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Posts posted by Gene1960

  1. My current Non OA will expire in February, I plan to return to Thailand in January 2022. I have already renewed my med insurance 3mil/40k as was required by Phuket immigration.
    Do I need to buy a new 100k COVID insurance before the trip and do I need to pay for a one year COVID insurance or a I month one will suffice? AXA wrote me that my new policy will cover COVID among other illnesses after the first 30 days.

    I plan to apply for an extension after my arrival to Phuket. 


  2. On 12/1/2021 at 6:50 AM, jcmj said:

    Hopefully the fish population has grown over the past couple of years of semi peace. 

    No. It’s still difficult to catch anything closer to the shore. Even Koh Racha Noi is no good for bottom fishing. 

  3. 34 minutes ago, Tanomazu said:

    That's true, but you could have said the same of the German tank regiments in 1939.


    Unlike then I do not think any allies will play a major role. The UK is a country which currently looks like it will be running out of gas to produce basic consumer items, as well as running out of meat and concerned about food shortages. Australia is a very small country with negligible military capabilities. If a military conflict were to happen it would be largely down to the US and China. Even Russia would be unlikely to play a role, because the US have already stated that they would not invade China and Russia's strength is on land. Japan and South Korea have surface naval vessels but no submarine capabilities to speak of.


    If a Sino-American conflict happens it will be, without a doubt a naval affair. And the Chinese have developed new technology which even Pentagon planners think would at the press of a button destroy US aircraft carriers with missiles. The only option the US have is to engage in submarine warfare. To destroy the Chinese naval vessels that transport troops to Taiwan, and to destroy Chinese supply ships.


    China has 60 submarines. The USA has 66. But of those 14 are SSBNs, so nuclear missile submarines which would only play a role in an all out atomic war, which is more than extremely unlikely due to the need for self-preservation. After all China has 200-300 nuclear missiles that can destroy the entire US, the entire planet, many times over, and the US has even more missiles. For the reason of self-preservation alone therefore a full nuclear war is unlikely.


    A blockade of the sea around China is another matter, but the Germans did not really bring the UK to its knees despite a successful submarine campaign, whether the US could do so with China, with 52 submarines is hard to say.


    Either way I strongly doubt the Chinese will go to war with Taiwan. The US have already made clear they do not fancy a war with China, see Gen Mark Milley.



    It’s a very interesting analysis. Thank you. 

    First, Germany in 1939 was hardly inexperienced, it was only two decades from the end of the WW1. They had kept the capabilities and military education. 

    Second,  it’s impossible to defeat a continental power in a naval campaign. If you want to defeat China, you will have to destroy their commanding centers and any threat to the CCP/PLA command lines means a nuclear conflict. Impossible! That’s why I am not so much worried about the current situation with Taiwan. 


  4. 59 minutes ago, Tanomazu said:

    "China has the strongest military force in the world according to a study released on March 21 by defence website Military Direct.


    China wins in a sea war with 406 ships vs Russia with 278 and the USA or India with 202, it said."



    The Chinese army and navy has not been tested yet. The last time they made an excursion, the Vietnamese taught them a lesson. 

    • Haha 1
  5. On 10/15/2020 at 9:09 PM, placeholder said:

    You've got to be kidding.

    The Winter War[F 7] was a war between the Soviet Union (USSR) and Finland. It began with a Soviet invasion of Finland on 30 November 1939, three months after the outbreak of World War II, and ended three and a half months later with the Moscow Peace Treaty on 13 March 1940. Despite superior military strength, especially in tanks and aircraft, the Soviet Union suffered severe losses and initially made little headway.


    Finland ended up having to cede 11% of its territory and 30% of its economy to the Soviet Union.


    The post was not about Finland. It was about the part of Norway near the Russian border. Where local people fought against Nazis. 

  6. On 8/24/2020 at 8:31 PM, beano2274 said:

    people with Family in Thailand and those with Elite Visas can fly into Bangkok, why go out of their way and travel to Phuket???

    There is a difference between staying at a Phuket resort and staying at a hotel room in Bangkok. Even for a fortnight. 

  7. 5 hours ago, tartampion said:

    A good link to read from top to bottom :

    The true face of Thailand today


    Quote :”Love is Sex and Sex is Love. Period.
    Love and sex are constrained within the principles of Buddha : celibacy is better than family life, and sex is very limited by the teachings of Buddha : you can have sex only with a single and adult honest woman. Thais are really not concerned by the pleasures of sex, even prostitutes who just simulatesexual pleasure. Just for the show”

    The author does not sound like a happy and lucky person.


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