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Posts posted by meds

  1. Any intimate relation where the feelings obviusly are not mutual are bound to be rather destructive towards one or both parts. One could almost think it´s strange that you love her at all, anylonger, since she treat you without respect. What qualities could she possibly have that overweighs the ill behaviuor?

    Sure, love is said to be (by some philospher) like a mental disorder; rational thinking goes out the window - so when really being in love, it´s of course not easy to think clearly, but I dare say that most people looking at your dilemma from an outer perspective would advice you to ditch her. If you aren´t miserable yet, it´s very probable you will be, and you do deserve better than being in a miserable relationship, now don´t you?

  2. I have noticed that there seems to be no true right (conservative) in any of these countries either.  What could be considered right over there could easily be considered left in America.

    But I have met Swedish men that are unhappy with Swedish women.  They don't say it's "feminism" per se.  But one Swede I met in Chaingmai said, literally "Swedish women don't need men."  And that's why he said he was in Thailand.

    Since I don´t have that much to compare with, I really don´t know how right the Swedish right is in respect to a global standard - we have of course the very extremes with rasist and semi fascist parties, but they are in such vast minority they hardly count.

    Of course there are Swedish men that are unhappy with Swedish women, and there are probably men (even though being heterosexual) that are unhappy with any woman, regardless nationality. The statement that Swedish women don´t need men gave me a spontaneous laugh, that must be a rather rare experience, I´ve never seen anything that would indicate such a thing. I dare say almost all of my female friends are rather or very interested in men in variuos ways (except one who´s occupied with a girlfriend) - but that of course doesn´t mean just any man (but again, does neither mean that you have to be a rockstar or an extreme sports ace - I´m a skinny guy without hair and still had a fair share... erh, so to speak...). Maybe less fortunate persons need to make drastic generalisations to get some order in their perspectives, obviously this guy had some convinient blinds so he didn´t need to consider all the otherwise obviuos factors... maybe...)

  3. Divorce really does mentally impair young kids and teenagers alike. I have a choice as I have plenty of money and can easily relocate to another country. American men are loved by women in almost every country but this one.

    How would you feel if all american men said, "we don't need women for anything!"

    I don´t know if I got impaired in any way because of my parents divorce, but I do now that things had been a LOT worse if they had not.

    It´s strange that there seem to be these conflicts surfacing due to American womens feminist uprising. As far as I know, Sweden is ahead in the matter, and I honestly can´t say that we suffer from the same issues as Americans (here) claim to do. At least not that I´ve been aware of. My spouse is very feminist and we´ve been living together for three years now, without any problems at all... and as far as I know, she do wants to have a bunch of kids - at least her behaviuor points in that direction (the hobby psychologist in me takes notes =).

    But pose that the feminism is equal in both Sweden and America, could it be some other cultural factors that determine the outcome (whether it´s success or disaster)?

    Or is perhaps the conception of the term interpreted differently due to social setting?

  4. A slip of the finger on the keyboard... should have been "mudslinger".

    And your latest 2 posts are no better.

    Why don't you go away and do something constructive rather than destructive?

    Troll.  :o

    Ok, mudslinger I know.

    If I did something constructive, would it not be nice if i stayed and did it here? ;-)


    But seriuosly, I don´t quite understand what you mean with destructive... in my oppinion there are no mud tossing in the geeky post above.

    I do have points in most things I post, but I´ll have to look over whether the mudslinging clouds them (the points), or if you have an uncommon hypersensitivity towards anything of its resemblance.

    I´ll bear your complaint in mind - maybe I´ll have to refine my manners, or maybe I´ll find that you are merely someone I disrespect.

  5. While on the topic: I heard it's possible to give your kid multiple first names, also on the Thai birth certificate.  I'd of course inlcude a Thai name, but would it be better if the Thai name came first in front of any other names?

    Sure, would it not be more convinient with a Thai name in Thailand? Immigrants in Sweden with weird (you know how I mean) names does unfortunately not have it as easy going as those with more Swedish-like names.

  6. Hoohaa....

    To make some kind of general reply on some posts:

    Well dudes, doesn´t it just suck that the times have changed and western women are all of the sudden allowed to be as self centered as men has allways been able to, in relationships (foremost)?

    You dudes, try picturing these difficult to be with women as any bloke you ever met - does it ring a bell somewhere?

    Equiality between sexes is rising, my bretheren... but stop ######ing whyning about it and be men about it... if that´s what you claim to be.

    For all you dudes that are more mice than men, this message do not apply - of course you feel discomfort with someone that migt squash you beneath her heal, everybody understands and pities you.

    // Meds (man, or at least claiming to be - guess the future will tell =)

    Well Mister meds, that is the most stupid and most trollish of your 13 posts to date on TV.

    Your first post was the only one that made any sense.

    You are not a contributor to this forum, just a midslinger.

    Troll. :o

    Crap, no:14 would really not get me in the right direction then. Well, hopefully, when I´m at 400+, I´ve learnt the ropes.

    By the way, I don´t know what "midslinger is", feel free to enrich me.

  7. Hoohaa....

    To make some kind of general reply on some posts:

    Well dudes, doesn´t it just suck that the times have changed and western women are all of the sudden allowed to be as self centered as men has allways been able to, in relationships (foremost)?

    You dudes, try picturing these difficult to be with women as any bloke you ever met - does it ring a bell somewhere?

    Equiality between sexes is rising, my bretheren... but stop ######ing whyning about it and be men about it... if that´s what you claim to be.

    For all you dudes that are more mice than men, this message do not apply - of course you feel discomfort with someone that migt squash you beneath her heal, everybody understands and pities you.

    // Meds (man, or at least claiming to be - guess the future will tell =)

  8. Best-Beloved is having a baby in July in Chiang Rai. I am the father and want to be registered as such. We are not married (yet) and I am not resident in Thailand, but visit 5 or so times a year. A Thai living in UK tells me that I cannot be registered as father, does anyone know otherwise?

    Well, I´m not sure about the routines over there, but as I understand, my brother had little, or no problems with it. The baby (who was born in January this year) even has his surname.

    He´s been living there since late august 2004 though, don´t know if that makes any difference.

    (he´s a Swede, by the way)

    Good luck to you, anyhow!

  9. Well Limbo.....maybe you should keep up with the news...He admitted he did it...he has shown the police how & where he did it and how he dragged the poor ladies body and where he left it to rot....He is to be or has been charged with First degree Murder.....Get it????

    I don´t know whether he´s guilty or not or to what, and what he confesses

    may just as well prove that someone has succeded with forcing him to

    tell a story in a way that it fits their purposes.

    Stranger things has happened.

    But I´ll stop wasting my time here, the greater lot of you are really frighteningly

    simpleminded, I might just as well contemplate the matter with my neighbour´s cat.

    Not that it will get me anywhere, but at least he has a fat, furry belly that´s fun to pat.


    (even though recent findings tell us that there are several types if IQ´s, a high EQ only is obviuosly not enough in all cases...

    So long, cavemen and cavewomen... "an eye for an eye...")

  10. Were any of my nearest to be murdered, I´d probably use excessive force of violence on the perpetrator if I could.

    But then again, I´m not a representative of any legal system, only a common man.

    In my opinion governments must serve as a role model of right and wrong, as parents do for their children (sort of, not exactly with that same relation... and I´ve lost faith in people understanding my points here). If my parents beat me as a punishment for beating my brother, then beating is in my understanding ok during certain circumstances.

    How many are there not that argue that it´s not that bad to cheat on their tax declaration, since so many ministers do such things? Or drive too fast?


    Don´t bother answering.

  11. In that case I will have two with points, a big flat one and a packet of gravel.

    If you´d ever have the opportunity, perhaps you could steal a bike from whoever

    stole mine a while ago? That´ll teach all bike thieves a good lesson. They are the

    bad guys and deserve to get their bikes stolen since they did it first (- the bike

    stealing regulator is of course in his full right to enact the same deed because he

    is a good guy and didn´t do it first, which makes the act a completely different thing).

    ... nevermind...

  12. i would hardly say that a call for justice is a bad kind of aggression

    Haha... (sorry for the haha, but still)... A call for justice can be made in so many ways. Being part of a bloodthirsty mob is one of them, using a more civilised manner is another.

    Referring to chanting people outside prisons prior to execution of a hidious murderers in the U.S = the man in the electric chair is no more than a creation of the same society that thursts for his blood and agony to satisfy their need for justice.

    The call for justice is not a bad kind of aggression, that is in fact not any expression of agression at all.

  13. supposed? he admitted to it

    and i know im not guilty of killing a woman 1/2 my size by crushing her head again and again on a tiled floor to make her shuttup

    Ok, so he admitted, but still, you missed the point.

    The point is that a person harboring certain kinds of aggression is more likely to commit violent acts - if being such a person I´d be a hypocrite if I thought a murderer is worse than myself just because I yet has not killed anyone. Surely, most people don´t kill anyone during their lifetime, but a great lot might if faced with abnormal circumstances. Being a potential killer is more likely if you have initial, spontaniuos aggressive reactions - and if having that, one might just as well become what one (in these circumstances) resent.

    ... especially if emotion goes before rationale...

  14. And all the bloodthirsty avengers here make me sick.  :o

    I agree... it´s scary how one mans supposed cruelty brings out the similar features in equally supposed to be "normal" people.

    Some of you give me the shivers in your lack of self awareness. How can you judge a man if you are of the same attitudes, or worse?

    The playfull suggestions stated earlier are really tasteless... "I´ve got a rope and a wobbly stool..." (or whatever)... point made; this occupation with mindless, gory wish for revenge suggests that you could have been him.

    Not that I´m any fan of the Bible, but let he who is free of guilt throw the first stone... you know.

  15. As most Swedes I´m not keen of the idea of death penalty or inhumane conditions in prisons.

    But if the Swede suspected for murder is convicted for it, I really hope he will be judged equally as if he would have been a native - meaning that I hope the trial will be just, but also that he won´t get away easier because of nationality (due to foreign relations or something... for example since Sweden, has in comparison to its size, been rather generous with financial aid after the catastrophe...).

    The last thing we wish to see is a lack of trust, or a increasing hostility towards westerners due to one persons ill behaviuor.

    So, would he be guilty and senteced to a bizarre imprisonment, or perhaps even death, too bad - but also, don´t ######ing kill people and suit yourself if you do.

    (pardon my French)

  16. As most Swedes I´m not keen of the idea of death penalty or inhumane conditions in prisons.

    But if the Swede suspected for murder is convicted for it, I really hope he will be judged equally as if he would have been a native - meaning that I hope the trial will be just, but also that he won´t get away easier because of nationality (due to foreign relations or something... for example since Sweden, has in comparison to its size, been rather generous with financial aid after the catastrophe...).

    The last thing we wish to see is a lack of trust, or a increasing hostility towards westerners due to one persons ill behaviuor.

    So, would he be senteced to a bizarre imprisonment or perhaps even death, too bad - but also, don´t ######ing kill people and suit yourself if you do.

    (pardon my French)

  17. I have read a load of posted replies but can not really figure out where I fit in respect to qualifications. I passed English A and B with distinction at upper secondary and am now, several years later, doing the later half of my studies at the Teachers Academy in Malmoe (Sweden), striving to become an upper secondary English teacher.

    I have been planning a sabbatical but after reading what´s posted here I´m not too sure my qualifications would be considered adequate.

    Beside the studies of English at university level for three terms, I´ve studied some methodology, pedagogy, didactics and rhethoric (embedded in the English studies) and have also had 16 weeks of practise with both adult learners and children at ages between 13-16. But, the big "but" here is that I will not recieve any formal note on paper as to provide with job applications until fully finished. I could probably get some validation on where I am in my studies and what my qualifications would be at this point, but it wouldn´t be stated as a formal degree.

    Oh yeh, to be clear, my question is:

    What are my chances at the Thai market of teachers?

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