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Posts posted by canman46

  1. This a very good policy put in place for the families who come to be with their husbands who are allowed to work in Thailand,form Burma,cambodia.This is all funded by the goverment which gets a budget directly from the P.M.s office.(the ministry of health is desperately trying to get control this huge budget) as long as the universal health care and coverage(NHSO) is in control there is monies to cover even us and at a very good rate B 2200 a drop in the bucket for us so we are riding on the coat tails of migrant families.NHSO one of the best run and top professional organizations in Thailand wants everyone to be covered, as they believe this is a universal right..........should the ministry of health take over watch out we will be the first group to be cut.A silent war is being staged, so for all of us expats lets keep our fingers crossed that the status quo prevails.

  2. Correct canadian health care works only when in the country>he should have asked his employer about insurance, if not ,he should have got private!

    no reason for anyone not to wear a helmet !!......very hard to get this across in Thailand ! Freedom is a great thing but common sense is even better! so now he goes to the hospital and will be taken care of,no questions asked but someone must pay for his treatment and not the the Thai health care system, which is very good and I know first hand! Lucky to have caring parents!.......another good reason for NHSO(public health care provider) to push

    for a tourist coverage system................because this is a burden on thailand if no one pays and the person just pulls a runner(when better) and goes home!!But I can hear all the noise if people are forced to buy health care ins.when arriving...as a canadian myself I think it is sad we are not covered when we leave the country, but jeess he should have known !Hope for a speedy recovery!

  3. Hello Look for any new seiko mecanical.with a glass back and no battery,these are quality watches that work and wind as you move your arm.stay away from that works on solar power or that has a movement that produces electricity.look good but expensive and do not hold well.seiko 5 are a really good watch and do no lose their value the minute u walk out the door in fact they keep their value but need to clean every 10 years,whichi reasonable.The best watch to day is still a mechanical omega super quality,will only go up in value and almost as good as rolex at half the cost! life cycle 30- 40 years...in fact i have omegas in my collection running every day 50 years !!!!

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