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Posts posted by FireMedic

  1. Hey everyone, sorry to bring this up again.... But is anyone here or does anyone know a Foriegn Police Volunteer in Phuket? I've tried a couple emails of some people from Facebook without any luck. Please don't bust my balls or anything....Just someone PM me with some names or emails. Thanks!

  2. Thank you both. I don't teach swat tactics. My years as a firefighter means I can teach forced entry techniques, my tactial medic skill teaches you how to take care of yourself or others in a really bad situation. Again, I will be there in Sept and give it my best. Thank you for those who support me. Ohio, please keep in contact and hope to meet up when you get in town.

  3. Listen guys, this is not a major career change and I don't plan to live the rest of my life there. If the FTP want to make me one of them so I can teach them, then great. If not, again, I'm sure I will find something to do. This is really no big deal. And on this McInnes guy, I read what he was charged with and what he claimed a few days later. I really dont care what he got himself into. Sometimes it seems you guys want to slam posters with negative crap instead of just answering the question. Instead of "Yes they are still active and here is how to contact them or NO I don't know" , I have mocking responses and some have to be removed by mods. I cant figure you guys out. It seems there are so many negative people around and if you don't like Thailand then why stay? Or you guys complain so much to act like its horrible so no one else comes and you can keep whatever perceived lifestyle you want without anyone interfering. I absolutely don't want to offend anyone, but come on guys, relax a bit. If someone comes here for a little info, just answer the question. You dont have rag on them about their wishes or desires. I have worn a uniform for 15 years and no one ever laughed at me.

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  4. NO!!!! The FPV do not and will not have a swat team. I am coming to Thailand in Sept. I've been in contact with them already. I will probly join them and help train those guys in first aid stuff if they want it. A week ago, I saw a show about Thailand and Pattaya had a real swat team lead by the Rob McInnes guy. I looked him up and all I found was the little scandle he was involved in with Customs and Immigration. He is also a business owner there as well. I just figured some competitor didnt like him and tried to get him in trouble. That was 2 years ago. I am abolutely not claiming to be any type of special forces at all! Its funny, all I asked if anyone knew if they were still around. Then the mods had to take a couple of posts off? Some people must be so miserable there they never have anything nice to say. I guess I'll just wait til I get there and find out for myself. Thanks to those who tried to help.

  5. Funny thing is I have seen the both sides of the spectrum. I've seen guys that would run into a brick wall if i asked them to. Then there are others who have the "who does this gringo think he is?" Eventually they are all thankful for having advanced medical training that could ultimately save their live, so they can go home to their family.

  6. You're right...should have expanded my retirement age...I went in to public saftey when I was 18. I was promoted to Lieutenant when I was 22 years old. One of the youngest paid Lts in the US. I started training rookies and then expanded to the college students. Back in 2007 I was standing in my yard and a turboprop aircraft crashed into my neighbor's house. After watching the crash, I ran into the burning houses and rescued a 10 year old boy, went back into the house and got the dad out. I kept going back in for the 4 year old little girl....I searched a second home that was hit and totally involved in fire.....I got lost and disoriented with smoke inhalation, when an officer called out to me. I found my way to the door and got out. I spent 4 days in ICU, 3 others to burn unit with over 90% burns.....5 others died. 2 kids, 1 mother, and both pilots of the plane. So shortly after my lungs got kinda bad and was forced to retire. So now I teach when I want to...just to keep busy and feel like I'm doing something productive.

  7. I appreciate all the comments. If they dont want it, I will just stay and party. I don't have anything else to do. I'm retired, I'm 35, I have future contracts in Belize and others in Caribbean, I can take my time and do whatever I want thankfully. It will be just an offer, if they want it great, if not, ok, I'll find something else to do.

  8. Well, I'm going to probly join the Foreign Tourist Police first, then do some volunteer training for them. But, if I step it up for the real cops, I'll have to get the work permit. I understand its a hassle. If it doesnt work out, I can always comeback to reality and keept training cops in other countries.

  9. The guy you're wanting to communicate with is Robert (Sifu) McInnes. Just drop an e-mail to Paul (he works with Sifu) and I'm sure you'll end-up on the right track, okay ?


    Good luck


    I tried emailing, email address not valid.

  10. A tactical medic is a medic on a swat team. I have to meet the same requirements as the swat guys do. You have to have as least 10 years as a medic on the street, swat school, then an additional 80 tactical/combat medic course. Even though I'm retired at 35, I teach swat/special ops guys how to help themselves, teammates, and civilians if they are shot, stabbed, or blown up. About Rob McInnes, he was the one that the Customs and Immigration police arrested a while back. I didn't know if he was still in business or not after that ordeal. So, Mr. Ohio, I will most likely be there in Sept sometime. Maybe we can do some training with these guys! I asked to be apart of the Tourist Police which has been offered to me upon arrival. But, if they have an active swat team, they might benefit from some medical training. Just a thought........

  11. Because I'm a trained tactical medic as well. Just wanted to see if they wanted some training when I get there in Sept. Trust me, I know all the other attractions there, just a side gig!biggrin.png

  12. Is the Pattaya SWAT team still active? I never saw them the few weeks I was there. I did read about the scandal a couple years ago about the trainer guy. I just want to know if they are still around and any info would be helpful. Please don't give me crap or negative comments about them, just the info!

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  13. yeah its strange. when i asked over the weekend in Bangkok, they told me to wait until monday and go to the airport office. i left early monday morning and didnt see anyone there.

  14. yes, i did see that website, with the King on it.....again, that avenue has been tried. I guess if someone here is one or knows one, that would be the best help for me. Thanks again

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