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Posts posted by Fozfromoz

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    In 3 pages of an internet forum discussion you have turned from a person who is against the death penalty to someone who would actually pull the trigger.

    Unhinged springs to mind.

    You keep changing the subject because you are caught in a web of Lies and BS.

    A man comes home and finds his wife in bed with His Best Friend. He is in shock. He goes to his car to think things over and discovers how angry he is. He takes a Legal Gun from his glove compartment, goes back to the bedroom, and in anger shoots both of them. But law, this is premeditated murder and he would get the death sentence.

    This is the kind of murder I am against for the death sentence.

    But to Monsters who brutally rape and murder a young woman like this, I am not.

    I have made it perfectly clear I am against the death penalty, but could quickly change if it was my daughter. For these monsters I have change my view. There is nothing wrong with my hinges. But there is certainly something wrong with you. Which you have now proved many times to everyone here.

    I never called anyone a Troll before, so you don't get this honor from me either.

    A Drunken Idiot would be closer to my thoughts! Which by-the-way surpasses the name Fool! You have presented nothing in your defense, or their defense, except nonsense. Which now coming from you this is all you have to present, so I fully understand.

    You are fooling nobody here, except yourself.

    Now go and play and let the Grown-ups talk!

    I always thought the BiB cheerleading squad could use a hired goon to stir things up and muddy the water on occasion - just to keep things interesting. You may even be over qualified for the position.

    I don't agree with their opnions and I'm often suspicious of their motivations but they are not idiots.

    You arrived at the party late with too many empty bottles in your car - armed only with a few headlines that you read slowly while on the can.

    Nobody is defending monsters and rapists. They are well meaning people who think for very good reasons that these guys are not the perps. I also do not believe that these 2 are the guilty ones. There are literally thousands of posts going back to last year that you can read through if you want the details as to why I and many others feel a good case can be made for their innocense.

    I'm waiting to see what transpires at their trial - hopefully enough publicity will keep it from being a farce. I'm not holding my breath though......

    Incidently, the case you describe in your post would likely be considered a 'crime of passion' and not premeditated murder - and not result in the death penalty.

    You continue on with your nonsense!

    Now you tell us that no lawyer would defend these guys unless they thought there were innocent. Hog Wash! Do your really believe that? That is the same as saying that all the Lawyers who defended some of the Worlds Worst Serial Killers all believed their Clients where innocent.

    Lawyers will defend anyone who is willing to pay them. Or is some High Profile Cases, as like perhaps this one, for the attention they will receive from the Media. Which they hope later will attract a higher paying clients. But in all fairness to these Lawyers, everyone is entitled to Lawyer Representation when charged with a crime such as this. Even these two Rapists and Murdering Scum.

    Sure! I believe you, sort of. I am sure a judge will to, The Accused didn't see anyone come to the crime scene, although they were sitting their all night and saw Hannah and David go their. But then later they heard a strange noise coming from their. So they walked over to the crime scene but again they did not see anyone go their and nobody was there now. But a brave thing for these guys to do when they want to stay away from trouble. But it was also there lucky day because they see a Cell Phone just laying there and they pick it up, after walking over 2 died bodies. Just to take it home and not report this, because they did not realizing they could get into trouble later.

    My Friend! You would have made more logical sense if you said the murders must have been committed by Ghosts. Ghosts who have the exact same DNA and Sperm as the accused do, and which these samples were collected from Hannah's Private Parts. I actually like the Accused Story better than yours. They said they were drunk when they decided to sneak up on Hannah and David to see what they were doing. They caught them in a sex act, which really turned them on, to the point they lost control. The rest is history,

    You really must think the Thai Police are really stupid. That when Hannah's Cell Phone Cover-up was discovered by the Social Media they switched their story to it now being Davids Cell Phone. My Friend! Nobody is that stupid. Even You!

    If you are going to try and cover-up some story about Hannah's Cell being discovered in the accused house you certainly are not going to invite the Press to take a picture of her friend handing it over to you, and invite someone from the UK Embassy to witness that, are you? Even a 6 year old kid could do a better job of hiding than that.

    Show me a LINK where they say Davids Cell Phone was discovered on the Beach. I don't recall reading that anywhere. But I won't hold my breath on this one either as it is probably just some more gossip you picked up at the bar over some Beer Talk.

    No My Friend, you got it wrong once again. The scenario I told you was not a Crime of Passion. It was Premeditated Murder, which is a planned murdered, or pre-thought-out murdered. Which in some States carries the Death Penalty.

    When he went back to his car to cool down, he had time to think, After some thinking he decided to kill them both and proceeded to do so. That is Premeditated Murder. Had it been different and when he first discovered them in the bedroom together, then grabbed a Baseball Bat laying against the wall, and beat them both to death, then this may have been considered a Crime of Passion.


    Why do you call them rapists and murdering scum? Has it been proved and have they been convicted? I thought the case was being heard in July.

  2. Last time I flew to London on a dirty Thai Airways 747 with the seat dark brown from a coffee stain I asked if I could move but the flight was full and he looked at me as though I was making too much fuss. I would like to see him pay $1500 to sit in a filthy seat for 12 hours. Never flown them since, Singapore Airlines etc a totally different league. More modern planes A380 on the route more helpful staff, Thai having flown them many times the staff are arrogant, unhelpful and rude. I was exactly 5 minutes late at Heathrow and the check in staff were still there they really could not give a flying <deleted> and said they had weighted the plane so I could not get on. As though one man would affect a 747 weight to any extent.Terrible airlines even budget carriers are better like Jetstar to Singapore, modern planes with clean leather seats.

    Could agree with you on the coffee stained seat, but its hardly the airlines fault you were late. perhaps next time get there earlier?

    If they had computed the weight, that tells me that the check in would have ben closed and aircraft loaded.

  3. All I know is that water attracts its own level. Before jumping to conclusions at the consequences of this (in my view; dysfunctional family), has anyone ever NOT been driven into a corner in a relationship... to the point of experiencing those kind of thoughts or emotions? We don't know what kind of hell he was being put through... perhaps being in a situation with a nagging MIL, narcissitic wife and wortholess son, who had been groomed by the women in the family to be worthless and depepndent on their narcissitic needs. We don;t know what kind of "goods" the wife and MIL had on him.

    Yes, I am speculating, but my point is, don't take a tragic outburst like this and judge it on its merit alone. He is wrong to have pursued this course of action, and should be punished for it, but I can say that I certainly do understand that he may very well have been driven to this state of mind by the people who were not exactly treating him nicely when he went berserk. He focused on his immediate family... not anyone else... the objects of his obsession. That tells me a lot about things before this tragic event.

    Sounds to me like they were yet another dysfunctional family engaging in in their style towards each other and unaware of the consequences of such behavior and thinking.

    Another odd thing here is that he could just as easily beat the living shit out of her and the others, and his neighbors would have done nothing at all. He could have done it on the street and no one would have done nothing at all. Not even the police. I wonder how many times he had done that, now that I mention it.

    Strange strange land...

    Another view could also be that as it states he had a long line of fraud, theft, embezzlement convictions, his wife could have been fed up with it all and wanted to get him out of her life.

    Which ever way, the guy is a big under achiever.

    • Like 1
  4. Just wonder why the cops do not want to catch the real killers?

    A family related DNA test done by all residents of koh tao would reveal the killer and or what family the killer comes from,.

    Uncles,brothers sisters cousins all have a match with the killer DNA...

    It really easy cause Koh tao is a small island surely the killer has family members there. ....

    Civil liberties?

    Not afforded to all?

  5. Just wonder why the cops do not want to catch the real killers?

    A family related DNA test done by all residents of koh tao would reveal the killer and or what family the killer comes from,.

    Uncles,brothers sisters cousins all have a match with the killer DNA...

    It really easy cause Koh tao is a small island surely the killer has family members there. ....

    Civil liberties?

    Not afforded to all?

  6. Does not apply to me..

    I would never live with a smoker.

    I would not even have a smoker as a friend.

    Smokers stink, they make us stink.

    There should be a day in this era when people will not believe that one day, paople willingly breathed poison that did shorten their life by more than 8 years.

    Wonder how they work that out seeing as no one knows how long they are going to live anyway.

    • Like 1
  7. There should be a day in this era when people will not believe that one day, paople willingly breathed poison that did shorten their life by more than 8 years.

    People willingly breathed poison that shortened their life by more than 8 years and it did not even make them high. Tobacco does not do a lot more than ruin your health and make you smell bad, while satisfying a desperate need for a noxious substance that you are addicted to. At least illegal drugs feed your head.

    Yep and a small slip and you can take more than 8 Years off unless you refer to dope, but thats smoke too isnt it?

    • Like 1
  8. In the interests of fairness and to expedite the case, British investigators will be bound and gagged, and strapped into office chairs.

    regarding allowing foreign crime investigators in on investigation: ever hear of Lockerbie Pan Am bombing? US investigators worked hand in hand with British on that one. I don't want to argue outcome of investigation, just point that British didn't worry about "losing face" or any of that. They wanted to find perps, unlike here it seems.

    Bad example to use in terms of trying to make UK authorities look like they are on the up and and up. By the way, this was an investigation that involved numerous countries and suspects and evidence in numerous countries. This was a crime in Thailand and all the evidence, suspects and victims were in Thailand. No reason to get international agencies involved to solve the case. The UK needed the FBI assistance to get convictions of Al-Megrahi and still couldn't get a conviction of the other suspect. Thailand didn't need the assistance of anyone for this case except possibly Singapore to help identify the race of suspect from DNA.

    A bit off topic but an example of multiple police forces working together, is a case that occurred back in the nineties (1994) 2 young Britons and an Australian were murdered by KR in Cambodia. Both Scotland Yard and AFP investigated with the Cambodian police.

    • Like 1
  9. The taste cant be worse than starbucks shit awful stuff bah.gif

    So many similar silly Posts on this Thread.

    Starbucks is a Multi-BILLION Dollar Company, serving hundreds of thousands of Coffees a DAY, worldwide - they are obviously doing a LOT right.

    However on Threads like this dozens of know-it-all TEFLERS and other hand-to-mouth denizens of Thailand suddenly spring out of the bushes and explain / complain that Starbucks is selling a rubbish Product and of course - by implication - THEY could do better.

    coffee1.gif (Pun intended!)


    I know a lot about coffee and Starbucks tastes like cat piss, That's my honest opinion, I can only guess why its all so popular? probably because its so overpriced & wannabe Hi-so's think its posh, I guess?

    Clearly by saying you know a lot about coffee, and Starbucks tastes like cats piss, then perhaps you may be a little fibber. Can't say I have drunk cats piss myself, but don't mind the coffee. Not a Hi-So never have been. I am in Singapore now anyway, perhaps the beans are better here and the dregs go to Thailand?
    • Like 1
  10. As I read the news today, words fail me. We have this idiot Plodprasop who seems to be clueless on every topic he speaks about, we have Yongluck washing her hands of the reconciliation process and bill and saying she did not know the committee put through a complete whitewash to include sweeping amnesty including Thaksin and giving him the way back to get his 46 billion of seized assets back, and we have the Santka nightclub owner getting off Scott free while dozens dead and dozens more disfigured for life directly through his actions.

    Thailand HAS no government, has no leader, has no justice - it is wallowing in the worlds economic ocean without a paddle or a rudder.

    As for Abhisit, as much as I like the guy, he is firstly a puppet and secondly all talk and no action. I hope for Thailand's sake he is mounting a solid set of policies including all sections of society and with a budget to hit the message home and the balls to tackle Thailand's biggest issues head on without compromise this time around.

    However I am not sure Thai people are mature enough for democracy yet given 500 baht is enough to sell your soul.

    Timewilltell, I suppose.................

    Meanwhile, Thailand improves.

    Must be hell though for some expats living here.

    Especially the ones under an illusion that Thailand improves...
    • Like 1
  11. Does this idiot make this up himself or does he have script writers ?

    He is obvious not familiar with the old saying about keeping your moth shut and only appearing to be a fool...!

    It's enough to make Chalerm arise from his sick bed.

    In the space of a month, we have heard emanations from his pie hole of: No floods this year, then, prepare for floods, then, worse floods in 50 years.

    Next he will give direction to form a committee to build an Ark.
    • Like 1
  12. Wow, so many Starbuck's haters....I have always enjoyed the coffee at Starbucks. OK, some people

    think the coffee is a little overpriced, However I have always been a "black " coffee drinker, not so

    expensive. I can sit for an hour or so; read THEIR newspaper in a SPOTLESS environment and

    use my computer to catch up on my emails. all AIR CONDITIONED all this for the price of a

    cup of coffee......OR I could go to 7/11, get a cup of instant rot gut coffee for 14 B and sit on

    the sidewalk in the heat and car exhaust.............I'll choose Starbucks............

    Many folks in Khonkaen pop into the S&P store next door at the Tukom Center for a steaming cup where they can pay with plastic if desired, then step into Starbucks and enjoy all those things you mentioned.

    And they would be called ............freeloaders.
    • Like 1
  13. I really can't believe what I'm hearing here...a huge amount of sycophants on this sight complimenting each other with continuous banality. Can one of you name a country that doesn't charge for its healthcare? Should the Thai public be responsible for paying the bills of drunken tourists getting into fist fights over some fickle issue? turn up at a hospital without a cent to pay for the cost of medical care? No western country provides free healthcare, with the exception of a few EU countries, and the Thai government has the right to charge visitors a fee for healthcare rather than be a burden to hard working tax payers. To put it another way and Irregardless of the corruption, for which no country is immune, the Thai government has every right to charge a fee for short stay tourists coming to Thailand, whose only purpose is to get drunk and get some tail...

    On that note do any of you have Thai spouses? Do you treat your partners with as much disdain and disrespect? You all live in Thailand so stop winning about the imperfections and show some respect for the country in which you're 'guests'. All of you live here so how about contributing positively rather continue to put this country down....the majority of Thais are good people who happily share their country with a smile.

    Lastly, if you all went home would you have the same quality of life that you receive here? Why are you here if these issues make you so miserable that you feel the need to cripple your hosts with decrepit rhetoric, which to say the least, borders on the absurd.

    I have lived here for almost 20 years - if I had my way I would have you all thrown out for such rhetoric. Yes you're not Thai nationals and therefore can't be prosecuted for treason, but in most countries if you had this attitude you would be shot, beaten or jailed for such discourse. Think about that before making subjective and ridiculous statements

    Mate. Perhaps a Bex and a good lay down is in order. Good thing about this forum is the provision to express ones views, albeit more liberally than one can walking down the street with a placard. Kindly explain how those short term tourists that don't come here to get drunk and get some tail as you say can be identified separately from those that do. Mum Dad and kids want to visit and look at what is the veneer on top of a pretty ugly underbelly, but you go right ahead, lump all visitors in one basket.

    All paid up tickets, shots, insurance, health insurance. I think 20 years has pretty much cemented you as a Thai national, wanting to promote the place. That's OK. That's your opinion too.

    Personally I think Thailand is a shithole visiting there over some Years and living there about 1...............had enough and left.

    I hope that's not treasonous.

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