusiness and the oil giants



    I apologize for my attempt at COMPLIMENTING Thailand in a rather sarcastic manner. Everyone here loves to argue and crack whips like Hitler in Schindlers List....

  3. Making racial attacks on muslims and then trying to make a joke out of my efforts in environmentalism, what a pathetic sh!t stain of haters we have on this forum. I wish we had cyber recyclers to turn cowboy trash into Native american dream catchers........

    • Like 1
  4. When i was just 5 years old our pet squirrel monkey, Chico, got sick and died. A few months later my dad came home with a chimpanzee. At first we were all delighted. He was adorable. He wore people clothes and ate at the table with his own plastic plate and cup.

    This monkey: Amos, had been raised since a baby, by an elderly couple with no kids. They were zoo employees or something like that. Anyhow they had to give him away for some obscure reason and my dad could never resist unusual pets.

    Amos was used to being a star. In his previous home he got full time love and adoration from the old couple. In his life he had never come across any competition to his special status, the world as Amos knew it revolved around him and he looooved it.

    By the second day in our home, monkey breath cottoned on to the fact that, in this house there was competition for the Alpha primates attention. The interference was coming from me and my older brothers; but mostly from me, as I was only 5 and stayed home all day, while the older brothers went to school.

    Once Amos realized my threat to his exclusive spotlight position, his schemes for my elimination began.

    He learned my routines, and those of my parents. He began to test me with ambushes and charging with flashing yellow teeth; always when mom wasn't looking.

    To a five year old, a monkey enemy is like an evil super villain. They can climb faster than you can run, they have the strength of several men , no apparent conscience, and a cruel sense of humor.

    Soon the surprise attacks became more serious, there was biting and grabbing, the threat was very real.

    I had to keep mom in sight at all times, but my parents thought I was either paranoid or jealous. Soon they found me hiding in closets or locked in my room. "Mom, don't tell Amos I'm in here OK?, I would whisper from the broom closet as she walked by with the laundry. And mom would laugh,"Ok, I won't tell". and the family would laugh again when the story was shared at dinner. Amos laughed too, with his ridiculous monkey lips pulled back and his ugly head bouncing like some demonic dashboard doll. Monkey toys are always the toys they use in scary movies right.

    It wasn't until mom and dad interrupted a full out attack that they realized the special hell my life had become.

    Mom and dad still make apologies now and then, but I don't trust em since 40 years now. And they still laugh about the dam_n monkey too.

    A family of an 80 year old Thai Monk I am friends with informed me that Orangutans were called "Forest People" over 50 years ago in Thailand and she had seen one trying trying to rape her mother with her own eyes! The Tarsier still exists in remote areas, sorry for the typo about tarsier sirindhorn which were recently discovered fossils.

    As to many of your patronizing comments towards me, they are like a swarm of flies over a covered slice of cheese cake. I'm untouchable to you morons...

    As to the animal and primate haters that flourish here---I hope you become mother nature's next accident...

    Just imagine I was going to mention saving the Sumatran Tiger here in Thailand on my next topic. I guess the retired bar crawl on TV needs a magnifying glass to observe the significance of BIO-DIVERSITY in the animal kingdom in which all of you great apes play a crucial role in destroying. Who wants to help me become a microscopic particle of the solution instead of a sh!t stain on Planet Earth?

    I'd save an animal over a selfish sadistic human any day......

    I'm surprised that you see yourself as a Sh!t stain on Planet Earth. To be honest, I think the first thing you need is to change your attitude, and learn moe self-respect. Once you can respect yourself, a respect for others will follow naturally, and, I would anticipate, yo would find yoursef much less unpopular, and perceive the world as a place of opportunity rather than adversity.


    Me, I'm a parasite just like you but atleast I accept that fact and attempt to spend my time SOLVING the problems Humanity causes for Mother Nature. How would you like to feel like the Orangutans locked up inside the Governments Breeding Center at Kao Zong, sleeping in there own feces and tears. Ever been to the Tiger Temple in Kanchanaburi where the Tigers are drugged and tortured 24-7 for the profit of Monks? Respecting my elders? Why don't you respect the cycle of life and become a part of natural selection. What makes you humans feel so gifted and ABOVE all other life. all animals have inherent rights and that we cannot assign them a lesser value because of a perceived lack of rationality, while assigning a higher value to infants and the mentally impaired solely on the grounds of membership of a certain species. You all love your pets and children but hate the rest of the earth's citizens?

    Hmm I think thats called SPECIESISM.

    Thailand really is a melting pot for pathetic old western consumerism addicts with shallow minds and diseased bar chicks climbing on there viagra diving dicks until they end up like Taksins bowel movements......

  5. When i was just 5 years old our pet squirrel monkey, Chico, got sick and died. A few months later my dad came home with a chimpanzee. At first we were all delighted. He was adorable. He wore people clothes and ate at the table with his own plastic plate and cup.

    This monkey: Amos, had been raised since a baby, by an elderly couple with no kids. They were zoo employees or something like that. Anyhow they had to give him away for some obscure reason and my dad could never resist unusual pets.

    Amos was used to being a star. In his previous home he got full time love and adoration from the old couple. In his life he had never come across any competition to his special status, the world as Amos knew it revolved around him and he looooved it.

    By the second day in our home, monkey breath cottoned on to the fact that, in this house there was competition for the Alpha primates attention. The interference was coming from me and my older brothers; but mostly from me, as I was only 5 and stayed home all day, while the older brothers went to school.

    Once Amos realized my threat to his exclusive spotlight position, his schemes for my elimination began.

    He learned my routines, and those of my parents. He began to test me with ambushes and charging with flashing yellow teeth; always when mom wasn't looking.

    To a five year old, a monkey enemy is like an evil super villain. They can climb faster than you can run, they have the strength of several men , no apparent conscience, and a cruel sense of humor.

    Soon the surprise attacks became more serious, there was biting and grabbing, the threat was very real.

    I had to keep mom in sight at all times, but my parents thought I was either paranoid or jealous. Soon they found me hiding in closets or locked in my room. "Mom, don't tell Amos I'm in here OK?, I would whisper from the broom closet as she walked by with the laundry. And mom would laugh,"Ok, I won't tell". and the family would laugh again when the story was shared at dinner. Amos laughed too, with his ridiculous monkey lips pulled back and his ugly head bouncing like some demonic dashboard doll. Monkey toys are always the toys they use in scary movies right.

    It wasn't until mom and dad interrupted a full out attack that they realized the special hell my life had become.

    Mom and dad still make apologies now and then, but I don't trust em since 40 years now. And they still laugh about the dam_n monkey too.

    A family of an 80 year old Thai Monk I am friends with informed me that Orangutans were called "Forest People" over 50 years ago in Thailand and she had seen one trying trying to rape her mother with her own eyes! The Tarsier still exists in remote areas, sorry for the typo about tarsier sirindhorn which were recently discovered fossils.

    As to many of your patronizing comments towards me, they are like a swarm of flies over a covered slice of cheese cake. I'm untouchable to you morons...

    As to the animal and primate haters that flourish here---I hope you become mother nature's next accident...

    Just imagine I was going to mention saving the Sumatran Tiger here in Thailand on my next topic. I guess the retired bar crawl on TV needs a magnifying glass to observe the significance of BIO-DIVERSITY in the animal kingdom in which all of you great apes play a crucial role in destroying. Who wants to help me become a microscopic particle of the solution instead of a sh!t stain on Planet Earth?

    I'd save an animal over a selfish sadistic human any day......

  6. That is one positive thing I have seen here and I can't say its true with all of them, BUT the traditional Thai method of farming without use of pesticides and hormones is quite admirable! But GM and the NWCO is quite trendy and convenient just like 7-11 and KFC......

    The free ranging of chickens, ducks, buffallo and cattle is also really a positive observation I've made.

    I wish the west would regress.....

  7. After learning about how the orangutans once flourished in Thailand, 50 years ago they vanished as did the Tarsier Sirindhorn recently!

    Gibbons and Langurs are now on the verge of extinction here. The macaque is the only monkey I've seen thriving in the Thai community and they are hated with such a passion by the locals. I love these creatures and wish there were more of us here with a goal in protecting them!s Just speaking with Thai's about the issue of primates young and old gets me the same negative feedback everytime.

    Anyone ever met a Thai who LOVES Monkeys?

  8. When asked by westerners or Thai's "Where u Come FrOm???!

    I say " I come from Earth, I am a citizen of the world, I'm a human".

    Most Thai's and Westerners look at me like I'm crazy when I give them that reply

    Or on ketamine...

    Cool, Dalai Llama was also frowned upon when he replied to a Brittish Reporter about his nationality " I am a normal human being, a citizen of the world".

    Sorry I'm not a nationalist and some narrowminds cant accept that...

  9. Do you think Everest is ready for the Imam?

    I am sure that the Imam could help with overcoming adversity in Thailand.

    Asafak! Ifahcangettaethemosquefirmornin'prayers, Everest'llbenaebautherata', solangasthir's an off-license halfway up; and mairimportant, apparently, halfwaydoon ina'

    NO, I don't think Everest is ready. It needs more time to brace itself. So often we focus only on ourselves, and our challenges and problems here, without thinking about how Thailand can cope with the adversity and challenges that we pose If the mountain will not come to Mohammed, maybe there's a reason for that, and we should try to understand why it will not.


    These are both inflammatory off topic hate speech starters. I'm talking about overcoming adversity by being brave enough to lose face with a black garbage bag on the beach or the street with an objective to clean up the mess others have made on this planet.

  10. Most Thais don't know, who Dalai Llama issad.png

    Many educated Thai's DO know who Dali Llama is, but they don't really understand what he has taught them. As many Thai teachers are amazed when I tell them Africa is more than one country and that Ecuador is in America!

  11. The BBC did an analysis in which for some reason I cant cut and paste here which stated. Older climbers have a 25 percent chance of dying and young climbers had only a 2.2 percent chance of death. I'd bet more than 80 percent of the members here are over 40...

    Hummmm ... did you not read my post?

    That said ... I support fully your ideal of stopping pollution ... though I feel that reducing it maybe might be a more achievable goal.

    Have you found what you are looking for yet?


    Reducing=Stopping. Don't get your crotch wet over the details bud..

    Hope that WE can all do a small part each and every day to GIVE BACK to Mother Nature and giving her a footscrub on a daily basis is advised,= Use Less Clean More...

  12. I think JT should do a poll.

    I could start it off, I'm from England, and I think it's a shit-hole.

    Now anyone want to tell us their country is great or garbage?

    If I could choose my country of birth, France or Germany or Switzerland.

    Why. ?

    France for having similar divorce laws as Thailand (you keep what was yours)

    Germany for being the rulers of Europe (and snappy Nazi uniforms)

    Switzerland for the money, chocolate and skiing (and gun ownership)

    When asked by westerners or Thai's "Where u Come FrOm???!

    I say " I come from Earth, I am a citizen of the world, I'm a human".

    Most Thai's and Westerners look at me like I'm crazy when I give them that reply and

    usually make an assumption based on my image or accent as to narrow me down.

    Its strange most Thai's can't except a worldly answer such as this considering that

    the Dalai Llama replied in a similar fashion in an interview on CNN's "Buddhists Warriors".

  13. The BBC did an analysis in which for some reason I cant cut and paste here which stated. Older climbers have a 25 percent chance of dying and young climbers had only a 2.2 percent chance of death. I'd bet more than 80 percent of the members here are over 40...

  14. How about putting the question 'where are the unfriendliest people in Thailand?' The answer would probably turn out to be where there are most tourists?


    How about putting the question 'where are the unfriendliest people in Thailand?' The answer would probably turn out to be where there are most tourists?

    I've noticed that in some tourist areas, thai's are usually more friendly towards me because of my knowledge of the Thai language with the exception of Hua Hin, Chang Mai and Pattaya. When they see me sharing knowledge with other westerners it seems problematic! Especially in Laos doing a border run in Vientiane and warning the drunken expat man "Hey, thats a DUDE you got between your legs there mate". The westerner usually is stunned and flabbergasted of the truth, while the LB is furiously flipping me off calling on her LB clan to stake me out and snipe me down.

    Sometimes giving useful advice can backfire, Iam starting to see how SILENCE can be my best answer.

    Anyone, can you hear me?

    I need to speak more Isaan/Lao...

    Street cowboy can u teach me?

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