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Posts posted by bri9646

  1. Condolences to the Russian innocent bystanders' families. Look for that buffoon from the Thai Tourism Council to get the Russian embassy to remove any notice of this tragedy from its web site before it impacts Russian tourism. They will also get the hotel trade to downplay it and the media to detoxify it. And the media will pander to its demands, and we won't see much follow up on this fire in buildings business as each day goes by and it dies a quite death.

    My wife is Russian and her family told her it's all over the news there. Big story. However, it does amaze me how little has been made of this fire here in Bangkok. Really, I shouldn't be surprised though. Don't speak of it and it didn't happen is normal here in the Land of Smiles.
  2. How far away does one have to get to truly get away from the American non-sense that constantly flows out of the government? Sorry, but meaningless scare tactics don't impress me. Furthermore, if two people can stimulate a panic without even doing anything, then the so-called bad guys win, period.

    In addition, this 'cry wolf' crap is really getting old. Here's an idea America: try minding your own business and stop pissing on the rest of the world. See how that works instead of the normal gospel-spreading course, please.

    Chances are whatever was going to happen was stopped. We'll never know the details. America hasn't issued anything like this here in the past several years I've been here. I'd rather be alerted and nothing happens than the alternate. I'm sure you'd among the first to be screaming why didn't somebody say something if there had been an attack with casuaties. There is no winning with people like you. Da%^ed if you do and Da%^ed if you don't.

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  3. Long time reader and seldom poster here. I just landed a few minutes before midnight and saw no fire or smoke. Things were very quiet at Swampy. I came in at E9 and there wasn't 20 people in that long corridor to the "T" where your turn to make your way to immigration. 3 people in front of me at the immigration queue. Nearly no traffic to Sukhumvit nor on Sukhumvit.

  4. Sitting in the KL LCC Terminal waiting for my flight back to Bangkok and thought I'd share my experience with the KL Thai embassy with you. FWIW..I hate AirAsia and will not travel with them again...what a hassle...but nice planes and crew...

    Dropped off the paperwork for my B and my wife's O visa yesterday 18 Feb. We arrived at the gate about 0910 and was done with no problems about 1 hour later. We picked up our passports and new visas at 1115 today the 19th. All this was done with little fuss and no problems. The staff was courteous and even thanked us for coming!

    Some tips...

    Arrive a little before 0900 to drop off and the line does start a bit early.

    Bring a pen. We did and loaned both out...never to see them again.

    If needed you can make copys across the street at a hotel for a small charge.

    When picking up the offical time is 1130 but the nice lady that handled our paperwork said to come at 1100 as they usually pass them out starting about 1115. She was right.

    They did not ask for a WP-3 but did ask me about my work permit as I'm starting anew here I told her I did not have a work permit as I needed my B visa first. This seemed to satisfy her request....it did not in Penang the last time I was thru there!

    For a Thai embassy it was a very pleasant and easy experience.

    Hope this helps somebody!

  5. Long time member and a very seldom poster here...

    Saw and heard many fire trucks, police, ambulances tonight about 1800. I knew they were close so I had to be nosy and found out the Indian Embassy had a decent sized fire. Not sure of the damage or if anyone was hurt. The power to Soi 23 was cut off and everybody from the shops etc were just standing around watching down the street which was closed off... Nobody seemed to know alot on the street either...So if you're planning on a vist to the embassy in the next few days I'd call ahead first.

  6. I applied today at the Thai consulate in Honolulu for a multiple entry Non Img B visa for my new job.  The consulate was staffed by an elderly couple who was very nice and helpful.  However, they could only issue a 1 entry 30 day Non Img B visa.  They said this was due to a fairly new rule passed down by the Royal Thai Embassy in Washington DC.  They were most apologetic and they only required a proper letter from my employer (with company seal) 1 passport photo and 1 application completed. The cost was twenty dollars U.S.  Time spent 15 minutes.
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